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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Davie is great, he plays well. His 'Surf' playing with the 'Fidget Spinner' is a bit of a laugh.
  2. Not really bothered about what's written on the headstock of my Fender Jazz look a like Bass. But, I must say, Sadowsky NYC looks just fine.
  3. There is a vendor plugin within ST1 V3 called 'Pipeline'. Using Pipeline is the usual procedure when using external hardware FX. It helps with controlling latency and phase issues. You can't drag the Apollo fx straight into the 'bin', because it is not a VST or VST'i. Try looking at this short Presonus video, it might explain things. (On anther note, I think Presonus are just about to release an update, one of the issues addressed is the high CPU use and spiking that is affecting a lot of folks). http://youtu.be/q_gweD57AQk
  4. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1495287620' post='3302730'] Kinda puts that Maruszcyk video thread in context, don't it?! [/quote] Indeed.
  5. I think the guy plays well. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feICBWaxuhg[/media]
  6. For me, it's just a (Pro) musician demoing a vendor Bass. Just part of the job discription I take it for what it is, and that it is just a player improvising on the spot. Some of it good, some a bit messy. No big deal, it works (IMO). Actually, plenty of his YouTube Ensemble playing is good, in fact very good. He can certainly 'Groove' in a band situation. On a couple of videos, his soloing seems on the money as well. More than likely why he is an Endorsee (He knows what he is doing). Good luck to the guy.
  7. I presume this is the meter reader ? If so, yeah, I share your horror. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltmIJTWEeXs
  8. Are you talking about this, or something else ? https://help.uaudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/206780533-Using-Hardware-Inserts-with-Apollo-Twin
  9. Steinberg VST Connect Pro. (One of you has to use Cubase though). https://www.steinberg.net/en/products/vst/vst_connect/vst_connect_pro.html
  10. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1495041837' post='3300821'] The standing up is really important is it? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DW5CKoaIZJg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DW5CKoaIZJg[/url] [/quote] Haha.... "Rhythmstick" album. It don't get any better than that. Sitting, standing. I think AJ can play standing on his head.
  11. Wojtek is just messing on that clip, I am sure we have all done it at home. A bit of freedom with the tempo, pushing, pulling, breathing, movement, that's what folks do when in solo form. When playing with others, he seems to fit the bill quite well, it seems. (I enjoy his playing). http://youtu.be/VVnehUZJlxA
  12. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1494942848' post='3299807'] Can anyone suggest something like this that DOESN'T need the full version of Kontakt (HOW MUCH?!)? Have a few songs that could benefit from these sort of sounds. Total newb at this sort of stuff though... [/quote] I believe there is a free sample player knocking about on the web that might load Kontakt libraries and patches. IIRC, Dad3353 has this, so he would possibly know more about it. Hopefully he will come along, if not PM him.
  13. [quote name='Mcgiver69' timestamp='1494931683' post='3299636'] [b]- Sennheiser [/b][b]Drumic'a[/b][b]:[/b] This is free drum kit that uses Kontakt, this won't stop after 15 mins like most free Kontakt libraries. It is a whopping 9gb but sounds great and you can select among 3 mics to tailor your sound. Can be bussed too. Website is in German so you'll need Google Translate, just register to receive your activation code. http://de-de.sennheiser.com/drummica [/quote] Ok cheers. Might check this one out. Regarding free Kontakt libraries timing out after 15 minutes. That only happens in the free Kontakt player, not the full version of Kontakt. Something to do with the vendor not supplying a license, and the reason I think, is that it will cost them a fee to Native Instruments for a license for the player version, but not the full version. EDIT: The reason this VST has a license/activation code is, it was given away with a magazine or maybe a small fee originally .....But anyway, free now for both the NI samplers. Thanks for the link.
  14. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1494913450' post='3299443'] I did my Jazz East gig last Sunday with harmonica player Adam Glasser. I just got this feedback. 'Dear Rob, Thanks once again for inviting me to play - you are my absolute favourite group of musicians for a listening supportive musical jazz experience, getting together on spec!' How lovely!!! Makes it all worthwhile. [/quote] Great stuff !! Adam is a lovely player and that tone is just beautiful. His Piano playing is pretty sweet as well.
  15. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1494796316' post='3298624'] I played on the same bill as Brotherhood of Man a few years ago. The two girls were very nice and friendly but one of the blokes was an incredibly rude and arrogant **** and, having been there for their soundcheck, I know exactly how much of their live sound is actually on their backing tracks... [/quote] Haha... It used to be all live, full band, along with some extra instruments on click track (IIRC). I did a few gigs on Bass with them (Cabaret gigs at Butlins/Pontins). Yes, the girls were lovely. But like you said, the guy in question, could be a bit, lets say.. overzealous on occasions. (But generally ok)
  16. [quote name='Steve Browning' timestamp='1494841004' post='3298826'] My Dad was also an Archer Street chap! [/quote] You more than likely know the history, but still a good read. http://www.muhistory.com/from-the-archive-4-archer-street-london/ A marvellous, short documentary and a get together. http://youtu.be/U2Esuz5CnAc
  17. [quote name='Steve Browning' timestamp='1494834811' post='3298752'] I can recommend the George Melly book 'Owning Up' as a brilliant first hand account of life in a band in those days - and the opinions of other musicians to those in the Jazz/Rock'n'Roll world. [/quote] Yes, a really good read. I am 60, so not quite a relic from those days. Although, my dad often talked about his days of 'real' musicians and 'Rock & Roll' players. My dad was an 'Archer Street' chap, and unfortunately, there was some MU and big band snobbery towards the young whipper snappers. In fact, I quite often heard my dad's mates blaming the Beatles for the Big Band decline.
  18. [quote name='Buzzy' timestamp='1494774979' post='3298437'] Hi Basschatters, has anyone got a transcription of Bob Babbitts bassline for Freda Paynes Band of Gold ? I need to learn it by Saturday for a party. thanks Buzzy [/quote] Here is another transcription (more than likely came from Talkbass IIRC) - Just Notation . When downloaded, change the file extension to pdf, otherwise it will not open. Hope this helps.
  19. Here is a chart with Notation and Tab for folks who want that instead. It's been knocking round the net for a while. Not checked it, but I seem to remember that it's ok. It's easy enough to work out if there are any mistakes. (Not sure who did the chart, someone over at TalkBass ? but of course, credit to him/her). http://www.punkjob.com/BandOfGoldBassG2.pdf
  20. [url="https://postimg.org/image/ypd26nfxf/"] [/url] [url="https://postimg.org/image/ypd26nfxf/"] [/url] [url="https://postimg.org/image/ypd26nfxf/"][/url]
  21. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1494715618' post='3298141'] All except one; the winner..! [/quote] By a country mile as well. Super writing and arranging. (IMO of course) Graham Norton...oh dear....
  22. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1494676078' post='3297772'] Since the 60's and the demise of dance bands, the MU's condescending attitude to any of the popular forms of music and the world the guys playing it inhabited, ensured they had limited relevance to any musician born after 1945. They were a necessary evil in the old days if you were trying to work in "official" and "traditional" entertainment, ie TV, studios, theatre and foreign tours, where they had things tied up. Even if you were a member, have a dispute with anyone they didn't recognise, like most managers, agents, record companies, pubs, clubs and venues that weren't unionised and they were at best disinterested and usually useless. A lot of the West End pit guys quit (80's or 90's can't remember) when the MU did a deal (against the wishes of the players) with the theatre owners to allow digital instruments into the shows, thus putting lots of players jobs at risk. I was in the MU once. Only because it was a requirement for the tour. Apart from the insurance they are an expense most musicians don't need. [/quote] Regarding the 80/90's, Chris b, It was a little more complicated, along with a few other factors as well. Interesting read here about that period. http://www.muhistory.com/contact-us/1971-1980/ Funniest part of the MU - The annual Diary !! The Nokia or Motorola hastened the demise of the public appearance of that diary. You waved the phone around rather than the diary Then there was the Union Card. When presented, you got good discounts getting into Ronnie Scott's.
  23. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1494665390' post='3297660'] beat combo! .[/quote] M'lud.
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