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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. If you don't like the music... Take the stairs A few good ones in there. Although rather fast, I quite like 'Spain'
  2. Bob Berg, one of my favourite Tenor players. His Soprano playing was pretty special as well. Love this album. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMFn6VLW66g An a straight ahead gig. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMFn6VLW66g
  3. Parker, Brecker, Mintzer.Gezt.You can go on and on....
  4. [quote name='bassjim' timestamp='1493113323' post='3285637'] This makes me laugh when these types turn up. I was told about this local mystical great guitar hero who had been around the world playing with this and that ect. Guy turns up. Gets all this flash gear out. Plugs in and indeed a great clean guitar tone. No interest in checking out over driven sounds as a priority and just sounds brilliant. Really nice guy to talk to. Blah blah blah. Has got all the tunes in chart form plus various "notes" he has made. This is gonna be great. What a treat. Ok lets get on with the gig then. Guy doesn't know his arse from his elbow start to finish. Tries to cover it up with a few "amazing" solos but this is not an "amazing" solo guitar band. This is funk disco soul covers with arrangements that have stops and starts with featured brass lines we all play ect. " Oh sorry man. I only had like this afternoon to go over it". "But you agreed you wanted to do the gig 4 weeks ago?"..........huh! [/quote] So, a dep turns up with clean Guitar sounds for your 'Funk, Disco, Soul Covers band ? But you prefer Overdriven sounds? Is your band, AC/DC does Chic? Sorry, the vision you created just made me giggle. Carry on.
  5. [quote name='ProfJames' timestamp='1493276745' post='3287005'] But if you like the sax try out Colin Stetson, incredible...................https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra-EsJpkG9o [/quote] I got a chance to see him a couple of years back when I was on tour in Germany. I thought it was great to start with, he is a very impressive player. But, it all got very Ambient/Soundscaping and droned on a bit (but then again that's his thing these days). He did a couple things on Contra Bass Clarinet which I liked. Certainly an Interesting player.
  6. The Rolling Stones win this years 'Album of the Year' award at UK's [u][b]Jazz [/b][/u]FM awards, [color=#000000]“We started off a very long time ago in London trying to play clubs, and those clubs were jazz clubs,” recalled Mick Jagger, collecting the publicly voted prize at London’s Shoreditch Town Hall alongside bandmates Ronnie Wood and Charlie Watts earlier Tuesday evening (April 25). [/color] [color=#000000] [/color][color=#000000] [/color]
  7. Voted. Well done all. Three I really liked that worked great with the picture (all with different approaches).
  8. Some lovely playing from Red Mitchell, along with Kenny Barron and a Drummer called Ben Riley. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HV005BZ5-oY
  9. [quote name='Kevin Dean' timestamp='1493134176' post='3285939'] so no recomendations of agencies then [/quote] What are you after ? For your band to do an audition for an agency that books bands ? Or are you after an audition for yourself with a Function/Tribute band ? Your OP is a little bit confusing.
  10. [quote name='Jam' timestamp='1493111191' post='3285612'] I was playing some Mario with the other half last night and fancied trying to work out some of the bass to some of the songs - Nintendo games generally have some pretty interesting arrangements and they tend to get stuck in your head if you have to keep replaying the levels... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6MfnbeilTY[/media] I sat down and tried to work out the above note for note, but have struggled a little. I can pick out a fair bit of it but struggled to get everything perfect. I'm enjoying myself doing it, I'm using it as ear training so am trying to avoid transcriptions but would appreciate any advice from people who often work out basslines/key signatures by ear. Am starting by picking out the root notes and fleshing out the rest with some pausing and repeating. I have a fairly rudimentary knowledge of theory and suspect more knowledge of key signatures and chord progressions would be useful! [/quote] Haha...I know this theme inside out. My oldest Boy transcribed the whole above score over a couple of days - Constant playing and rewinding drove me mad !!! Then not long after he found this site (below). Loads of those Mario game themes and tunes written out in Condensed Piano Score. I know this is an 'Ear' thread, but this might be useful for the above Mario Theme 'Shifty Boo Mansion'. Again, It's a reduced Piano Score, but the Bass line is written down with the Piano Bass notes. All good for sight reading practise for playing along with the YouTube Videos. [attachment=244064:Shifty Boo Mansion.pdf] (Mario charts below in the link - On the left hand side there are other game titles). They are in PDF, MuseScore and Midi File format (on the right hand side of the page for download - Just right click on the icons). [url="http://www.ninsheetmusic.org/browse/series/SuperMario"]http://www.ninsheetm...ries/SuperMario[/url] [b]EDIT[/b]: If you download the PDF file, you will have to change the file extension from ipb to pdf. I believe it is something to do with the forum software.
  11. [quote name='AdamWoodBass' timestamp='1493129634' post='3285869'] In fairness, nothing wrong with a pbass with flats! [/quote] Of course not..Just jesting.
  12. I try to avoided words like 'Tempo Rubato', 'Unrestrained', 'Lyrical', because folks only tell you to shut up and go and get a PBass with flats on and invest in a Plectrum****
  13. With headphones on, yes, I can hear it. Like you said, maybe a lead ? Or indeed, try Dad's suggestion. But, to be honest, I am only posting regards the quality of the playing and composition (improvision). Lovely.... I really like the 'toing and froing', tempo wise, especially the middle section. Really makes it breath like a classical piece. Top work.
  14. Bert, was cool and a lovely guy (he was much loved in the music business). I did quite a few gigs and shows with him over the years. Not exactly a taxing Bass gig, but enjoyable, non the less. (And i got I signed copy of his book).....
  15. Good lord. This thread is in danger of having no Coda. Just a R & R till fade.
  16. Yes Touch OSC works great (well on iPad). But, I have just had my head turned with this, and for about ten/eleven quid, I will be going down this route... 'Metagrid for IOS' (excellent for Audio & Midi) I am a Cubase user and it seems it works great on this. http://metasystem.io/ Over at the VI Control forum, there is a thread regarding 'Metagrid' that might well be worth checking out. http://vi-control.net/community/threads/metagrid-for-ios.
  17. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1492534285' post='3281031'] Dr Hook - Sexy Eyes [/quote] This Disco thing back then was catchy it seems... I think Dr Hook made it a Habit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gutSCU4-3Q The Bellamy Brothers Joined in as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjFjgRo4A3M
  18. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1492535978' post='3281050'] Average White Band Let's Go Round Again [/quote] When I first started visiting 'The Disco' (early 70's), 'Put it Where You Want It' was being played a lot. So maybe that counts as their first one ? Possibly?
  19. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1492531950' post='3281006'] I'm not generally a fan of massed guitar music, as it normally sounds horribly contrived and artificial to my ears, but I actually thought this was pretty convincing. They do have some orchestral stuff as well - 'Mars' from The Planets is a good example if you can find it. I wouldn't want to listen to them for any length of time (and the long-haired guy who seems to be the leader comes over as a bit of dick TBH), but as a one-off I thought it was ok. [/quote] Yes, I agree and I enjoyed it. I was just amused that they played it in B minor (in true Guitarist fashion). I will look for 'Mars'.
  20. If you can make a £50.00 Casio sound like that, I think you might be onto something. Especially, if it can make 'Toccata & Fugue In D minor', sound like it's 'Toccata & Fugue In B minor'....
  21. [quote name='Cuzzie' timestamp='1492448882' post='3280339'] Dunno mate, they all look the same........ [/quote] Certainly don't dance the same !!
  22. [quote name='Cuzzie' timestamp='1492446347' post='3280299'] @Cato you will like this then. I am black and was in a small town folk festival milling around, when I came across a group of fully blacked up Morris Dancers. Their abject shock at seeing a 'real' black face was priceless, they did a double take, crossed the road and scuttled away quite sheepishly. I was upset as in that area of little Britain I thought I would be the only 'coloured' in the village...... ;-) Still makes me laugh now [/quote] Could it have been this lot ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53LZI6UBvTs
  23. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1492441057' post='3280251'] Oooh, that's sharp. [/quote] Oh, I dunno. After my stunning OP, I think it fell flat on it's face.
  24. From Facebook. [b]Gsus has risen. [/b] [url=https://postimg.org/image/kgm9pyw85/][/url]
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