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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='Stickman' timestamp='1490114593' post='3262293'] Hi Eric, I'm guessing you mean the unison line with the saxophone? The notes higher than the Eb are played as artificial harmonics, you can see it in great detail in the clip below: http://youtu.be/F02mBkBoMQw?t=1m42s By the way, no bends - all articulations are either slides or hammer ons. [/quote] I just to listened to the live version you posted. It's slightly different from the studio version? On the studio version he doesn't play the unison harmonics line after he hits that top Eb. Well, he does play a long harmonic, with a pizz Eb (x2) underneath. Unless I am hearing it wrong (on my iPad), then my apologies, and carry on... (I am drivelling on about the first unison section, at around 02:00).
  2. I thought the top note was an Eb? Accessible on any 34" Fender, so no need for an Octave Pedal. It's been a long time since I played this, but I don't seem to remember running out of frets or lines on my Fender Jazz Bass. Just been having a listen. Apart from the lovely playing from a Jaco, I forgot what a terrific solo it was from Wayne Shorter. It's funny how you miss things over the years. Just noticed the harmony line that Jaco plays along with his Melody at 04:22. http://youtu.be/boNCY0Ai44M
  3. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1489965151' post='3261192'] No Particular Place To Go. . . . played today as the encore. I loved every second. Also this week sees the 50th anniversary of Purple Haze. So we played Fire. Close enough! [/quote] What, No 'White Cliffs Of Dover' ? The Dame is 100 Today...
  4. Do these two by Frank Z count ? Totally out there ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSdkPMc7aEo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpNn1nht0_8
  5. Yeah, he is great. I like the duo he did with Gilson Peranzzetta. Actually, that was the first time I heard him. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dx3Xn4gkv_g[/media]
  6. Roll Over, Beethoven. Another great is on the way. I guess, at some point in our gigging lives, we have all played a Chuck Berry song. Which is quite remarkable. R.I.P.
  7. Always willing to listen to anything associated with JP. One of my favourite musicians. This is lovely. Very well played, Ben.
  8. [quote name='Downdown' timestamp='1489834316' post='3260166'] A high heart rate alone is not necessarily a good thing. Stress can do much the same thing. [/quote] He was playing 'The Birdie Song' at the time.So yes, it was more than likely stress.
  9. Andrew really does know his movies... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XGHNwk8eiQ
  10. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1489659574' post='3258675'] Big King Louis and the Barockettes, playing a selection of French 17th century rock and roll ditties. [/quote] Remember them well. Also, don't forget 'Vivaldi and his Venetian Swingers'. They were real Baroque & Roll.... Back then they used to throw their Cart Keys onto the table.
  11. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1489595836' post='3258263'] Baroque I always forget which came first: Rococobilly or Baroqueabilly. [/quote]
  12. It's down to you. Always come in on time - Never late. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-1KtSOwLXE&feature=share
  13. When is a (middle C) C3 not a C3? When it's a C4.... Us (Yamaha) Cubasers know the answer. http://computermusicresource.com/midikeys.html
  14. Yes, certainly the way to go and really does make workflows a breeze. Although our Studio is just for Composing media cues, we found the TouchOSC fantastic for midi work (Cubase) Especially for templates for various sample library articulations and controlling CC#'s. Just got a second iPad Air for this. Early days, but it really seems to be the business. [url="http://metasystem.io"]http://metasystem.io[/url] I use it for Cubase 9 and Studio One. I believe it is also for Logic Pro and Digital Performer. http://metasystem.io/video/video.html
  15. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1489486236' post='3257273'] It's like the chat room for SAGA Holidays in here. Not that I lurk in the SAGA Holidays chat room and am able to make this comparison from personal experience, of course. That is all. As you were. [/quote] I depped on a Two Week Saga Cruise, about 8/9 years ago. Couldn't play anything above about 60 bpm, without someone falling over and breaking a bone. And that was just the band...Horrible experience.
  16. Yes, a very sweet player. Great musical feel.
  17. Most things fit in with music theory, even the 'Buddy Holly Chord/Interval' (as is known in some circles, or Flatted (lower) Submediant 'b VI'). It's been around for ever. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Submediant
  18. I can't help, I am lazy. I tend to purchase Sample Libs with Round Robins. I really should attempt to do what you are doing at some point in Kontakt. Have you tried a request over at the CWITEC/KVR forum ? http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=213
  19. [quote name='Marty Forrer' timestamp='1489461722' post='3257134'] Uh, Paul Warning, Peggy Sue has 4 chords. Just being pedantic. [/quote] What's an 'F' between friends.
  20. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1489398245' post='3256507'] Absolutely - even if he did nick the odd melody & chord progression from others. [/quote] Good Composers Borrow, Great Composers Steal. (not my words).
  21. Ibanez had a similar thing going on a few years back. Maybe the Six string didn't catch on, so they upped the game with a seven string. [url="https://postimg.org/image/51r4jdgpv/"][/url]
  22. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1489237527' post='3255376'] Now sorted. I needed to download the elicenser software and then get Elements 8 via a grace period download. Got there in the end and now have the beats I paid for ages ago! Cheers for your help, it steered me in the right direction [/quote] Good stuff.
  23. Have you tried (after the original install) downloading and installing the Elements 7 update? [url="https://www.steinberg.net/en/support/downloads/downloads_cubase_elements_7.html"]https://www.steinber...elements_7.html[/url] Elements is now up to version 9, I would have thought that during the upgrade that It would have given you the option to upgrade to the current version and not a 4 year old legacy version. It's possible that there are two VST folders installed, one for A1 7 and one for Elements. If so, you will have to navigate to the second folder as well. That will be under options etc.
  24. I thought Cubase Elements only had Groove Agent SE4? Sounds like you have installed Cubase A1 7 rather than Elements. Elements has the Drum software. I am not sure that A17 has? Have you tried the Steinberg set up videos? Well worth a look. Cubase A17 and Elements 7 http://youtu.be/sBVwMnoz6tY
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