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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Unfortunately, you just take it on the chin and do a good job (this time). Then in the future if they call again, enquire if this is likely to happened again. If it is, politely decline the gig if it bothers you. But, I must admit, in my life time of depping on shows and functions, and indeed if I am getting cover for myself, folks generally have the attitude of...'You look after your dep/subs'. Because you never know when you might need them at short notice. If you are the regular and your other gig/show falls through, just swallow it and have a night off. Nothing more embarrassing than asking for your gig back. Unless you are scared of losing your gig, of course.. What I usually do if it's my gig gone tits up, is ring up the other player involved and suggest that if he gets offered another gig on that day, maybe offer that to me, or he does that gig and I do my original gig. (providing band leaders/fixers agree, of course). Even if you are the original player, it never pays to be a tit in these situations. You never know when you might want another gig yourself.
  2. I wouldn't worry about messing up HMWYRS, even 'Norman' has a fight with it sometimes... I suppose the thing with it is, relax when your playing it and don't force it. Whoops, at around 00:48 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBIRj3JW3h0
  3. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1487280480' post='3238675'] I've just recently started to appreciate Jazz after years of not being interested in it at all and most recently I've really been enjoying checking out a lot of the Yellowjackets' stuff on you tube. There's a piece in this video that starts at 24:55 in that I'd like to know the name of if anyone can help me at all? [media]http://youtu.be/rLjZUCtZpSk[/media] [/quote] Some real old Yellowjackets that you might enjoy, with some lovely playing all round. From the 'Casino Lights' Album. 'Monmouth College Flight Song'. Terrific solo Guitar from Robben Ford and grooving Bass from Jimmy Haslip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl3e0BZTsXQ And 'Revelation'. Although a YJ tune, for some reason a couple of different players on this TV version. A pair of wasters called Alex Acuna (Drums) & Will Lee (Bass). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9Lmm9rzZfY
  4. [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1487941750' post='3244389'] Mind you I loved and still love Nightfly, despite seeing an unfavourable review of it on this forum a few weeks ago. [/quote] Yes, made me chuckle. I think it is a great album, and considering this is a Bass Players forum, the amount of serious Bass work on that album goes completely under the Radar.
  5. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1487823109' post='3243256'] Ive been listening to this album for a long time, but didn't realise Donald was playing the bass synth on this record under the name of Harian Post. Why.? I'm not sure. But what a bass line.!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feBV-d4X8Cw&list=PLUaelUnfaBtQ3Tn7qHOo9ZRAfyptuj_ro&index=7 [/quote] Yes, that Bass line is a good one from Harian. Also, a great set of chord changes on 'Good Stuff'. 'Phonus Quaver' is another name he used somewhere. I found that quite amusing as well.
  6. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1487784223' post='3242892'] Anyway, new plan. What I loved about LCOS and Albion V were the frozen string type sounds. I got the Frozen Strings Labs instrument and have been playing with some of my existing sample libraries too. So I intend to create a template in Reaper with one of these and tweak it with EQ, delay/reverb/whatever to make them sound frozen, icy, glitchy or whatever. So in effect, trying to emulate the sounds I like from those libraries. [/quote] Actually, that's a great idea. It's given me some ideas as well. Cheers for that.....
  7. [quote name='Fisheth' timestamp='1487770119' post='3242625'] I want a Harris! [/quote] I think you have already got one! Well, a posh one anyway.
  8. Also the Steinberg UR22 (mk2) is worth checking out (£99.00). It can be used with iPads as well. A cut down version of Cubase comes with it (also some Synths and various Sounds). Details and review here. https://ask.audio/articles/review-steinberg-ur22-mk-ii-audio-interface
  9. [quote name='Jazzjames' timestamp='1487714385' post='3242169'] Word [/quote] Funny enough, James, earlier I was listening to your 'Guy Lefleur' transcription down in the theory cellar. Top, top work. Lovely accurate transcription on your website and very well played too.
  10. Anthony Jackson. It don't get any better musically wise.
  11. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1487697253' post='3241950'] You've made me think a bit more about this now. [/quote] Often overlooked in Albion One is the other material (The Hybrid side of things). Huge amount of sounds that all fit and sit together (Sound and Mix wise) with the Traditional patches. 'Stephenson's Steam Band' - Mangled Traditional Instruments. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcCVZXjjts4 Also 'The Brunel Loops' (The Synth Side Of Things). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei-f_T1Us9A&spfreload=5
  12. [quote name='Shonks' timestamp='1487436223' post='3239813'] blimey, i forgot about this one...the amount of times I've had to play it on my own....OMG [/quote] You can't seriously be suggesting that there are gigging musicians who don't know 'Happy Birthday' ? Or are you ?.... Lordy, I hope you are jesting. Edit: Don't forget your Rubbers !!!
  13. I suppose you have to ask yourself, what you would use each lib for? Albion One is very much multi purpose and if ones knowledge on Orchestrating is minimal, it would be a great asset. String sections are highs, mids and lows (Same with Woodwinds & Brass). All recorded in the same hall along with the Percussion. Makes arranging and mixing that much easier. With the LCOS (above), you would be mixing and matching Woodwinds and Brass from the Kontakt lib. Makes mix down that much harder because of the different reverbs and halls etc. Unless you are thinking of buying SA Woods and Brass as well? Albion is a Swiss Knife, along with the Synth patches, it makes good for Hybrid Orchestral work as well and is all self contained. LCOS is more left field soundwise and specialised, split up into Vlns1, Vlns 2, Violas, Basses & Celli sections. Must admit, I have my eyes on it. It would make a good companion for Albion One.
  14. Works fine here. (iPad Air, Safari, iOS 10. I went to page 45, and all the videos were loaded and playing. So, I don't think it is an iOS 10 thing? Sorry, not much help really.
  15. [quote name='Yank' timestamp='1487501854' post='3240183'] Miles Davis- Bye, Bye Blackbird [/quote] Yes, that is nice with some great solos. I particularly like Red Garlands solo on that track. Actually, the whole album is terrific.
  16. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1487457664' post='3240028'] On My Own - great voices, great music, but totally scuppered by that lyric!! (sorry, didn't want to keep reposting the video content). [/quote] Oh, ok. Don't bother me to be honest. I just love the tune and the terrific singing. Some history. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_My_Own_(Patti_LaBelle_and_Michael_McDonald_song) Edit: For some reason, that Wiki link is redirecting?
  17. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1487455679' post='3240006'] Oof, afraid "Now that we are talking divorce and we're not even married" completely ruined that one for me [/quote] What one?
  18. Big 80's tune with big hair. http://youtu.be/ymuWb8xtCsc Fabulous intro. http://youtu.be/aaZ3uo-cH-Y
  19. http://youtu.be/H7u5GtSIC5k http://youtu.be/KsH63qJlIMM
  20. That's Dane Alderson on Bass. Great groover and very melodic when soloing. Geraldine is a lovely tune. There are a few concert versions knocking around on YouTube.
  21. lowdown


    [quote name='darren' timestamp='1487186153' post='3237919'] If you're experimenting with slap and the phone rings it's probably the 1980s asking for their bass back. [/quote] Well, if you are slapping and the phone rings, that's good. yes? For some Bassists, the phone never rings.
  22. [quote name='Bbiigg Kev' timestamp='1487158879' post='3237585'] Any way I thought we were on about rubbers !!! [/quote] And, lead in one's pencil.
  23. lowdown


    Al Jarreau having a Jam before going into 'Boogie Down'. Not sure who the Bassist is, but nice tight playing. (lefty upside down playing as well ) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwY1k6p1XCc&list=PLTgVuOBoqUH7WgPjpUS7E92De6D_ZuVH2&index=47[/media]
  24. Don't knock the watch. Apart from the obvious things mentioned for a working band (as said above in various posts). The second hand on a watch can be useful: [i][size=4][color=#333333][font=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]"Referencing a watch is a great way to quickly find the tempo for songs at or near 60 and 120 bpm"[/font][/color][/size][/i] [i][size=4][color=#333333][font=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif] [/font][/color][/size][/i][i][color=#333333][font=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif] [/font][/color][/i]
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