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Everything posted by truebassman

  1. Count me in.
  2. Like the poster - I once spent the night in St Marys Lighthouse when I worked for North Tyneside Council (long story !) That was obviosly before they turned it into the bassguitarlookingbuilding it is now. Sting not invited ??
  3. Am new to BC and playing bass (don't know the names of the notes yet !) but can make some interesting sounds. This sounds a good event to me. What I lack in experience I can probably make up for in talking crap. Looking forward to meeting some people who can 'play proper like'. Will contribute to food & drink. Shall I bring my £200 bass (OLP Stingray copy) I'm very proud of or will it just be embarassing/laughed at ? I'm the sort of person who would bring it in a plastic carrier bag ! Cheers Truebassman
  4. AM1 I see BassChat as a forum for Bass Players period. Forget the term 'beginner' or 'intermediate' or 'advanced'. We are ALL THE SAME ! YOU are no longer a 'beginner'. The best way to stop 'feeling like a beginner' is doing some practice, then you feel immediately better. I agree it is important for beginners to communicate with each other. But, you can already do this at present through this forum. TIP: Don't self -analyse, just ENJOY your bass playing whatever. If you ENJOY it, you will get better. If you don't ENJOY it, you should stop playing ? If you are still frustrated, why not start your own Beginners Bass Forum ? I wish you luck.
  5. [quote name='Tone le Bone' post='282167' date='Sep 11 2008, 09:19 PM']I wish I had half this guys talent! The guys a genius, fantastic feel to his bass lines.[/quote] Not a bad collection of guitars either. I esp like the white precision bass ('76?)
  6. [quote name='MuseMatt' post='282105' date='Sep 11 2008, 07:42 PM']This guy has a mix of lessons and some great vids with grooves in which you can easily see his movements: [url="http://uk.youtube.com/user/MarloweDK"]http://uk.youtube.com/user/MarloweDK[/url][/quote] Thanks for this MuseMatt - just what I was looking for and all on one site, excellent. 270 examples should keep me going for a while ! This MarloweDK chap doesn't seem too bad a player either Plenty of good funky/soul stuff here with some James Brown to make me FEEL GOOD.
  7. I've been self-teaching for a while and dipping into YouTube now and again but there is so much stuff out there (good and bad). Does anyone know/seen any good examples showing techniques or tracks to practice for beginners ? I know it sounds like I'm being to lazy to search - I am !! Any suggestions ? Punk/funk/rock anything really that you think would be useful rather than just some dude 'showing off' Muchas gracias.
  8. Thank you for the welcome and the sound tuition advice. Just need to find the right tutor !
  9. Hi and Happy Birthday to Basschat ! I'm new to this Forum malarki so apologies if this looks and reads really bad. I may yet to learn about how to use smiley faces and acronyms. Me: Just passed 40 and decided I needed to learn bass, if only to have fun jamming with my son on his drumkit (any good tips on this?). Have found it more fun/addictive than I thought I would. Been playing, teaching myself for about a year but feel ready to 'move up a gear'. Live in Cumbria and work in Newcastle. Kit: I bought an OLP Musicman copy from a guitar shop in 'the toon' which I am very pleased with now it has some new Rotosound nickel strings (getting a bit geeky now ?) on it. I'd only ever heard of Fender but couldn't afford one. I tried every guitar in the shop but liked the neck and feel of the OLP so went for it plus a Marshall MB30 practice amp which also seems to do the trick. For £300 I am more than happy with what I have bought. Inspiration: All styles of music but basswise tend to prefer rock where the bass can shine through with a bit of punch (but not boring flashy stuff) - Phil Lynott,Flea,JJ Burnell ? Goal: Progress by jamming with others or joining a band. First I think I need a few lessons to teach me how to do this successfully. Can I do this by by-passing the sheet music/scales/tabs etc ? Might sound like I'm being lazy but I know I enjoy more and learn better by 'playing myself' if this makes sense. Any suggestions or possible tutor contacts in Newcastle/N.Cumbria welcomed.
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