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The Veg

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Everything posted by The Veg

  1. Maybe practise a bit with some plywood mockups?
  2. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1439592045' post='2844322'] I'm really drawn to an Ovation Magnum I or II never played one but i love the shape and pickup set up. [/quote] I had a Magnum II back in the early '90s. Really cool instrument and very interesting in many ways, but the big thick neck ultimately just didn't get along with me.
  3. 1980s esh Serious Bass. Virtually unknown over here in USA, but I fell in lust with it when I lived in Germany in the late '80s. Haven't laid eyes on one in person in 26 years but I still fantasise about it.
  4. I'm that weirdo who doesn't like traditional Fender designs. I find them as dull-looking as four-dour Chevys. Not a fan of the big 'elephant-ear' tuners either or any tuner with exposed gears on any kind of bass. I don't like that three-post bridge on Gibson basses. Not a fan of too-small pegheads/headstocks; they need to have some visual balance against the body size. Hate headless. If by 'coffee table' you guys mean really exotic, very highly-figured woods, I'm mostly OK with those but there are some in recent years that seem like burls and look more like metamorphic rock than like wood and those haven't quite settled with me. I never liked exposed truss-rods ends (or the holes they live in) either.
  5. Current: Aria Pro II Cat Bass Kawai FIIB Fender Performer Former: Warwick Streamer Stage II Rickenbacker 4003 Charvel Eliminator Ovation Magnum II Univox Mosrite-copy Nameless Japanese violin-style hollowbody Hagstrom hollowbody Houben extra-long-scale acoustic bass guitar prototype And I feel like I'm forgetting one or two as well.
  6. [quote name='6feet7' timestamp='1439457019' post='2842943']I used to love 80's basses - I had a couple of 80's Aria SB100's, an SB 700 and two Ibanez Roadstar 2 RB 850's - all long gone now though. It's a couple of modern Corts (an A4 and a B4) with upgraded Nordstrand electrics for me nowadays - I don't worry about knocking them or anything happening to them whereas with anything 'collectible' I could never relax when out gigging.[/quote] I know what you mean! The Fender Performer is the only one of mine that is what I'd call 'collectible,' but it certainly wasn't when I bought it in 1993. Back then it was just Fender's forgotten bastard-child, and I got it for not much. Only recently have I learned that as far as anybody can tell, they only made about 88 Performer basses, and as mine still has the original fitted case (most do not), it's now worth about four times what I paid for it! The Performer is probably the only one I'd hesitate to take to a gig at this point. The Kawai FIIB is also worth about about four times what I paid for it in 1991 (and a very similar amount to what the performer is worth), but not so much due to rarity (although they still are nothing approaching common) as much as for having developed an appreciative following for their great design and quality and being a really sweet instrument to play. [quote name='grenadilla' timestamp='1439479042' post='2843241']Hello Veg in Atlanta ! I am in Birmingham and I have seen some great bands in your sunny Georgean town. ex: The Who (4 times !) Yes, Mountain, and others . Check out Atlanta Bass Gallery and tell us about it.[/quote] Hi Grenadilla! I know your city well; I grew up in Tuscaloosa and my brother lives in Da Ham! I'm rather overdue for a visit. I've seen some good shows here and in B'Ham as well. I've played at The Nick a couple of times. ABG: been there, lots of crazy-nice stuff to look at. Pricey shop but worth a gawking-visit at the very least. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1439485652' post='2843324']Welcome to BC and good luck with your quest.[/quote] Thanks Rumple!
  7. Here I am playing with Conspiracy A-Go-Go back in 1994: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkYM6I0lzWQ"]https://www.youtube....h?v=SkYM6I0lzWQ[/url]
  8. Hello all, New guy here (yes another bloody Yank LOL), located in Atlanta Georgia USA, or 'Etlanna' as folks around here say. Found you guys whilst looking into an obscure German bass from the '80s (esh Serious Bass) which I'm hoping to get my hands on. I realise that this is s'posed to be a UK forum, but what the hey- I love making friends around the world, and a friend of mine from Nottingham thinks that I have a 'British soul,' whatever that means. Anyway, I just play for fun rather than as a profession, but I recently joined two bands- one a sort of 'prog-pop' trio, and the other an instrumental surf quartet. I also play now and then with a very small and barely-functional church-band, but I think that one is on the ropes. I've been playing since 1988, and was in a couple of bands back in the '90s. I'll post videos from one later (got to run back to the office in a moment). Currently my gear includes: '80s Kawai FIIB '86 Aria Pro II Cat Bass, heavily modified '86-7 Fender Performer SWR Workingmans 15 Ampeg PF-500 Seismic 2x10 Can you tell that I love '80s basses? Looking forward to getting to know y'all! [edited for spelling...D'oh!]
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