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Posts posted by GisserD

  1. Morningstar just released a new batch, so I just took the plunge and got a morningstar ML10X. it has everything i wanted, except i will need an external midi switcher.

  2. im in exactly the same boat currently... I have used the ES8 and as powerfull as it is, its super old and im keen to explore what else is out there. I ideally need 7 loops, paralell processing with midi pc functionality. A really nice to have is loop re-order capability.


    The things on my watch list are the ...


    Musicom labs EFX-LE 2 £400

    MOOER L6 MKII £140 (only 6 loops and no paralell but the price cannot be ignored)

    Musicom labs EVX mk5 or mk6 £650?




  3. 15 minutes ago, Jabba_the_gut said:

    Have you got room to move the bridge back to maintain the scale length if you are moving the neck pocket further into the body?



     The body has been pre drilled for the string through, and it seems to work in that position for a 35" scale. scale length has been checked and verified.

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  4. the design for the neck pocket routing template is complete... ive decided to leave the horn mod off this template. the intention being get the neck on and see how bad the acess is before making any decisions. Ill be 3d printing the template overnight tonight.




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  5. I've been putting this project off for years...

    I purchased the neck and electronics in lockdown with the intention of making a body... 

    Never happened.


    But I snagged a pre made body on ebay, that I plan to heavily modify for upper fret access and or reshape generally. 


    Neck is from a Polish luthier i beleive...All norsdtrand electronics, Nordy MM in the bridge, nordy Jazz at the neck, Babicz bridge. Ash body.


    The plan is to stain/oil the bass only because i like the fifuring in the wood. ill try and source a small pieve of ebony yo make a controll plate.


    Ill be using laser scanning, 3D printing and my CAD design skills to help finnish this, so its likley that it will exist in the virtual domain long before the real one.


    Wish me luck 🙏 




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  6. 6 minutes ago, Woodinblack said:


    So they buy a neck, take it apart, refret it, and rewire it, and then somehow run the wires from the neck across some gap in the neck pocket into the body - really? Wouldn't that make it a little delicate?



    the fretboard is routed with a chanel down the centre, or maybe seperate chanels for each part of the split fret, then the split frets are installed, and the routs are covered with a plastic cover. all the wires come out a hole in the heel of the neck and go straight into the body. yes it looks fragile when taking a neck off but theres really no good reason to do so. 


    i beleive there is some clever resistor type arrangement to aid fret sensing, i think its one wire per string from memory.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, BigRedX said:

    Also something struck me when looking at the photos the Rob OReilly bass the both this instrument and the IR MIDI bass have bolt-on necks. Why? The neck is an integral part of the pitch detection system, it's not as if you can take it off and replace it with another one!


    Does anyone know what happens if you try and remove the neck from one of these basses? Can you? is there a connector in the neck pocket for the fret-sensing wiring? Could you fit a shim if it was required?

     there is no connector in the neck pocket. these basses are made from parts. they are not building each bass ffrom stratch so the bolt on is just a function of the business model. you can buy a body from one place and a neck from another. Buying a blank neck through is impossible. i bet bolt on makes the wiring a lot easier too.

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