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Everything posted by BrunoBass

  1. Lots of activity for sure, but not much in the way of Precisions. Loads of Js seemingly, but noticeably few Ps. Are Jazz Basses out of vogue?
  2. The simple fact for me is that if I wasn’t in a gigging band I wouldn’t play bass. I’m not a home player. I’m temporarily bandless and looking for a new opportunity. I have a few irons in the fire currently but if they come to nothing that’s me done, in all likelihood. Back to my solo singer-songwriter stuff.
  3. I love gigging but the last few years have been quite intense, and there were times last year where I was wondering how long I wanted to carry on. It’s not the playing, that’s the best bit, it’s the load in / out, the carrying equipment up stairs, trying to find somewhere to park, all the usual stuff. Coupled with having a young family and a job that takes me overseas it starts being a hassle. And when the hassle outweighs the enjoyment it’s time to go, right? I’m currently bandless, since just before Christmas, and was kind of relishing the prospect of a break for a while. But a new band opportunity has come along which is interesting, so if I get the gig I guess I’ll sign up for it but only if it works for me.
  4. It was indeed, but it’s pretty hard to separate the two I think. I believe that H100 had started recording some of the material on North Of A Miracle for the planned second album, to be called Blue Hat For A Blue Day (after the eponymous track) but when NH quit the band he naturally took his songs with him and re-recorded them for NOAM.
  5. First time not playing in years, owing to temporary bandlessness. Went to the pub with my wife instead, drank loads and had a good laugh. Came home, drank more and watched Grease. Seems like I had a better night that those of you that bravely endured the Hootenanny 😁
  6. I watched Grease last night on TV. I’ve seen it many times, in fact I saw it on it’s original cinema release in 1978 when I was nine, but not since I was a kid. Several things struck me: all the ‘adult’ content that completely went over my head at the time; what great songs comprise the score; and how good the bass playing is. ‘You’re The One That I Want’ in particular has a great bass line and a great tone. Not sure who played it as several bassists are credited across the whole score. Great stuff. Musicals are usually a complete turn off for me but I thoroughly enjoyed watching Grease.
  7. The drummer in my last band did this constantly, the dipstick. He’d start off too slow or too fast, or he’d do a count in at a completely different speed to the proper tempo. On the songs I’d start, I’d always start on the correct tempo thinking he’d come in and follow, but no, he’d come in at a completely different speed. I’m glad I don’t have to play with that numpty ever again.
  8. Is there a bass, an amp / cab, a bag containing leads etc in my car? I’m ready,
  9. Happy new year everyone. I’m watching Grease with my daughter. Much more preferable.
  10. I drop the pickups on my six strings. I read somewhere years ago that the string will vibrate more freely if it’s not effected by the magnetic pull of the pickup and therefore sound better. Probably less of an issue on bass strings though.
  11. You can hardly call Stereophonics has beens when their latest album just went to number one a few weeks ago.
  12. He certainly played on The Magnificent Seven as Paul Simonon was away filming. Possibly more tracks too.
  13. Digressing slightly, but I think Nick Heyward is a fine songwriter. The album discussed here, North of a Miracle is full of melodic, quirky songs, but his 1993 album From Monday To Sunday is excellent in my opinion, and unfairly overlooked. Unfortunately I think Nick’s early boyband image killed any credibility with the media and overshadowed a genuine talent.
  14. Pino certainly played on Whistle Down The Wind which was the lead off single from the album (North of a Miracle) but I don’t think he played on any other tracks.
  15. Actually I’m wrong - Wikipedia lists one Andrew Brown as the bass player.
  16. By the way I’ve heard two different ways to pronounce his surname: ‘Nem-iz’ or ‘Neems’. I don’t know which is correct.
  17. Les Nemes? Very decent player indeed if it is him. I think he moved into session work after H100 split, I don’t know what he’s doing now.
  18. As unhappy as I was about being fired and they way they handled it, at least they did it to my face with everyone present. One of my pals was informed of his sacking by text message. Pretty low.
  19. Don’t you mean long haul aerodyne pilot? Nah, he’s a postman.
  20. The seller is a friend of mine. I’ve played this bass at his flat and it’s a beauty. Very clean too.
  21. I was once told that White Lies’ debut album went to number one with the smallest ever weekly sales for a number one album. I don’t know the specifics.
  22. I’ve played little else other than Jazz basses for years (currently three in the arsenal) but I’ve been playing my self built Precision constantly for the last couple of weeks and am feeling the urge to get a good used P now.
  23. Pete Townsend probably accounted for a few years worth of global production too!
  24. I’m very much enjoying Lana Del Rey’s album ‘Norman flipping Rockwell!’ which I sought out on the basis of it’s positive reviews in all the end-of-year charts. I’m rather taken by the woozy, torch song drama of it all, although like most albums these days it would benefit from being 15 minutes shorter. (I’m intrigued to see how the profanity filter amends the somewhat clumsy album title...)
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