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Everything posted by DBerriff

  1. [quote name='vbance' timestamp='1451671840' post='2942318'] barefaced site suggests you could notice the difference. 2x10 cab has treble from one speaker only. if i understand it correctly. [/quote] This is to do with horizontal dispersion (interference between the 2 speakers). The 2x10" could be used with the speakers horizontal and then you only want one speaker to radiate treble. With 2 One10s you can stack one on top of the other, tall or wide orientation, and all will be well. I suppose they will sound different given the different box configuration, but I would not like to predict how. Portability (divide and conquer) overruled any worries about that in my case.
  2. I have used their nickel EXLs for years and really like them; Mike Lull fits them to his basses too. I also found their extra long 5 string sets the easiest to track down, as they are essential for the through-body B-string on a Lull.
  3. Deleted on review of OP.
  4. See Big Twin II.
  5. Thanks. Sounds good but I need to decide if I really need an alternative to my Puma 500.
  6. I have always found Mark very friendly and helpful, but sometimes stretched to the limit by his busy business. If he is on the phone he can appear unhelpful, but when I have been in he always comes out the shop floor afterwards for a chat. He needs those assistants on my experience; I don't know how he coped before. I sometimes think he has too much stuff in stock - it can be overwhelming and you need to be focused! So a thumbs up here. I wish the website had fewer errors though. The copy-and-paste approach isn't always successful.
  7. Mornat mentions Time+Space / Toontracks. They are also offering EZkeys Retro Electrics for £17.95 which is 84% off. The software is great for setting up chord sequences to play along with.
  8. I feel for you. I had to give up playing for a bit last year because of health problems. Now we have moved from the Isle of Man back to England. I do miss playing but I could not go back to long evening gigs. I'm not going to give up practising though in the hope that something will turn up.
  9. ForScore is quite easy to mark up and page turning is easy with a pedal such as PageFlip. I have found it much easier to find my place in rehearsals than with paper. It is more technology to go wrong though and those nice easy toe taps seemed - for me - to miss the spot under pressure. Any slight delay in the Bluetooth response would seem like an eternity and Iwould end up double clicking. So for real gigs I chickened out and went back to paper with the iPad in reserve for unexpected number calls.
  10. Bob Dylan at the Echo Arena, Liverpool a few years ago. Awful sound, poor seating, the band tiny figures in the distance with no big screens O2 style. A big waste of money.
  11. If you are used to the balance and feel of a Fender then try a Lull. They are made for playing and come in at around 2 grand. I tried Spectors which were superb in so many ways but I could not get on with the strap balance of the bolt-ons; the neck throughs might be different. Some players like the Dingwalls for the extra B string length. A bit too radical for me at my age but I understand the philosophy and even I found the fan-frets easy to adapt to. IMHO, and as a generalisation, once you spend much more than £2K you are usually paying for looks which is fine if that is what you want. Of course there are exceptions such as hand-picked tone woods but take a look at some of the builders' price lists and you will see how the price quickly escalates for some cosmetic add-ons. Bass Direct is well worth a visit as mentioned above. This is not to discount the other dealers mentioned; I have not managed to visit them.
  12. The main problem in our soul band was the brass section if we take the drummer as a given. They would turn up at the last minute, expect everything set up for them, and then dissapear without helping to break down and load the gear. They were great musicians but full of it too. This is why the band leader left it far too long before starting to do something about it. With the rhythm section all in their 60s it all got too much in the end and I left and our singer/keyboard player was not far behind.
  13. A switch is simple and less prone to errors on the gig. A volume pedal is, for my clumsy feet, more suited to sat-down work. Don't buy cheap though; any noise in the volume pot is going to get amplified. If you have a serial effects loop it might be possible to fit it there but my recollection is that you need a different pot resistance for this configuration.
  14. If you can find a Tanglewood/Overwater fretless they are excellent for the money.
  15. Bought a TecAmp Puma amp from Tony. Mint as described and very well packed. Very pleased with the transaction.
  16. I have been the bass player for the Manx Swing Band for the past 10 years. Once we are settled perhaps I could say hello. Thanks Tim.
  17. The bass I regret selling - my NS5 bolt-on; unfortunately it did not meet my gigging needs at the time. The USA models are impeccably built; even the control cavity is a work of art. Those Helium basses are beautifully minimalist and you have a bit of history given the source of the woods used.
  18. Ok, I'll take it off your hands.
  19. The Comfort Strapps are, I think, a bit shorter than the Monos. They have worked well for me on many a long gig. Phil's comment about balance resonates with me. I sold my beautiful USA Spector because I was fighting neck drop. The good old Precision got it right in my opinion and that is the shape I have been gigging with no neck or back ache for the last 2 years.
  20. Thank you. From a Welshman moving from the Isle of Man back to England. No wonder I am confused most of the time.
  21. I think the amp and speaker setup is critical. As far as the band is concerned it makes far more difference; they never used to notice what bass I turned up with. You are going to notice it too if the speaker is underspecified and goes into meltdown, taking the amp with it. So in my opinion this is where you do need some serious investment.
  22. Well, if there are any like-minded 60+ musicians in the Oakham area then we have a name for the band. It doesn't exactly trip off the tongue though ...
  23. I see I am supposed to mention my gear and taste in music. Gear: Basses: Mike Lull PJ 5; Roscoe Century fretless; BSX Allegro. Amplification: Genz Benz Streamliner or Shuttle through GB 12" cabs. I have just bought one of the new One10s from Barefaced. Music: swing/big band, soul, Motown, some rock, some reggae.
  24. Hello fellow bass players. After a number of years playing with the Manx Swing Band and a soul/covers band I am moving to Oakham to join the army of grandparent child minders. That ages me. I have no idea in what direction my bass playing will take me next, but at least a few of the pubs in Oakham promote live music. In the meantime I have no excuse for not improving my fretless and upright playing. I look forward to following the discussions on here. Cheers David
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