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Everything posted by Jimrs2k2

  1. Theres quite a bit , Fearful 15-6-1 + 15 sub GB shuttlemax 9.2 Trace AH250 GB 12 cab Status kingbass, blackbeauty 3 ibanez basses Jim.
  2. I will bring the same old stuff as nothing has changed.
  3. Just referring to the fearful comment, yes you can pump 700 watts in them all day but its definitely not required. I have been using a 15/6/1 for ten years and found 3 / 500 plenty, however I have experimented with 3k power amps and it was completely stupid when paired with the matching sub. That saying I am very impressed with the 12 cab it is really very very good.
  4. I'm in, been in the diary for a while.
  5. Genz Benz shuttle series all have HPF built in. Jim.
  6. I have been using the shuttlemax 9.2 for a good few years into a fearful 15/6/1 and it's been as solid as a rock. It's a very versatile amp with the 12ax7 tube pre etc, however I did change the valve for a ruby tube to get it breakup a little earlier which worked a treat. Jim.
  7. The one thing you won't get with a F112 / F115 clanky mid and hf. The cross overs and speakers use are seriously good. If you don't mind some DIY the the fearful plans are free or let's not forget the basschat speaker, it's actually very good. Jim.
  8. Easy, a greenboy fearless 12 or 15. Solid as a rock and extremely versatile, also you can use the as a wedge for monitoring.
  9. All booked in diary for next year. looking forward to it. jim.
  10. Ha it was good fun, and every body knows that status are louder with the lights on lol .
  11. Hi all , just home from the awesome South West bass bash. A big thanks to scrumpymike for another great bash but special thank you to Mrs scrumpy and her crew for the amazing food and endless tea and coffee. It was great seeing old faces and new and enjoying playing with so many beautiful instruments, it was also nice to hear my old kingbass get a workout. Cheers Jim.
  12. Hi all, count me in, see you there.
  13. Hi, yeah I bring the same old stuff as before, no real change other than one of graham t's genz benz cabinets and an old trace AH250 head, so as usual i will bring the lot for people to play with if they want. Status kingbass black beauty. Fearful 15/6/1 & 15 sub Genzbenz shuttlemax Genzbenz 12" TE AH250 series 4 And a couple of ibanez . Etc etc. Jim.
  14. Late to the party I should have scrolled down a bit. Jim.
  15. Gillet guitars , yes I remember them too also an impromptu jam as well ha. Would be great if someone could make it. Jim.
  16. Hi all, Count me in .
  17. Hiya, I will be working in Cheltenham and Gloucester on Wednesday. Would it be possible for me to have a look at the amp etc, I'm normally based in Glastonbury so it's a rare opportunity . Cheers Jim. Pm sent.
  18. I'm stunned nobody has picked this up yet? Up she goes.
  19. Can I just say that that is a beautiful instrument, my love of all things status is fairly well known but having played this bass it really is a stunner. The fret work is amazing and plays like butter with that classic status punch. If it was a four string I would be allover it, but some lucky bugger is going to be over the moon with this.
  20. Can I just say that that is a beautiful instrument, my love of all things status is fairly well known but having played this bass it really is a stunner. The fret work is amazing and plays like butter with that classic status punch. If it was a four string I would be allover it, but some lucky bugger is going to be over the moon with this.
  21. Steve, ha I knew my ears weren't that bad at the bash, I tend not to get too hung up on the mids issue as some others maybe. As with the markbass shoot out as the southwest bash I found that the original one would be better for some home practice and solo work, but in a band context the one with the tweeter swap would be the one I would take, the more prominent mid and high end would sit better in the band mix and stop the bassist becoming a mime artist lol. I personally preferred the 1/2 " cab on the day, but if the 3/4 ply ones driver was playing up the it's a draw as far as I could tell. Jim.
  22. Well that went well I thought, thanks to everyone who turned up, and was a fair number. Some great kit on show, markbass challenge was good sound files to follow later thanks to woodinblack and he's toys. I will probably try to sort another bash in the spring/summer if there's enough interest. Jim.
  23. Yep kingbass black beauty. Jim.
  24. Hi all, to be honest I haven't been keeping count, but somewhere between 6-12 I hope, that will be enough to make it worthwhile. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone there and the markbass gear shootouts will be fun. Jim.
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