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Everything posted by yorick

  1. Sunglasses moment............
  2. yorick

    hi all

  3. Small=30-150 Medium=150-500 Large=500+ That's my experience anyway
  4. I use one of these..... [url="http://www.reddogmusic.co.uk/Accessories/PA-Accessories/DI-Boxes/Art-X-Direct.html"]http://www.reddogmusic.co.uk/Accessories/P...t-X-Direct.html[/url] Has pretty much everything
  5. I was hoping this was going to be the Anti-Nowhere-League song....
  6. This is my OTB rig... hope it helps!! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=71153"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=71153[/url]
  7. Good luck for both.........
  8. Buy a tuner such as the Boss TU2. They mute the signal between bass and amp when activated, ie tuning up. You could leave it on when swapping basses. Also look at Planet Waves leads. Some of these have a small switch fitted to one jack,which kills the signal from the guitar, enabling a quiet change over.
  9. [quote name='throwoff' post='874130' date='Jun 22 2010, 08:56 AM']I am not really looking to shift anything but I have my Stringray 4, white/white pearloid/maple and Fender MIJ 57'p reish w/Duncan 1/4 pounder and bridge over fitted (original pickup still with it) if anyone fancies a trade[/quote] Any pics of the 'Ray? I might have missed them......
  10. Combine the best of both worlds and get a Sandberg JM. MM style pickup in the bridge, and a J where it should be. Well made and sound great.
  11. Ammo boxes are the way forward. Cheap-ish, and indestructable.
  12. Looks like the E-bay listing has been removed....
  13. Owned an MB150E for about four years or so, and gigged it pretty regularly. Never had any probs with it. The only niggle is the fact they get hot as they don't have a fan, and use the fins on top as a heatsink. Also, you need an extension cab to get full whack out of the amp section.
  14. Whereabouts are you?
  15. yorick

    'ow bin ya!

    orrr roight there mate, and welcome from the Brum contingent.
  16. A lefty Geddy Lee....................................
  17. This is fully adjustable for asymmetrical bodies.... [url="http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.quiklok.com/catalog/files/QL-691.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.djdeals.com/quiklokQL691.htm&usg=__0sdyqcGu6SPWiWhRYEmcril1R5Y=&h=596&w=300&sz=33&hl=en&start=77&itbs=1&tbnid=-GcyB9NlICk4LM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=68&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dguitar%2Bstand%26start%3D60%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26tbs%3Disch:1"]http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http:/...%26tbs%3Disch:1[/url]
  18. Stingrays are usually keepers!!! Mind you the recent price hike due to the exchange rate is a real wounder
  19. I've had a mate get some odds and sods from there, and they seem to be of a reasonable quality, at a good price. I've seen one of their Jack Daniels basses and was quite impressed.
  20. yorick


  21. Had a look at a spare strap last night. It comes to just under 60". About two and half inches wide, black leather one side, black suede the other with some slight padding. Any interest?
  22. Went into PMT last night, and picked up Peavey Millenium BXP 5 string. Had a quick noodle acoustically, and the bass felt great, neck-wise etc. Didn't get to plug it in. Obviously it was a lefty, and only £219. I'm not familiar with Peavey stuff, so... Opinions please.
  23. yorick

    Bass ID

    Reminds me of one the Tanglewood Canyon basses, slightly higher end stuff.
  24. Yep... late '96. Friday night, headline the Farmyard Party, North Yorks.... Saturday night, The Pirate in Falmouth. Sunday, play a night club in Harrogate. Booked by the drummer. D'oh!!!
  25. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='867791' date='Jun 15 2010, 09:53 AM']And not forgetting our very own [url="http://www.prosebass.com/"]http://www.prosebass.com/[/url] - worth getting a quote for 33" I'd have thought.[/quote] Dammit... beat me to it!!!
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