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Everything posted by yorick

  1. yorick


  2. I prefer my fretboard to the sight of tumbleweed blowing past.....
  3. Pedal type, i'd go for a Boss TU-2 and if a rack tuner floats your boat, one of the Korg DTR's. Both well built, very accurate and not too expensive. If you're wanting the most accurate and presets for alternate tunings, look at the PETERSON stuff.
  4. [quote name='jazzyitalian' post='632044' date='Oct 21 2009, 05:41 AM']You know what brother...This really depends upon the relationship you have. Is this a wife with or without children? A live in girlfriend or just a lass you're dating? If my wife gave me that kind of ultimatum, she would have done so with full accepance of the fact that I would have given her an ultimatum on her pricy 4-day trips to Green Bay Wisconsin with her girlfriends to see her beloved Green Bay Packers football team. So there's no way on God's green earth that she would have thrown me an ultimatum like that. But that's our deal. We get to partake in our own activities without the other running interference. In my view that's how great marriages work. It's not only about the time you spend together. But the time you spend apart doing your own thing. Everyone gets to hang onto a bit of their own identity that way. So my view is that if someone actually received such an ultimatum from their spouse without some valid attenuating circumstances attached to it, (i.e such as small children to care for or an ailing parent to watch over) then I would suggest there is possibly a deeper set of problems trancending your gigs. It could be jealosy or mistrust on a different level. If it's just a girlfriend asking you to do this, then you might as well move on. There is nothing at stake here anyway. She's not going to change and when you marry her it's unlikly that she will ever be understanding. As a matter of fact, it'll probably get worse. If on the otherhand it's your wife asking you to do this, then I would hope there to be a good reason behind the request. (ie. That gigging significantly compromised my ability to be a contributing parent) If there isn't, then you tell her you're going to gig because that IS who you are; that IS who she married, and that she is more than welcome to join my wife on her next all ladies trip to Green Bay Wisconsin.[/quote] You sir, speak very wisely.
  5. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Cake....................
  6. Very good value for the money. I've got one that i added an MEC active circuit and it's great for rock/metal. If you can get on with a slim jazz type neck, it'll be well worth it. Mine's a few years old now, and the polyester finish has handled the dings well.
  7. Most likely the volume pot.
  8. Brasso or T-CUT.
  9. Hideous bass, but welcome all the same
  10. If your tuners look like this, it's the BT4. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Hipshot-BT4-Chrome-Drop-D-Tuner-Fender-Am-P-Jazz-Bass_W0QQitemZ380156347697QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar_Accessories?hash=item5883158531&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Hipshot-BT4-Chrome-D...id=p3286.c0.m14[/url]
  11. The rack bolts we sell are usually M6, but depends on the rack manufaturer. Could be M4, But M6 is the standard from experience.
  12. Must be the one i saw, cuz it was awful.
  13. [quote name='Jigster' post='623467' date='Oct 11 2009, 09:06 PM']I've seen these advertised in Express Music - does anyone know much about them and their quality? I seem to remember reading somewhere that they're made by someone else and that Anniversary is a brand tag? Any info appreciated. [/quote] Saw the Ric copy in Solihull. Superficially they look great, but get up close and they're not brilliant, nowhere near as good as the INDIE brand and definately over priced. Didn't get to plug it in as they didn't do a lefty. The neck seemed rather clumpy as well.
  14. Gigskinz or Ritter.
  15. Welcome to our world, and a very nice trio of jazzes!!! ^_^
  16. Playing the Budokan in 81/82 for a record company trial and being too pissed to remember any of it, apart from getting on and off the plane.... Earning a shed load of money for a film soundtrack that never got released, and getting ripped off by my partner..... Playing the Farmyard Party in '96 and headlining instead of the Levellers. Smacking the drummer in the mouth and getting sacked, just before the band got signed and dropped in the same week!!! Ups and downs...
  17. Welcome from the Brum collective, and a fellow left hooker.
  18. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='616587' date='Oct 4 2009, 04:36 PM']Nice bass mate, although i would have gone with the MM bridge pu if it were me. Nice beard as well, is it just me or does everyone in birmingham look (or at least want to look) like an american?[/quote] Sir.. you insult me!!! I've been wearing beards and caps since before America was discoved by the vikings!!! I also have the sandberg mj, so
  19. yorick


    Almost as bad as the Brizzle collective..................
  20. I like Aerodynes.... Pity i haven't got one though.... I have my stealth Sandberg JJ though.
  21. yorick


    Early morning welcome..............
  22. [quote name='Bottle' post='613752' date='Oct 1 2009, 12:37 PM']Hmm, now that could be a plan, since there's already a route in the body for the Jazz pickup, maybe enlarging it wouldn't be quite so much of a hassle. Good idea! BTW, I've seen references to the MM pickup 'sweet spot' - just wondered if someone could clarify that in terms of where that might be? Closer to the bridge or maybe centred over a harmonic of the string? Anyway, thanks for the replies so far guys![/quote] How about one of the Squier precision specials. It has a jazz pick up at the bridge, so less routing. Cheap as chips to pick up as well.
  23. Welcome.. and drivel is perfectly acceptable. Dribble, on the other hand..............
  24. Sorry to hear about all the grief you're getting.. I'd contact your nearest rehearsal studios and see if you can hire a real piece of crud for the gig!!! Otherwise dump their sorry asses. Sound like a right bunch of clowns.
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