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Everything posted by yorick

  1. Have a gander at the starting price. No wonder there's no bids. [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/PEAVEY-BASS-LEFT-HANDED_W0QQitemZ190299974788QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar?hash=item190299974788&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1205%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318%7C301%3A0%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50"]http://cgi.ebay.com/PEAVEY-BASS-LEFT-HANDE...%3A1%7C294%3A50[/url]
  2. Don't believe the hype in the ad!!! But they do offer a 14 day money back guarantee. Have a closer look at the details before buying.
  3. Here, looks prettyu accurate.... [url="http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/tabs/b/bon_jovi/livin_on_a_prayer_btab.htm"]http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/tabs/b/bon_...prayer_btab.htm[/url]
  4. I think the pick up selector is the knob with the brass plate and LED. Should be a three/four position rotary switch.
  5. Black for me, but i've just seen a Precision in CAR and :wub:
  6. Any early ZZ Top...
  7. yorick


    Hi, and Zoe will be along shortly....
  8. If it's lacquered, how about a light go over with t-cut?
  9. Sandberg.. own two, possibly a third on the way!!!
  10. Buy a cheap drum kit, set up a sound recorder, throw the drums down a flight of stairs and that's your percussion taken care of....
  11. Well done, old chap!!!
  12. Have a look at www.nicksmithworld.com. I've seen some of his work, and it's phenomenal.
  13. A mate has just ordered one to use for an EUB. He's used a GK MB150 as well, and says it blows the GK out of the water.
  14. I got John from Jaydee to build me a bass years ago... Moral of the story..... Always emphasise with a heavy blunt object that you're left handed!!! He even wrote it down and still started building a right hander. Bless him though he did speed up the build time on it!!!
  15. How about this.... [url="http://www.guitar.co.uk/jim_dunlop/911-jim_dunlop_pickholder_guitar_plectrum_holder"]http://www.guitar.co.uk/jim_dunlop/911-jim...plectrum_holder[/url]
  16. I use the BDI21. It's ace. As for long term reliablity, don't know. I bought mine secondhand, had it for six months or so, used it for pretty much every rock/metalgig i've done and so far, so good!!! Happy
  17. Be relaxed as possible, if you can warm up before hand do so. And run through the songs aswell, so they're fresh in your mind. Don't be afraid to take crib sheets either!! And take the p!ss out of the drummer.
  18. Try just using a thumb pick???!!!
  19. My overall impression is they're well built, sound ok, but the neck's are bit chunky. Good price though..... 'Ave it, you know you want to!!!
  20. Transcribe some Fairport Convention.
  21. [quote name='Bigwan' post='451209' date='Apr 1 2009, 09:32 AM']Hi guys, For years I've been wanting to build a valve guitar amp. Don't ask me why - I'm a bass player after all (obviously)! Well (eventually!) my first creation is ALIVE! The problem is now I want to build more... Anyway. It's a 'Lite' clone of a Dumble ODS Overdrive circuit, 22 watts output on JJ 6V6s (but sounds much louder, can get 35 watts out of it on 6L6s). It's basically a Fender clean channel with an extra 2 gain stages that can be switched in and out for a dirty channel. I bought it as a kit from the states about 3 years ago (from www.brownnote.net) and it sat in a corner getting anxious and nervous looks now and again! I haven't put the footswitching circuitry or the effects loop in there yet, but I was in a panic to get it 'finished'. I originally intended to build the amp for myself, but it's ended up as a 30th Birthday present for my wee bro (hence the panic). The completed pics below are from his phone cam (the vinyl is a much nicer colour in person!), but the chassis pics are someone elses off the net as I forgot to take some of mine myself. My wiring is slightly neater looking... The cab was built by my own fair hand too. I've learned a lot doing this (mostly that I don't enjoy working with vinyl!) and would recommend anybody that's curious, and knows how to wield a soldering iron in anger, should give it a go. ...and it gets Stewie's seal of approval! [/quote] Looks good. Reminds me of the Trace Guitar combos from the 90's... How does it sound?
  22. I WANT £1500 TO STAY AFTER THAT......
  23. What's a g-spot..... In the bass playing sense?????
  24. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='450994' date='Apr 1 2009, 12:02 AM']Ped and I have been approached by a well known bass publication and have recieved a cash offer plus a percentage on advertising in return for signing over the forum database and Basschat brand. We've thought long and hard about it and decided that with the personal attacks we've both had to put up with in the past and the limited funding we get from the site, its probably for the best. So from May 1st, Basschat will have new owners. The advertising and direct marketing will probably increase quite a bit but, simply put, the forum has to pay its way. Essentially you'll all see Basschat transformed from a voluntary effort to a grounded business. We'll be keeping the same moderating team and staying on as advisors for a few months but after that it will be up to the new owners. We'd like to thank you all for your support and contributions over the years and hope the forum continues to grow and improve.[/quote] If it is a joke... , if not....
  25. drummer goes "my equpment, my band, my rules"!!! I walk just before record company wants to sign band!!! F$ck 'em all!!!
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