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Everything posted by Che

  1. [quote name='RickyV' timestamp='1446669550' post='2901406'] Yep. Waiting patiently in the queue behind you!! [/quote] Im not even in the queue ,waiting patiently for some cash to drop into me lap first
  2. Little update; My wife watched her show tonight on Netflix so I had an excuse to go back to Reaper so I fiddled a bit more and added a new solo line + doubled the bass line (copy paste )without any FX but added more Mids and took away the low end. Now I have the 1st bass line with low end and distortion/overdrive and this new one melting into a nice thick soup So far the theme of the tune sounds good to my ear but I need some more notes in between https://soundcloud.com/papa-dusko/wheel-of-life-extra-solo-linedoubled-bass-line Cheers big ears
  3. Every little helps Thanks a bunch! Will do some home work now!
  4. I've found no reference tracks to compare, will try to find some (I have no favorite bands really, I know sounds stupid at best). Also I dont know any musicians let alone a sound engineer Hell, I started playing electric instruments just under 2 years ago or so. Before it was only my classical guitar, serenading my wife SO MUCH new for me to learn with electrics I see that now! (why oh why didnt I remain in the acoustic worlds I wonder). But you being a drummer I must ask you; How do you EQ drums? I mean a drum machine in my case. In general would you give drums more low end or mids or ... ? I have never ever researched anything about drums so if you have some general tip for my amateur self please do share Thank you Dad!
  5. Hi Dad and thanks for replying much appreciated. I will try and do so once I re-play the whole damn thing you see I recorded the solo guitar and drums on the same line (dumb I know). Also the bass line is a bit off and will need to figure out how to play it better. Also I never shared such files so will have to figure that one too. You are right the fuzz rhythm guitar is way out of balance and I took it out for now. Will see what effect to use with it. Here is a tweaked (same) version without the rhythm guitar and with cranked up bass. The guitar should sound like coming from a distance and the bass should sound closer in my imagination. Drums probably should be more up front https://soundcloud.com/papa-dusko/wheel-of-life-without-rhythm-guitar
  6. OK, lads and gals I need help please ! I made this short tune called Wheel of Life but simply cant figure out to balance out the EQ between the instruments Im using 3 different headphones and on one there is too much bass, on other everything seems a bit dull and on the third its too thin... Please tell me how you hear this? Much appreciated! https://soundcloud.com/papa-dusko/wheel-of-life
  7. Thomann's customer service is tip-top I must say! And for that reason I keep buying from them!
  8. Comments, critiques, praises ... etc ... etc ... all welcome but mostly interested in the balance between the bass and guitar, EQ, Mid range for the guitar more or less ... [url="https://soundcloud.com/papa-dusko/heavy-horse"]https://soundcloud.c...sko/heavy-horse[/url]
  9. Very nice indeed!
  10. Ok lads and gals I don't know if the rules say anything about how short a piece can be, but I either have attention deficit disorder or am just a dummy learning how to do this new-to-me-recording-songs-stuff Again I enter with a short piece but will try with time to make things longer I promise Any way, like last month's art picture here too I approach this sculpture from the sculptors point of view/feeling. I do like art but I mostly enjoy the part when creating the art form be it a painting, sculpture or a tune. In this case I see this sculpture being made with a hammer and wood chisel (no chainsaw in my imagination). The sculptor is dancing around the tree trunk chiseling away piece by piece to release this monster into its new form! [b]NOTE ; I will enter with another tune THIS TUNE IS NOT MY ENTRY !!![/b] 'Sculpting the Monster Piece by Piece' [url="https://soundcloud.com/papa-dusko/sculpting-the-monster-piece-by-piece"]https://soundcloud.c...-piece-by-piece[/url] Keep em coming!
  11. following
  12. My one and only Bass the Harley Benton JB-75NA sold as Deko (on Thomann) for 42 Euros and was in tip-top form out of the box (couple of frets needed slight leveling) Love this thing [url="http://s59.photobucket.com/user/Duskob/media/24964211-4F84-4A2F-9204-363D91073508_zpsrn0ta6rm.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s59.photobucket.com/user/Duskob/media/1A5E492D-B187-4B75-B878-72A278D08D65_zpso9txkk5b.jpg.html"][/url]
  13. Maybe my entry scared the voters away?!!
  14. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1445906550' post='2895353'] [color=#000000][font=Arial] [/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]Good day, all...[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]Here is my own, personal, view of the compositions presented in the monthly BC Composition Challenge, in randomly chosen order. I hope that at least some of you may be inspired to give the pieces a listen, and perhaps vote for your 3 favourites. All of them can be heard here...[/font][/color] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/271906-october-composition-challenge-voting/"][color=#0000ff][font=Arial]October Composition Challenge Voting[/font][/color][/url] [color=#000000][font=Arial]... and this 'Play of the Day' here …[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial][url="http://soundcloud.com/papa-dusko/enter-from-within"][color=#0000ff][u]'Enter from within ', from Che ...[/u][/color][/url][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]An odd piece; very short, and rather minimalist in its production. There's a buried drum track struggling to not become a broken metronome giving an uneven background to a couple of repeating bass lines, over which the echoing guitar riffs meander and fold, never quite settled. I get an impression of a musical journey fashioned as 'Ground Hog Day', with eternal potential beginnings, each condemned to be curtailed, overtaken by its successor. Short, raw, eager; the jaunt gives no sense of progression. The cyclist in the picture is condemned to be forever hesitating, advancing one foot forward, only to then take one step back. A good start; requires development.[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]My next post in this topic will feature...[/font][/color] [url="http://soundcloud.com/nigel-jewell/journey-of-dreams"][color=#0000ff][font=Arial]'Journey Of Dreams ', from fingers211 ...[/font][/color][/url] [color=#000000][font=Arial]Until then...[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]Have a nice day[/font][/color] [/quote] Thank you for taking time to do these reviews Dad Indeed what I did was a beginners take on a feeling/state I fall into before staring any of my paintings in the past (oil and canvas mostly). Not while painting but that time when staring at the white empty canvas and waiting for that expressive energy to explode ... but that state can take time and this is what I tried to do here. A meditative state-like where arising and passing away phenomena were observed. Once again thanks a million Dad!
  15. Thanks for replying JellyKnees I just hope I did not come off as rude in any way that was not my intent
  16. [quote name='JellyKnees' timestamp='1445333001' post='2890565'] This could perhaps be a metaphor for achieving a state of happiness, whereby the city represents an ideal way of living, or possibly some kind of ‘nirvana’ like state of existence. [/quote] Off topic but maybe not; I find this interesting how people look at same things with entirely different "eyes" You and I look at the city life style in totally opposing ways I see city/city life style as the very reason behind our natural biodiversity (nature) being devastated. So many people are pouring into cities running away from the sweaty country life and there are only a few left to make the food for the rest. Lets say 3% of population is feeding the 97% wanting to live that "ideal life". Those 3% have no choice but to grow huge mono-cultures using machinery and poisons to help them grow food for those of us wanting to seek some happiness on asphalt and concrete away from the natural. And to add, I'm so happy that I have found my way out of the noisy and smelly city and into the country side. For me to find happiness is to find the way back to nature from which we all stem from and to which we all return sooner or later. Nice tune though
  17. My first ever entry so ehm, ... total newbie in recording an creating music here so be gentle I like what you are doing and I simply want to support this thread by adding some more "compositions". I dont feel comfortable to do long tracks so this should do for now. I hope thats ok. I used to paint (oil on canvas) for many years but stopped after my dear friend died. So this is kind of personal for me I guess. I could see myself in this image here, contemplating before starting a painting. I did mostly some sort of abstract painting but also some abstract forms etc ... I would never have a plan what to paint ... I would stare at the empty canvas until it "hits me" and then I frantically paint. But the process of contemplating can take time ... and time .... and time ... and its accumulating ... and accumulating ... and .... and then I start painting and the painting is usually done in an hour or so So here is my short entry for October called 'Enter From Within' ! NOTE; I remixed mine a tid bit to give it more spacey feel ; [url="https://soundcloud.com/papa-dusko/enter-from-within"]https://soundcloud.c...ter-from-within[/url] Thank you for listening!
  18. [quote name='blablas' timestamp='1445330136' post='2890534'] EDIT: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/threads/best-bass-guitar-building-book.305141/"]Here[/url] is a link to what some people are advising over on TalkBass. [/quote] Ok thanks! They seem to appreciate 2 books; 1. Electric Guitars: How to Make Solid-Body, Hollow-Body and Semi-Acoustic Electric Guitars and Bass Guitars by Martin Koch Martin Koch's website http://www.buildyourguitar.com/resources/index.htm 2. Make Your Own Electric Guitar by Melvyn Hiscock
  19. Ok Im actually surprised to see many replies. I guess I expected none or one repliy but it seems as if D'addarios are as respected in the bass world as they are in the guitar world. Well Im satisfied with mine but I never tried any others so ... . Not sure how long they stay fresh but time will tell I guess and once they sound dull I will try and make them new by using this method called "slap the s..t out of the strings" ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8OYeN9mAL4
  20. Hi all, I dont see bass players mentioning D'addario strings often and wonder why that is? In the guitar world D'addarios are appreciated somewhat but not in the bass world (it seems). I have D'addarios 45-100 on my new bass and at some stage will have to buy new ones so wonder if there is a good reson to avoid buying D'addario for me bass. Thank you!
  21. [quote name='blablas' timestamp='1441321006' post='2858010'] A compilation picture of all my DIY builds. Finally made one, wanting to that for weeks already. [/quote] blablas you naughty boy you will scare away all others with your craftsmanship. Hell, I feel so useless after seeing all your awesome work, seriously! I struggle even to do a simple bass set-up and look you I was looking at buying a good book on building a bass or a guitar. Do you have any in particular you can suggest? (I'm seriously asking) I see some on Amazon but not sure which one to get. Thanks!
  22. [url="http://s59.photobucket.com/user/Duskob/media/photo%2017_zpskk2a8vgu.jpg.html"][/url] Hi all, just wanted to give thumbs up for these headphones. I have AKG K-55 over the ear closed back headphones which sound great but after longer use my ears and head start sweating profusely. So I needed in ear phones which are cheap but good sounding. I got this tip on another forum, to try these Mrice E300 and I did. I got them a few days ago (as a matter of fact I use them now as I write this) and they do not disappoint at all. Lowely bottom end, balanced mids, treble a bit high to my liking but not an issue. They sit comfortably in the ears. The cable is of fine quality rubber. I got these on [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00S5P7S16?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00"]Amazon[/url] for only 11 Pounds
  23. I never worked with GarageBand so cant tell but you sure can go from the amp to the interface. You can either direct monitor or listen in the DAW (thats what I do because the latency is not there at all ... well a tiny tiny bit which is not an issue when playing and can be fixed easily when mixing). The line in is both for mic and instrument or amp and the 2nd input is for instruments and is a Hi-Z which indeed sounds best when going direct with a bass or guitar without any effects, you get such nice clean sound to work with in the DAW.
  24. [quote name='PauBass' timestamp='1445261312' post='2890003'] Thanks for taking the time and checking out our music and for your comments, I appreciate them...you always learn something from people's reviews of your music. Glad you liked the music! [/quote] To be honest I actually thought to re-write my reply above thinking it might offend you but then left it because that's how I indeed see this record. Music is all about personal tastes and one can not please everyone Yes I did enjoy the music part a lot! Keep on rocking!
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