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Everything posted by Che

  1. By the way Music Store has the [url="http://www.musicstore.de/en_EN/DKK/Basses/Amp-Heads/Behringer-Ultrabass-BXR-1800H-Head-/art-BAS0003215-000"]Behringer Ultrabass BXR-1800H Head[/url] for 89 Euros
  2. Yes I was looking at that one too but as I mentioned in my OP I need a headphones plug for quiet practice at home and that one has none. I just looked and it cost 111 Euros.
  3. Thinking of buying this one because it has a headphones jack, I will not be using a cabinet for home practice. I see this thread is from 2010 so wonder if you have any updates about this amp head? Much appreciated!
  4. Thanks Dad! I downloaded all suggested. Does anyone know how to import these into Reaper?? Tried but cant find the way (I need some sort of recording for dummies)
  5. I have new D'addario 45-100 nickel wound and they are still very fresh but I wondered if there are some strings out there more suitable for such instrumental sound. What about the Warwick Red Label strings? They seem cheap at Thomann.de But what about the material? Would you suggest nickel, stainless steel or else for instrumentals?
  6. Good morning Dad! I have seen that VST site before but most stuff is some strange synth sounding stuff. Can you suggest some plugin in particular from that site? lowdown, I did download Emissary amp and 3rd amp but how do I import them into Reaper? Thanks for helping this utter beginner I have a PC Windows 7. I don't mean pirate but free of charge This digital recording sure ain't easy
  7. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1444467269' post='2883425'] Before you spend any money you could download the free version of line 6 pod farm, this gives you a couple of bass amp/cab models that you can play in real time and works with any ASIO audio interface. If your using any DAW software (Reaper is a good free one) ... [/quote] Hi bassman, I have downloaded the Pod farm but I cant get any sound from it. I have connected my bass via audio interface but no sound from the plugin. It sais that my pod farm is not authorized. Do you know how to authorize this free version? Thanks for all your help!
  8. Cheers Bassman that was some good advice here will do and check those out!
  9. Man, there are tons of strings out there, from brands to sizes and materials used ... Im after a clean sound for instrumental bass solos, improvisations and will only use some chorus and reverb or delay. I like that clear sounding high strings sound and I like the deep but not muddied low strings sound which you can feel in the belly when it rumbles. Now comes the painful part; My wallet is very much empty so finding balance between good enough quality and affordable is the point here. Oh, btw, I play a passive Jazz Bass with Wilkinson pups. Thanks a bunch!
  10. I was wondering if its possible to plug a DI/Stomp box direct in to the audio interface? I have no bass amp and play mostly by using headphones (my wife hates me rocking loud and I hate rocking quiet). I was looking at the Behringer V-Tone Bass BDI21 as it is in my price range (im broke). I see it has a SLR (which I assume is for the PA) and it also has an Out jack which I assume is for the amp or maybe in my case the audio interface? My audio interface is Behringer U-Phoria UM2 and it has a Hi-Z input which works great when going directly in with the instrument but apparently not so good (and I agree) when going in with a Multi FX pedal (like Zoom B1on). I dont know if this would be the same case with the DI box? My plan is to find the tone/sound on the DI stomp box and then into the AI and into headphones either for recording or just for playing. Any and all tips welcome!
  11. Hi all, just a total newbie here who started recording a bit. I use Reaper. I've heard that Reaper has many plugins for guitar and bass in form of amps and cabs and pedals and what not but I seem not to have all those. For bass I only found the Fender Bassman. Whatever comes with it in the FX window like distortion is crap imo. Some reverb is ok and some delay too. I mostly use the Stereo enhancer, Reverb and EQ. But I would like to get these nice plugins which visually show the amp and the cab and even pedals. Some Apple software has this I think?? Also is there such a plugin I can use while playing the bass instead of playing clean and then adding fx? I hate to play clean and then add distortion or whatever. I get inspired by the sound itself and if I want to play distortion then I must play with it and not add it afterwards (which I find very annoying and fake-like). Thanks for any and all help and tips you can give to this utter beginner. Ah yes, if I can get those plugins for free would be great but affordable will also do if it can cover my needs.
  12. Thanks Uncle! I dont mind a bit of hum but constant hissing as soon I remove my hands from the metal parts is kind of annoying. No light dimmers in me house!
  13. Your playing is very inspirational! Well done so beautiful
  14. Loved it! Nice to hear the bass clearly in the mix!
  15. Thats a very nice sound you got there and nice melody. Well done! This is the style I wish to play, bass instrumentals (once I get out of my bass nappies). May I ask what amp and fx (if any) you are using? Also which pickup do you use and how do you treat your EQs? Thanks!
  16. Che

    Hi from Denmark

    Thanks John!
  17. Excuse me for saying this Im new to this community, but ... you can always play the acoustic bass. It cost nothing energy wise maybe a beer or two just to get it goin'
  18. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1444316397' post='2882195'] That's a decent recording. How do you find the build quality? [/quote] Thanks! I think its more than good for home recording, for putting down ideas, rehearsals and similar. The build quality is very good for a plastic box which is to sit on my table; the jack sockets are solid and dont wiggle. The plastiuc knobs on top feel cheap but they work. The monitoring and phantom power switches seem solid. I honestly can't fault this device in any way Except that there is no option to switch off the Hi-Z input. This input is great for playing straight in with the instrument but if wanting to play through the multi fx pedal it does seem to compress the sound. All in all a great audio interface for the money! Listen to the recording above and decide for your self its good enough for my amateur needs
  19. Thanks Andy and Uncle for your replies! I will try and get some copper tape and do the job
  20. Might be. I did try to find info on the net and most say that if there is hissing when you touch the metal parts its grounding issue and if there is hissing when you have no contact with the metal parts is a shielding issue. But I have no idea about this so all input is welcome!
  21. Thanks! I love it! I did forget to mention that couple of frets needed slight banking with rubber hammer but that I did on my own and sorted the slight buzz issue in 15 minutes. Another thing to be done is shielding because once I remove my hands from the metal parts its hissing. But this can also be found on the much more expensive Fender guitars (so I read) and can be remedied with copper tape.
  22. I bought my very first bass and its a Deko Harley Benton JB-75NA. I could not find anything wrong with it, at all. The action was fine and the intonation was fine. Electronics work fine. The tuners work fine. The neck is fine out of the box. I just had to tune it. Not sure why they sold this as Decoration Only for 42 Euros (Im glad they did). Here is also a little sound check for what its worth (Im a newbie so ... ) https://soundcloud.com/papa-dusko/direct-bass-no-fx [url="http://s59.photobucket.com/user/Duskob/media/24964211-4F84-4A2F-9204-363D91073508_zpsgbnqftfz.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s59.photobucket.com/user/Duskob/media/1A5E492D-B187-4B75-B878-72A278D08D65_zpso9txkk5b.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s59.photobucket.com/user/Duskob/media/C5BC0234-0EC8-4D2A-93DE-C94D3FB4407D_zpssswny8zx.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s59.photobucket.com/user/Duskob/media/90FCD6E7-541E-4CDB-A615-97E1DFABFD1C_zpst2hebahp.jpg.html"][/url] all the plastic was still there on both the pups and the plate [url="http://s59.photobucket.com/user/Duskob/media/F1B1BD74-A08C-469F-BC70-8204A9418E99_zpsjupvgmrn.jpg.html"][/url] D stands for Deko [url="http://s59.photobucket.com/user/Duskob/media/61222218-B208-4E31-B9D7-440BFB8A7D76_zpsignjskhv.jpg.html"][/url] D stands for Deko [url="http://s59.photobucket.com/user/Duskob/media/DBACB928-AF92-4A0E-B2F1-9BA2928D1FB5_zpsh2wlbkxz.jpg.html"][/url]
  23. Che

    Hi from Denmark

    Thanks Marc S nice to be here!
  24. I just received my Zoom B1on a few days ago. [url="http://s59.photobucket.com/user/Duskob/media/photo%201%2039_zps197rsccq.jpg.html"][/url] I have only my guitar Multi FX Digitech RP70 to compare to which is more about the sound quality and how they are built. I will only assume that the Digitech bass BP90 is similar to my guitar RP70. The sound is much more stereo on my Digitech RP70 trhan on this Zoom B1on. The drum sounds MUCH better on the Digitech but the zoom's drum machine is useful for practice even though it sounds very electronic, not so with the Digitech. I'm not totally crazy with the distorted sounds but maybe I have to tweak them to my liking. The clean sounds especially the De-fret sounds like "jaccko" are awesome. It would have been great if this zoom came with a better instruction booklet. The Digitech has a booklet with EVERYTHING explained about each amp and effect setting. Not so with Zoom. But since I have no money for a real amp and pedals Im happy with this all-in-one box for practice. Here is short sound check of the preset called Chordal and is recorded via Behringer U_phoria UM2 into Reaper DAW [url="https://soundcloud.com/papa-dusko/bass-improvisation-on-zoom-b1on"]https://soundcloud.c...on-on-zoom-b1on[/url]
  25. Hi ya all lovely Bass folks! Im new to this forum (and new to bass and recording) so take all I say with a grain of salt. I'm one of those who dont have the money but would like to play an instrument and to record some of my fiddlings. I could not afford more expensive gear so went for the Behringer U-Phoria UM2 and to my (untrained newbie) ear it sounds ok for home studio and is very affordable over at Thomann.de Here is a take with my cheap Harley Benton JB-75 bass direct into the U-Phoria UM2 and then into Reaper. NOTE; Im still learning how to tweak the EQ for bass and I just started playing bass 2 month ago so ignore my playing. This is only for the sound reference; https://soundcloud.com/papa-dusko/bassman-amp-and-reverb-plugin-on-reaper-daw
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