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Everything posted by The-Ox

  1. missed the boat when I was in my teens due to being abroad, but my first major festival was Isle of Wight this year where I played, good fun!
  2. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1496988662' post='3315081'] Yep. On a few stages. Where are you playing? I've got two sets this weekend. [/quote] Sweet! Playing on the Hard Rock Cafe stage at 6.30pm on Sunday. Bands called Pennymob. And you?
  3. [quote name='ROConnell' timestamp='1487927627' post='3244141'] Did a gig at Isle of Wight festival using an Ampeg SVT CL with an 8'10. WOW. [/quote] nice! Thats the house amp right? I'm playing at the Isle of Wight festival this weekend and thats what they have so I'll use it. Never tried it before
  4. happened to me one gig, was a semi tone out so the soundman cut me off - I tried my most complex runs and looked like a right idiot with no sound coming out
  5. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1494000556' post='3292544'] Mr Blue nails it again. I mean, who would one rather work with? Ronnie Wood or the highly-strung Jeff Beck? Rick Parfitt or grouchy old Francis Rossi? The unassuming, biddable Mr Frank Sampedro or his cranky, nitpicking boss Mr Neil Young? Quod erat demonstrandum. [/quote] very true. Although the first comparison, would you rather work with a highly-strung Jeff Beck or a highly-strung out Ronnie Wood?
  6. Nathan bought an Ashdown 515 combo off me, great guy and easy to communicate & deal with. He also helped by suggesting a great courier, thanks Nathan, enjoy the amp!
  7. Also forgot any live version of Magic Bus
  8. Ogdens Nut Gone Flake stands out, never heard such a simple bassline make a song
  9. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1490613910' post='3266379'] Spoonful. (I love CREAM'S version). [/quote] good shout! The version for that French TV show is great
  10. depends on a variety of factors like the pickups, tone pots, strings etc. What I do think is that most Precisions can in some way or the other emulate a certain growl, but i don't think I could get say a Motown type punchy sound out of mine without proper application as it isn't built for it
  11. Entwistle, the way he plays is just unbelievable. The more I study, the closer I get but at the same time the more I realise just how hard it is. I like the variation he showed in his career, more aggressive in the 60s, more melodic in the 70s. His technique was amazing, I've got a good grip on his finger style, picking and general style of play. Overall he's my favourite musician by far. Big respect to Jack Casady, Paul McCartney, Ronnie Lane and Chris Squire too
  12. John Entwistle without a doubt. I didn't even play any instrument before I took up bass, so feels strange when I play guitar now
  13. Great bass! This used to be mine, I miss it!
  14. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1484076918' post='3212519'] FWIW I had m 1962 sunburst/rosewood board P bass refinished white to match Rick Will's telecaster and Bubs White's Strat in 1963. Today I have white strat white tee and sunburst 62 reissue Precision, Go figure. Maybe get one of those guitar fablon stickons that Quo came up with? D [/quote] nice!! Do you have any pics of your old P bass? [quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1484077372' post='3212525'] Here it is - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/269188-sold-limelight-precision-no-00125-olympic-white-over-sunburst-tort-guard/page__p__2861878__hl__limelight%20olympic%20sunburst__fromsearch__1#entry2861878"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry2861878[/url] [/quote] thank you! Kinda what I'm looking for, maybe a bit less sunburst, bit its the best guide yet, thanks!
  15. yeah agreed, when done well, a subtle bit of sunburst does look good in my opinion. Just debating whether or not to refinish it all olympic white and let the sunburst come through naturally, as its nitro Black would look good too! Although I'm saving that particular look for my next bass purchase
  16. it does look good I must admit! I like Gilmour's white on white Strat which got me wanting the refin job. The problem is I like sunburst and I also like olympic white, and don't really want to get another guitar. Thought white over sunburst might be a good compromise, it was a not too uncommon refin back in the day as well
  17. Got a nitro sunburst body with rosewood neck, but kind of want it olympic white, what are your thoughts on a refin over it in olympic white, but with some sunburst seeping through? Reckon its best to get the whole finish done olympic white and let the guitar wear naturally to allow sunburst through? Or do a sort of ''over sunburst'' finish? The pickguard is currently tort, would replace that with a white pickguard. Just want opinions and if anyone has any decent pictures! One thing I forgot to mention, and I hope its not sacrilege to say, but it is in fact a Strat I'm getting this done to, not a bass Cheers
  18. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1482513409' post='3201242'] Thanks! Haven't forgotten I owe you a PM [/quote] haha, no worries
  19. brilliant work again Andy!
  20. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1482347764' post='3199828'] They sound like grand pianos to me. Not very Alembic-like to my ear. [/quote] Ahh i see, must just be the modded ones then. Do you still have that Aria snd does it have mods?
  21. nice! What do these Arias sound like? Any Alembicness about these ones? Or is it only the actual modded ones that have the Alembic sound?
  22. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1482071889' post='3197369'] I believe he used to put on a fresh set of RS66s before every gig - something about them losing their "sparkle" after a day of use - in any case the harsh clank of a fresh set of Rotos may well have played a part! [/quote] Very true, rotos make a huge difference! If the original slab had a fresh set on it would sound fantastic
  23. Bob Dylan Blues by Syd Barrett
  24. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1481840770' post='3195686'] Wow! [/quote] thanks think its definitely a culmination of factors to that tone, just depends where you apportion the weighting to each part
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