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Everything posted by The-Ox

  1. have any of you got an opinion on the ARP Axxe? Up for sale at £650 - can I save cash here?
  2. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1452555880' post='2951215'] I'm no expert, mind. Roughly speaking, whilst I liked the Moog-like filter in the Mk2, my fave was always the lively, fun filter in the Mk1 (without entering into details as to exactly which build number had which filter etc.). I never liked the Mk3 as much as the other two, but would've bought that synth at any rate. The last version is also said to be technically speaking the best one, but I forgot for which reason. A Mk2 at so much money must mean you're talking about a vintage one, yes? Fully serviced and ready to serve you many years to come or more like a risk you're willing to take? BRX has already answered this better than I could've done, and I concur. Even if Townshend had used an Odyssey, I still don't see the need to use an Odyssey if you're not aiming at millimeter correctness in a tribute band. I feel the Odyssey was versatile for its time, and because it had many switches like the Teisco, the alternative routings gave a lot of possibilities for other sounds than everyday bread and butter sounds. I felt it was easy to work with only after one had studied the routing possibilities very carefully. Many of the same sliders and many switches in a row, and not all of them immediately clear as to their consequences make this synth not the one that one masters on the first day. I've experienced much easier models there - even very knobby ones. Today however, synths like for example the Waldorf Blofeld are soooo much more flexible and sooo easy to use, that for general purpose synthing I'd take that one any day before an Odyssey, unless I had specific reasons to buy an Odyssey, that is. Also, the Blofeld Keyboard has a great little keyboard. I don't remember how the original Odyssey's was. The KARP's is amateuristic. Also, of it's for demo purposes only, and you must have the sound of the Odyssey as well as its routing possibilities, a softsynth exists that comes very close. You may know it. Yes, but that's not the one I was thinking of. The discussion on GS is millions of pages long, and they're fighting-animals over there. I meant a friendlier one, but still can't remember where it was. [/quote] thanks mate! The GS thread was was started by me not too long ago haha, but the malice came from other guys attacking a guy just because he questioned whether the Korg was analogue, the internet gives a voice to fools unfortunately (I'm probs one of them haha) I will have a look at these you've mentioned!
  3. he did, using a Lowrey Organ too. I think the ARPs were mainly Quadrophenia - both are well outta my budget! I can afford a mk2, but have seen an ARP Axxe for £650, thoughts guys?
  4. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1452550485' post='2951165'] If you are looking the recreate the kinds of synth sounds on Who's Next etc. I think you'll find it's mostly organs or guitars going through the VCF and VCA modules of ARPs 2500 and 2600 modular synths. The Odyssey doesn't really feature on the recordings despite Pete Townshend being mentioned in adverts for the synth in the 70s. If you are after the same type of sound rather than recreating them exactly then any synth with an audio in before the filter or a polyphonic synth that allows external triggering of the VCF and VCA envelopes will achieve a similar effect and you should be able to find something that does the job at considerably less than £1300! [/quote] haha cheers mate! Any suggestions?
  5. about the Korg 2600 reissue, I actually emailed them and they said they didn't know why I thought there was gonna be a reissue - then again I suspect that's a protocol answer, probs not allowed to release info, especially as its just paper talk
  6. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1452542206' post='2951037'] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/235727-korg-announce-arp-odyssey-synth-updated/"]http://basschat.co.u...-synth-updated/[/url] [/quote] cheers mate! [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1452543848' post='2951074'] If you can find one, the Octave Cat synth is essentially copy of the Odyssey. [/quote] cool! will check it out thanks! [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1452544503' post='2951081'] The Teisco S110F is very close in architecture too, though I never had the chance to compare it when I owned the Teisco. [/quote] again will check it out thanks! Thought you said Tesco for a minute
  7. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1452543397' post='2951058'] Thanks, RhysP! Sadly there's not much info in that thread. I just realise the discussion I meant probably was not on BC at all, or the Odyssey was discussed in another thread about synths - though I couldn't find it. Over to The-Ox, I think. [/quote] did you happen to be on gearslutz by any chance?
  8. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1452541897' post='2951032'] There's a BassChat forum called Other Instruments in the Gear section. If I recall correctly we had a discussion about the Odyssey there, so you may want to have a look there. But to answer your question: Yes. I played all three originals a few times in the seventies and eighties, and own a Korg remake now. I've sadly not taken it into use yet. Is there something you want to know? [/quote] thanks BassTractor! Oooh excellent, what was yer favourite one? I'm thinking of purchasing a mk2, its on deal for me at £1,300 essentially, I want to kinda make sounds similar to The Who on their 70s material in order to make demos (apologies if me bleating on about them is getting tiresome!) How did you find the odyssey in this regard? In terms of its versatility and ease of use? Thanks!
  9. Any of you used ARP Odysseys before?
  10. [quote name='tom skool' timestamp='1452370846' post='2949394'] I've only ever had one bass. A Columbus jazz I bought off a neighbour for £70. After 15 years of gigging and currently 20-30 a year I think I'm due an upgrade. Got a build in the pipeline, just need the time to finish it! [/quote] thats a pretty cool story, you must be the most patient man on this forum!
  11. I would have more but just sold my Rick yesterday! So gutted, it was a real beauty to play. Making way for a synth and potentially a theremin, and also to put a roof over my head for uni
  12. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1452242140' post='2947872'] Traitor [/quote] haha, if I told you the one bass I have was an ACG would that make things better?
  13. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1452201875' post='2947642'] The Gaming Commission has zero sense of humour - I know, I used to deal with them in a previous life. Just sayin'........... [/quote] not always fun and games then eh?
  14. The-Ox


    ok thanks! Check yer PM
  15. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1452182066' post='2947366'] Yep. I've had an East pre in a stingray which was awesome and now i have one in my Jazz and that too is absolutely brilliant. John is a really nice chap so why not give him a call, tell him your end goal and he'll tell you if he can help you achieve it (I'd be amazed if he couldn't). [/quote] cheers mate, I've had a talk with him
  16. The-Ox


    Any of you know much about Framus Missouri 5 60s btw?
  17. The-Ox


    [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1452180220' post='2947332'] One reason for me liking the Casino is I've actually played one quite often. My son has had one for ten years and until recently it was his main guitar (then a hollow bodied Fender Jaguar Thinline took over). It's very light. The single coil P90 dogears can produce a wide range of sounds but they don't do that overdriven humbucker sound which I am not interested in. It's well made enough to cope with very heavy gauge flatwound strings - 13-56 Pyramid Golds - and of course the originals of these kind of guitars came with flats. Which makes it excellent for rhythm skanking but you can still play melodic lines. With those strings it isn't built for bending. It has a fixed bridge and not floating and so easier intonation setup. Quite loud acoustically for private practice. Like Rhys says, it's difficult to put into words. [/quote] Thats food for thought! I'll have to youtube it to see how it sounds. Would like to hear single coil too
  18. The-Ox


    [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1452179852' post='2947324'] Difficult to put into words really, I just love how they feel, the necks are superb (a lot more playable than many people would think). I first played one back in the 80s - the father of a girl I was seeing at the time had an old Gretsch double anniversary & I couldn't believe how nice it was to play, it just felt like it was made for me. I play guitar with a very clean sound, with lots of reverb & tremolo & Gretsch guitars do the sort of sound I want perfectly, especially with the Bigsby to give the notes a nice wobble. You can get a great rock guitar sound of them them too (most of the guitar on "Who's Next" is a Gretsch 6120 as I'm sure you're aware). They are very versatile guitars, unless you're playing really high gain metal stuff where the hollow body would be a problem. The Korean models, like the G5420t that you've been looking at, are very good quality guitars. I used to have a Korean made Duojet & that was a superb guitar. [/quote] Haha i had a feeling you'd mention Who's Next. Great stuff! I agree with you on the tremolo, its good to hear such positive feedback on Gretsch! A good neck is a must for me aswell! And thats a bloody nice guitar too! How much was it if you don't mind me asking?
  19. The-Ox


    [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1452176647' post='2947284'] Sorry, didn't realise this was in the guitars section! I love Gretsch guitars, I've owned a few over the years & my current main guitar is a Gretsch Anniversary model. They're not for everybody but they are perfect for me. [/quote] Haha no worries Nice one! Mind if i ask how they played? How are they perfect for you? Does it fit your style of music etc? I was looking at the G5420t
  20. Yep definitely a no go, i just thought it was a creative solution but of course there are a tonne of regulations around it haha. Good thing I'm selling my bass that must not be named in a couple of hours
  21. thanks ead I remember the sound clip you sent me as well, top class! My ACG will be with me next week! I thought I could kit out an old squire
  22. [quote name='BassBod' timestamp='1452167717' post='2947148'] Alembic pickups don't really have a sound - they are very low output, wide frequency response...then the electronics take over. Two options come to mind, get something similar made (Aaron is excellent) and use a John East filter style preamp - pretty expensive and not really sensible for a Squire. Or get the flatest response EMG's that will fit in the bass - they use the same idea as Alembic, but put the (simpler) micro preamp in the pickup moulding. [/quote] thanks! I had John in mind already Aaron Armstrong looks decent too! anyone had experience with John's guitar electronics?
  23. The-Ox


    [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1452167593' post='2947143'] Do you mean hollow-body guitars? Not basses. Some are only semi-hollow and have a centre block, such as the Gibson 335 My preferred fully hollow is the Epiphone Casino. [/quote] never said bass ok thanks, will have a look. Any particular reason why you like it?
  24. The-Ox


    [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1452166563' post='2947136'] What sort of sound are you looking for exactly? You posted earlier about Alembic pickups - nothing will sound less like an Alembic than a Gretsch hollowbody bass! [/quote] I know, they're two unrelated separate topics
  25. The-Ox


    What are your favourite hollowbodies and why? I was potentially looking at a Gretsch. Anybody have any preferences between the likes of Gretsch, Gibson, Guild, Hagstrom etc?
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