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Everything posted by The-Ox

  1. thanks mate! Looks even better in the flesh! Any tips for demo recordings? I'm a tech novice, I usually just use my phone but I don't think it'll do it justice
  2. Hi guys, Thought I'd put up a thread about the new bass I bought! Its the only one I have now and its all I'll need. Built by a man who makes exquisite Precisions with the Leeds tone, I've snapped up his latest bass. It wasn't a custom order, I just bought it as it was too good to refuse. I know its not sunburst with a maple neck, but trust me this has so much growl and overdrive in it, its the closest bass I've heard to John's Frank. The sustain gives off the sweetest harmonics, the neck is the fastest I've played, and the overall craftsmanship is superb. I'm overjoyed with this bass and can't wait to put it through a valve head!! I'll have to try and get some demos done, but believe me this is an absolute monster of a P bass. Attached are some pictures (I hope) [url=https://postimg.org/image/5ghnancn7/][/url] [url=https://postimg.org/image/rtpdxgdkz/][/url] [url=https://postimg.org/image/oo4s78uyr/][/url] [url=https://postimg.org/image/wuwrytl1f/][/url] [url=https://postimg.org/image/mm4aszwzn/][/url] [url=https://postimg.org/image/rm1r0y2mb/][/url] [url=https://postimg.org/image/736uvvooz/][/url] [url=https://postimg.org/image/ceqtdph37/][/url] [url=https://postimg.org/image/5csvridhf/][/url] [url=https://postimg.org/image/7in6m0gxv/][/url] [url=https://postimg.org/image/6uec32i83/][/url] [url=https://postimg.org/image/jab1wtbk3/][/url] [url=https://postimg.org/image/b62xs2p4z/][/url] [url=https://postimg.org/image/6y85jbnpf/][/url] [url=https://postimg.org/image/8rb27n8w3/][/url] [url=https://postimg.org/image/uf00i39ab/][/url] [url=https://postimg.org/image/5zrsh1adf/][/url]
  3. no one plays in my family, I bought my own bass just for a laugh, and slowly began to play it more
  4. I am generally quite ambidextrous, I do different things with different hands and can do them with both, with bass however I don't think I could naturally play left handed. Anyone can rewire themselves to do it though, just like how two-footed players like Cazorla, Best, Maldini and Pedersen (random bunch I know) practiced at a young age to have two equally good feet
  5. Gareth Ishmael for me. His Precisions are out of this world and unmatched when it comes to my tastes in my opinion
  6. bass was the first instrument I learned how to play. I just looked for a few tabs and my technique developed from there. Only know the basics in terms of theory tbh
  7. thanks for this Mick! Will be very useful to have on your doorstep
  8. Love it!
  9. Thank you very much for clearing that up! Appreciate it do you have any picture examples? Doesn't have to be black necessarily
  10. Hi, ok thanks! So can you strip the oil, paint it black (unintended yet awful pun) and then re-oil the finish?
  11. Hi Can you get a colour finish over a natural alder body in an oiled finish? Specifically a P bass. I'd like to get it done in black Thanks
  12. thank you all for your responses! It seems they are very good instruments indeed. I guess, especially with Precisions, that its the feel and how the bass is with you
  13. They have a good rep, what is it that makes them so good? How would you guys personally compare them to Fenders of today?
  14. [quote name='neilp' timestamp='1470776637' post='3108447'] If you've ever experienced U2 live you'll know how incredibly tight they are. Adam Clayton is definitely not sh*te. There are loads of bass players with impressive chops who couldn't do what he does anywhere near as well. Less is almost always more [/quote] Agreed, when i saw them he was great. Not the flashiest but does the job, theres no need for him to do more. For what its worth, listen to his bass playing on stranger in a strange land. Nice playing on it!
  15. Fantastic! With that P bass, does it go down as a standard spec or custom? Would love to hear full treble on that!
  16. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1470383110' post='3105560'] Larry Knechtel on some tracks but not credited on the LP cover. But keyboard bass throughout. [/quote] Yep spot on
  17. Although the Doors had a string of session musicians on bass, they didn't have one for their debut album, i think
  18. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1469709073' post='3100506'] May be worth contacting Oli Foxen, think he is still active on here or try Facebook and search Ampstack [/quote] Good shout, he's already contacted me
  19. the Mywatt looks decent! I have heard good things about Sound City, but people have said its hit or miss. I had an interesting email exchange with Clayton at Hi-tone, they seem very good and build it to vintage spec as opposed to the modern one, which Hiwatt do. They take great pride in what they do, although I'm sure all builders do
  20. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1469640148' post='3099987'] Bad luck, I'd say..! Our 'cottage' has a total capacity of 3 kw for everything (it was a 'temporary' meter installed 15 years ago, never up-rated...). All of our amps are valve (Mesa Simul-class 2:90, Marshall 100w, Fender Bassman and the Hiwatt...); we use all of that stuff at decent, studio volume generally. If we want to get rid of the cobwebs, we push the cabs outside and frighten the cows, but not very often. I've never had an amp failure except an HA3500 (trannie kapput just out of guarantee...), so I'd say that there's no great problem with playing turned down. Others may have other experiences, but I spent a good few years as a tech in a music shop, and never came across such issues. [/quote] thanks again, bad luck indeed! I'm sure the electronics issue was something else, but my parents were probably eager to use it as an opportunity to point the finger at anything bass related!
  21. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1469639008' post='3099975'] We use a Hiwatt DR205 (200w PA head...) for bass, at home for practice and rehearsal, and for gigs, of course. The only difference, really, is that it's turned down at home, and turned up just a little more for gigs. There's no difference between playing softly and rocking out except that, with the latter, the sound of falling concrete is drowned out. If you're looking for a more 'dirty' sound, it'll be best coming from pedals, in any case, as the thunder tones of most valve amps, and Hiwatts more than others, comes from the whole 'shaking the earth' aspect, which a power soak cannot give. The best, 'studio level' simulation was, 'back then', obtained by putting the cab face down on the carpeted floor and turning up the wick on the amp. Best for guitar, though, as the KT88 valves are notoriously difficult to 'bend'. That's why we have it, though clean bass at any and all sonic volumes. Just my tuppence-worth. [/quote] good advice, thank you! I thought as much with regard to just turning it down, last time I did that with a big watt amp the electrics in the house blew!
  22. thank you all! I was interested in buying one with power scaling, so i could scale it down from 100w to a lower amount for when i practice at home. Have any of you used power scaling amps before?
  23. Hi I'm looking for the best Hiwatt DR103 clone, any recommendations? Any thoughts on Hi-tone, Reeves amps, trinity amps, modulus amps? Seeger amps is another very good one im considering Thanks
  24. thank you Jim! Much appreciated
  25. Thanks mate! I am tempted to do so, the low action seems great. Do you know how the PS1 electronics will sound on it?
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