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Everything posted by Asambique
Only just seen this now! busy week! Best get this one on the wall of fame then
One more and i should probably get back to work!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gp-PyzscBrs
Love this remix/re edit of a classic! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BV0_pSlruZs[/media] Prince had the same treatment too. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI8GBqklZv4[/media]
Thumping bassline!! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtFMTevfX7A[/media]
[quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1470675391' post='3107560'] Was Keni Burke playing Bass on this ? I know he was a Bassist as well as a producer. Great playing. [/quote] [i]I believe so, just checked wki and it says it him plus the album artwork is the man with his 4 string. [/i] [i][/i]
My kind of thread, love all things funk/disco. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sn2GCBohIvk[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvTsIYLRxVU[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c0vgKnNz68[/media]
My favourite this month has to be Leonard Smalls, very Les Claypooly to my ears.
I would just do it, don't think too much into it. The worst you're gonna loose is your time. Treat it as free practice (unless you don't pay to hire practice rooms of cource!)
Just been checking these basses out, not usually a jazz fan but some of the Europa L's are amazing. Seems like i was late to the party with prices increasing!
I'm a GUS at the moment, having had the same bass for around 7 years now and just the one I fancy something new. Toying with the idea of going up to a sixer, but a fretless would be nice too.
Gonna have a listen when i get some time later today, agreed more entries are needed!!!!
Some great suggestions here, nice one. I like its just getting more expensive! haha.
[quote name='stega' timestamp='1469540723' post='3099167'] I have a TC Hall of Fame. Its ok, does the job i guess, just find it hard to get excited about. The spring model is pretty rubbish, but the plates are ok. Personally I don't think its very versatile - most of the different models sound the same to me. This could be because I'm used to using some decent quality plugins on the computer, or maybe because i tried a Strymon Big Sky once! Worth mentioning that I haven't played around with the TC tone print software - might well be that theres tons of good stuff to be found with a bit of tweaking! [/quote] Thats good to know, i was thinking more versatile with the toneprint addition. Out of the 2 i originally checked out i preferred the sound coming from the dynaverb, but i am only listening to videos online. Cheers for the offer too that could be a shout, i work away quite a lot so time spent in cardiff is pretty minimal atm! I live in Riverside though, is that close to you?
[quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1469540021' post='3099149'] Absolutely check out the MXR M300 reverb too. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAeWwMC2EaI[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81du3joU1mo[/media] [/quote] That does look nice, a little more than what i was looking to spend but that promo vid is great! haha. i could be swayed!!
I want to pick up a reverb pedal, the ebs dynaverb and the tc electronic hall of fame have my attention. The hall of fame seems more versatile out of the two. I have only been able to check out video's online but am still unsure of which to go for. Anyone here tried one or both and have an opinion? any other pedals worth a look at? cheers
Something like this?? Bit of Wayman Tisdale https://youtu.be/Ihz-liqZ9IU p.s how do you guys embed a video??
Had some time to noodle today, short one this month, messing about with some chords. https://soundcloud.com/asambique/chordoodle/s-vTk4J
Bit late on this one, currently at Cornbury festival.Ok so who's paying for the building promo this month?!?!
Ok so I've got a good story. This happened in the last band i was officially part of. We were an originals band trying to make something, to earn a living off making music that was the dream!!!. Achieved decent success and decided to hire a manager so we could focus on being creative and let him run the business. One of the guys in the band knew him and thought it was a good idea. He seemed ok, a bit strange but had the gift of the gab. Things started off great, decent shows, tours and money was coming in we were able to be self sufficient and keep things rolling. We played some amazing shows, supported some good people. Playing the 02 Arena in London is still a personal highlight of my bass playing. Decided to make it official and get a contract sorted basically stating he would take x amount for his troubles. He handled the business we handled the 'product'. So a couple of years down the line after working with him we start to question things, so where exactly is the money? I never took anything home, luckily at the time i was still a student studying a music degree so being a 'working' musician was a bonus. Obviously some money went back into the band, buying a van (renting sleeper buses), hotels, venue hire (we hired venues directly on our own tours) petrol etc. We didn't put any money out of our own pocket for these things. So we'd sell merch etc online (all managed by Mr Manager) however more and more frequently we would receive messages on social media saying items haven't turned up. First incling of something wrong. Confronted Mr Manager as he had access to the email account which was used to deal with everything. He wouldn't give us the password so we could try and help with things. He started to become really flippant when questioned on important issues. Second incling of something wrong. By this point things were turning a little sour, gigs weren't selling as well and generally things were heading south. So late one evening we manage to hack into the account, turns out Mr Manager owed a lot of people a lot of money (not just merch sales). Third incling, what the hell is going on?? So maybe we weren't so self sufficient? He had lent a pretty large sum of someone he knew and was now unable to pay it back and was trying to pass us off as the debt holders. We didn't know what was going on? were we liable? We did have a contract with him after all?!?! It took us getting this lenders phone number and personally phoning him to straighten things out and to find out he was after Mr Manager for the money and not us. Not only that there were emails between Mr Manger and his landlord, where his landlord has been chasing him for 6 months of rent arrears. Mr manager was kindly threatening to run away to Malta in these! So with our money and the borrowed money but he apparently doesn't have money (rent arrears) where the hell was it all going? Still to this day i couldn't tell you where it all went. It was after discovering all these things that we the band collectively decided to call it a day. We cut our losses and it was over. A couple of months after things have settled down a letter pops through my door. I lived with the keyboard player at the time and it was addressed to both of us. Debt collection agency, apparently we owed £20.000 odd to Mr Managers Company!?!?!?! So now you can see the sort of money he had lent. Luckily the keyboard players mother was a lawyer in a pretty large law firm and was able to pull some strings and get things looked at. I'm unsure of the details but he didn't have a leg to stand on in coming after us for the money. It turned out that the contract he had drafted up he never even paid the law firm either! That letter was the last i herd off Mr Manager. The whole experience left one hell of a bitter taste in my mouth. Things were a lot more complicated but i've tried to summarise it for the purpose of this post. I haven't officially been in a band since then and still after all that have any desire to join another. That was about 6/7 years ago now. All good life experience mind haha. In short, I quit the band because the manager was a lying, robbing c**t!! Whats still shocking is that i know for a fact he is still managing bands/artists, or at least was the last time i checked up. I could go on for days.........
Here is my entry! https://soundcloud.com/asambique/tapoodle/s-sPDPu
[quote name='Agwin' timestamp='1466440991' post='3075820'] I always try to have a listen to each noodle as soon as I can after it's been posted. Had a number of tries to hear this but keep getting this message from Soundcloud: [color=#666666]Anyone else having problems?[/color] [center] [b] We can’t find that track.[/b] Did you try to access a private track while not being signed in? Maybe the track has been removed. [/center] [/quote] It seems i shared the wrong link
Busy Busy this month had some spare time this morning though. Decided to give some tapping a go. https://soundcloud.com/asambique/tapoodle
You are probably best buying a dedicated audio interface, just need to decide on a budget. This will most likely increase the quality of your recorded bass too. I use this interface https://www.gak.co.uk/en/mackie-onyx-blackjack-premium-usb-audio-interface/41331?gclid=CNPzwpePrc0CFUg8Gwodo9kPJQ with these headphones http://www.thomann.de/gb/phil_jones_pjb_h_850.htm i would consider these a reasonable price but you can go cheaper its just up to you. Perfect for quiet headphone practice and good enough to record through too.
Unfortunately I don't have the precision anymore.