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Everything posted by Rikki_Sixx

  1. This has been brilliant to follow, really interesting! I love a good, in-depth build diary with tons of info and decent pictures. This is already shaping up to be a stunner, can't wait to see more
  2. This guy has done some great videos on AliExpress guitars, the condition they arrived in and the work needed to make them playable (or even great). Personally I wouldn't have the confidence in my own ability to fix any issues, but if you're remotely handy and don't mind a finish then it could be fun (and cheap). I think a lot of these Ali Express guitars come from the usual factories 'after hours', knocking out quick unbranded versions of the same gear they make during the day, but quickly and error-prone while looking over their shoulder Edit: His video title is intentionally clickbait-y, but they're worth a watch
  3. Morning Phil, welcome! That's a lovely bit of kit you have there, what is it?
  4. Welcome! What're you thinking for your next bass? I've never had my hands on a Status but heard good things. Suffolk is a lovely place, my better half is from there. Always lovely to visit her parents and head to the coast!
  5. Like you'd find on the top of a classic sponge. You can buy packs of scourers for pennies in most supermarkets, pound shops and the like, seperate from the spongy-bit.
  6. I grabbed a used Small Clone a few years ago, it's bloody brilliant. Really simple, indestructible and sounds great. Cheap as chips and that shiny purple is gorgeous (which is obviously very important).
  7. We're very lucky these days that a lot of basses around the lower budgets are still seriously good quality and will hold tuning! The Sire will be great, but I bet any of your shortlist would be a winner. It's a good position to be in! Places like Argos and the big catalogue companies must have to try REALLY hard to source the low quality stuff they sell 😆
  8. Lovely looking bass. I know nothing about Westone (one even how to pronounce it) but they seem highly regarded 'round these parts!
  9. I've had a Squier VM Jazz 70 for the past 4 years or so and it's the best quality instrument I've ever owned. A real workhorse that would stand up to gigging and travelling, at a really great price (especially used).
  10. Tense moments replacing the volume and tone knobs on my VM 70's Jazz. No screw, so deciding whether to yank the things off was a real palm-sweater. Looks champion now.

  11. Ah bummer, no worries. Thanks for getting back to me and good luck with the sale!
  12. With these being cut for a two-a-side, would they no longer be long enough for a 4-a-side Fender-style headstock? I've never actually cut strings myself so I wasn't sure!
  13. Get this in your eBay listing if you sell it on @nick-harman! This Jedson plays as good as a Rickenbacker! 😆
  14. Even if it's not up to much, this is a great looking bass. Loads of character. Not only that, but by cleaning and fixing it up you probably learned loads which will serve you well in years to come!
  15. When I think of great bass players and great sound, it's Duff McKagen that comes to mind. I love his tone, his playing, the way he cuts through such a massive amount of noise and he's a nice guy to boot! Knowing he plays RotoSounds makes me want to check them out!
  16. Oof, that burst with the black pickguard is a great combination. Great looking bass, Squier's VM range is fantastic.
  17. Bonus points for "cutting me own throat". Great looking bass, I've always fancied a Thunderbird but I shouldn't even be looking! Good luck with the sale!
  18. It's such a small thing, but I really want to put black knobs on my VM 70's Jazz. The chromed ones are nice, but there's something about those black plastic ones!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Rikki_Sixx


      It's such a great bit of kit, I love it. Might get some different pickups in there one day but it's already so good with the stock stuff in there! 

    3. Rikki_Sixx


      New knobs arrive in the next few days 😁

    4. ForbiddenWytch


      Wire in a series/parallel switch after the two volumes, it’s such a great extra option to have and for next to nothing to do. 

  19. Properly craving a short-scale at the moment. All it took was for me to pick one up at Northern Guitars in Leeds. Didn't even properly play it!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rikki_Sixx


      Oof that's lovely. Looks like it would enjoy some GnR or Bon Jovi - which I totally mean as a compliment! I'm not feeling the headstock so much but looks like a great bit of kit and a lot of fun! Good luck with the sale!

    3. Osiris


      I moved over to short scales last year after a damaged nerve in my wrist made playing standard scale basses increasingly uncomfortable. I've never looked back, short scales are the future! Whenever I pick up one of my 34" scale basses it just feels cumbersome now! I'm also a short ar5e so they don't look daft on me either xD

    4. bassbiscuits


      I've just posted my near-mint condition Fender Japan Mustang bass for sale should it take your fancy...


  20. I've had a similar issue with my Squier VM Jazz. I bought a tort guard which has the right screw placement but isn't quite right around the control plate. I'm putting the original black one back on my Jazz this weekend and was going to what the tort guard, happy to send you some pictures to check the colour and shape of you fancy first refusal. There's some good custom places out there but so expensive!
  21. A shame for some, and a bonus for others! I can't wait to get into Leeds and check it out, been looking forward to the move since hearing about it!
  22. Not sure if you were joking or not, but I love this! Not seen it before. Take off that extra string and I'd be very keen! Wouldn't mind seeing what's under that pickup cover too, the saucy minx. Reminds me of a Mustang but with a bit more charm.
  23. I was going to Leeds Fest annually from age 17 onwards, when it was affordable and friendly. Yeah the weather was a lottery (this is England) but then we knew that and took what we needed to come out unscathed. Now you need to be a lottery winner just to get a ticket, and if you do go then it feels like everyone's seconds away from a mass brawl. The only plus point is that the food has improved massively - quality street food rather than a day-off-work burger that's been sat on a hot-plate since 9am. Like most here I'm now of the opinion that hell is other people, and the thought of camping next to hundreds of howling university students with day-glo facepaint makes me come out in a rage.
  24. I think it would sell - I see loads of that sort of thing on eBay. Valuing it could be difficult, unless you went the auction route. Maybe stick a number (that you'd be happy with) on it as 'Buy It Now' and see if it sells - if it doesn't then you're destined to keep it forever!
  25. I have to admit it does lose a little bit of the lows, as @danbowskillsaid. I was lucky enough to try mine with a cheap bass EQ pedal borrowed from a friend which really helped boost the lows back up, so that's my next purchase!
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