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Everything posted by Rikki_Sixx

  1. Holy heck, I had no idea about this. There's so much DLC that I was considering buying but the prices are crazy (compared to when I played stuff like Guitar Hero and Rock Band). I'll be all over this next time I load it up, thanks for pointing it out!
  2. Happy NBD! This looks so cool in all-black, is the neck really dark too? I haven’t seen many of these so not sure if the neck is painted. Either way it looks cool! So many different sounds at your disposal too!
  3. I think all versions are the same. I like it for being able to play along to songs easily and quietly even late at night, but I'm sure that's possible by other means!
  4. Welcome back to the fold! I'd also give a vote for Rocksmith - if you get it through Steam on your PC it's regularly available for just a few quid. As well as learning to play songs there are plenty of technique exercises / mini-games, a 'session' mode where various instruments play along with you at whatever speed and style you're playing. It's very clever. You'll need a special Rocksmith cable but you can pick these up for about £10. It talks you through the display, how to read it etc. and is really accessible.
  5. If the room's looking a little empty then you should fill it with another few guitars!
  6. If you're going to stick to bedroom playing then the 30w you mentioned is easily enough. I have a Laney Hardcore 30w that's great and I've never had the volume up past 3 in the house without headphones! Can't recommend it enough, although mine is now about 10 years old - I'm looking to sell it and drop down to something I can tuck under the bed (it's slightly too big) but I'm up in Leeds. Laney have a newer series (Richter) that looks perfect, I bet you could pick one up easily for under £100 second hand.
  7. My GAS going in to 2018 is pretty low as I picked up a few small toys this year, including one of those small guitars with 6 skinny strings. All I really want is a reverb pedal, an actual pedalboard / case to keep things tidy and a decent strap! My old practise amp is a bit chunky so I am thinking of flogging it and buying a smaller one. That way I won’t have to store it in a wardrobe between practising and might actually play more. Or is it an excuse to buy gear?
  8. Buying a decent strap is harder than I thought. Most of the 'big' sites don't specify the width or padding, and there's so much tacky branded garbage out there that it's a pain to filter through everything!

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      Gruvgear Neo is great too - available from BassDirect

    3. Rexel Matador

      Rexel Matador

      I like Gaucho padded straps. They're about £20 and very comfortable.

  9. Have you tried looking at local Cash Converter type places? Absolute dives for the most part but there’s sometimes a bargain to be had, particularly on Squier, Yamaha and similar. To save you a trip you can look at their stock online (though it’s not usually up to date), they’ll let you test stuff, they’ll shift things around stores within reason and you can try haggle. I wouldn’t usually recommend it but if you’re after starter kit you can get pretty lucky! I almost grabbed a nearly-new Squier Bullet Strat for £40 this summer!
  10. I've only just seen this thread, gutted! Need to make some juicy purchases too, serves me right for not getting on the forum much this week! I accept my penance.
  11. Schecter make some lovely looking gear, these look great! The ones I’ve tinkered with in places like PMT have always felt really well finished with quality hardware, though I’ve never played one plugged in. Wouldn’t mind a bash on one of these.
  12. That's rad, even with that strange extra string A seriously good looking bass, proper monsterous! I might have missed it elsewhere but what's the fretboard? It looks black as night, very cool.
  13. How wide is the Warwick strap? Is there any padding or is it just a standard (wide) nylon strap?
  14. Don't leave us hanging! What colour did you buy? Crossed fingers for LPB...
  15. Holy cack I just looked up a Warwick Star! I don't usually like the look of Warwicks but that's beautiful, I'll be spending my morning watching videos of those now! There's definitely a lot of options for even the lowest budget, researching and deciding is half the fun
  16. I do absolutely tons of research when I'm buying stuff like this (tight Yorkshireman also), but if you're forking out several hundred pounds then it's definitely worth trying a little haggling. I'm really conscious when it comes to that kind of thing but I think it's almost expected in a lot of guitar shops. Even if they don't knock any money off they might chuck in a hard case and decent strap to stop you going off to a competitor. Edit: By the way, what're you after? I'm just being nosey now!
  17. Gordon at Single Coil in Leeds charges similar prices, he did stellar work on my Jazz when I got him to pop a new bridge on and give it a set-up. Worth every penny! https://singlecoil.co.uk/
  18. I had a Hohner Rockwood (?) Precision copy about 18 years ago, my first ever instrument. I remember it fondly and it did sound good but yeh cavity for the pots and jack were cut too big so the pickguard would flap about when I plugged it in. I still kept that big slab even when I got something better. Only recently sold it on after keeping it in a case for about 5 years!
  19. That’s brilliant news! I know I’m not the only one here that had crossed fingers for you. If it turns out to be a keeper you’ll have to let us live through you and post some ruddy good pictures!
  20. I don't mean to derail the topic but is there somewhere I can find out more about this? It sounds interesting! I always assumed a pre-amp would mean active pickups - does this just allow for better control with passives?
  21. I don't know what a Lull bass would cost (I'm guessing a lot) but hearing that the spec. sheet came back wrong gave me a twinge of fear and it's not even my bass! I remember the heartbreak when my cheapo Dano '63 came direct from the factory with a little ding in the paint (courier's fault), so can't imagine how it would be after such a long wait. Glad to hear that you have a contact there who was able to keep you updated and reassured throughout! Can't wait to see it!
  22. Good effort getting an SSL certificate sorted so quickly!
  23. I know that headstock cover is waffer-theen and probably weighs 'naff all, but as it's at the end of the (admittedly short) neck will it give it a bit more dive? I'm sure you've thought about that! It's really cool to see the reversible mod side of this, as well as building the body!
  24. If you make your browser window a little narrower (less than 980 pixels wide) it drops the sidebar down to the bottom of the page, making the main content area full-width. Perhaps not quite what you were after, but I think that's as close as you'll get with the new theme!
  25. Personally I think that spacing things out a bit to make things more readable is a very fair trade. The other example is cramped and messy - much harder to find interesting content. The new-look Basschat may show a little less on the screen at once, but I can find things of interest very easily. The new theme looks great, good job Ped & co!
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