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Everything posted by chrisma

  1. Sorry, it's now gone.
  2. On hold for now.
  3. PMed you.
  4. Yes, definitely! I use a little mark 3 so 500w. Plenty loud enough if you do end up gigging.
  5. Yep still here and very much for sale. It's quite a different sound from the 112s. Not better or worse, just different. You'd be welcome to come and give it a try.
  6. Yep, 8 Ohms as per the panel. They really are nice cabs and I'm up for an offer if you think I've got the price wrong...
  7. Open to offers just not trades. Thanks!
  8. Really nice 1 x 15" cab with additional 6" driver. Nice full sound, and only done a handful of gigs and well looked after. A few minor marks on the corner protectors but nothing major. Sounds great alone or paired with other cabs. Includes Bergantino fitted cover in very good condition. Located in Birmingham, happy to meet up if we can arrange somewhere convenient. Post is not really an option, sorry. Here's the full lowdown: http://bergantino.com/product/nv115-loudspeaker/
  9. Now sold, thanks!
  10. [quote name='Marsy' timestamp='1414064107' post='2585333'] Phenomenal bass 'verb [/quote] Indeed.
  11. [left]Iron Ether Nimbus up for sale.[/left] [left]I've been using this to create big soundscape stuff which it does really well. It can also do more subtle sounding reverbs too.[/left] [left]If you don't know about these then full info is here:[/left] [left]http://ironether.com/pedals/nimbus/[/left] [left]There's one or two fingernail width marks in the paint. Not really noticeable and only mentioned in the spirit of being honest.[/left] [left]I'm looking for £130, and for that price I'll throw in a 9v adaptor too. The only trade I'd be interested in is a Eventide Space with money your way.[/left]
  12. Thanks Roland.
  13. Thanks! I'd hate to be easy listening!
  14. Hopefully of interest to some people here, although perhaps not everyone's cup of tea. I've just added a new EP for free download to my Bandcamp page. Noisy bass improv. You get my stereo looper Max patch as a bonus when you download if you're into that kind of thing. There's a couple of videos too. EP download: [url="https://chrismapp.bandcamp.com/"]https://chrismapp.bandcamp.com/[/url] 30 second video: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_nDyOK1dRE[/media] 30 minute (full set) video: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfnayTQFPQc[/media]
  15. I wasn't quite sure where to post this, but seeing as I play bass and use effects I thought this might be the right place. You can download a solo E.P. I just put together for free from my bandcamp page: http://chrismapp.bandcamp.com Hopefully it'll be of interest to fellow bass effectors!
  16. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1364912184' post='2032500'] Sell me that Rainbow Machine! Si [/quote] Sorry I need a "Magic" control in my life.
  17. This is my (disassembled) board and bits. [attachment=131516:Bass stuff 1 low.jpg] I make sounds like this if you're interested: [url="https://soundcloud.com/chris-mapp/sets/solo"]https://soundcloud.com/chris-mapp/sets/solo[/url]
  18. fatgoogle bought my Dingwall Combustion and paid immediately. Thanks! Chris
  19. Sorry, now bought, paid for and shipped. Thanks to fatgoogle.
  20. This is now sold pending the usual.
  21. [quote name='Johngh' timestamp='1357573926' post='1924694'] This used to be my bass. It's actually an off colour creame and yep it looks stunning. [/quote] A kind of see-through white I suppose! Thanks John.
  22. [quote name='mr zed' timestamp='1357569036' post='1924597'] I can see the pictures and it is a white body, maple neck with a brownish tort pickguard. Oh.....and it looks stunning! [/quote] It is pretty good looking. Pictures don't show up on the mobile for some reason but work okay on the computer. If you want me to email you then just let me know.
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