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Everything posted by Protium

  1. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1358706988' post='1943749'] I reckon we should all celebrate the diversity and be thankful that the Ashdown users have introduced us to these 'wading bass lines'. Every day's a school day where music's concerned. :-) CB [/quote] You're right, your one experience with Ashdown applies to their entire range and all of their users. Ashdown - JJ Burnell, Pino Palladino, Nate Mendel. Markbass - Jeff Berlin. Nuff said.
  2. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1358701063' post='1943607'] Like I said I had it 10 years mate wooly as jumper my dear old nan used to knit [/quote] I read that, but the majority of people who don't like Ashdown use them once at a rehearsal studio and are clueless as to how an EQ works. 10 years is a long time to put up with a "wooly jumper", did you have the EQ switched off or something?
  3. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1358700403' post='1943583'] The problem wit this and comments about slappers is that sure I can get a super transparent sound from any of my Genz heads but they can also do the bottom end either as a mix or on its own for a super tight thumpy thing, I would happily put my 900w twin channel (FET and Tube mixed or solo'd) against any of the EVO heads (I had one for 10 years) and it will do everything the Ashdown can plus the top end thing, even on the foot switch if you really want to be versatile. For anyone playing multiple styles I just think things have moved on from a warmed over Trace Elliot PCB from the 80's [/quote] The ABM isn't designed to be super transparent, but neither is it the one trick pony everyone who has played through it for 30 seconds, got puzzled by the EQ and given up, makes it out to be
  4. Too many slap players ITT
  5. If you don't want people using your pictures, put a watermark on them.
  6. Protium


    Unless you're getting super competitive a normal controller is fine
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1358441663' post='1939277'] So you'd all be happy to buy a bass when the photos advertising it are several months and one owner out of date? [/quote] If they accurately represent the bass, yes
  8. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1358437283' post='1939143'] I Personally wouldn't worry about it. Theres much more important things going on in the world. [/quote] +1
  9. I've found the replicas often need to be modified to fit the pickups through
  10. Protium


    No worries, top man for offering it on here
  11. Protium


    I would like this, but would need it posted
  12. One can be used as a paperweight, the other as a doorstop
  13. Rich Protium. Runcorn, Cheshire
  14. Take the grille off and unscrew the 10" speaker. Speaker should lift out. Note polarity and remove the wires to test the speaker with a 9V
  15. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1358077534' post='1932608'] When you then decide you can keep nagging on BC but can't be arsed to pick up the phone, and the doc has to call you instead, calling it "not unreasonable", then I would say that you're not very active in contributing to the solution. [/quote] It's not unreasonable to ask to be kept in the loop where your order is up to, especially when no contact is possible over the site the order was placed on My plate has arrived, I have nothing more to say in this thread
  16. Hi, you have a message, cheers
  17. I always liked the look of the G&L ASAT semi-hollow
  18. Do the pickup cases come off? If they do then you can even the pole heights out my putting a layer of card between the bobbin and the casing at the high end of the poles. Easy job and 100% reversible
  19. Protium

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1357847923' post='1929554'] It's the standard Mad Beans Slow Lorris, so it's essentially a Rat (LM308) with the Ruetz mod (a frequency clipping sweep) and diode selection (diodes/none/leds). Should be cool, looking forward to the Egghead (Clark Gainster) and the Green Russian Muff kit to Si [/quote] The RAT with no clipping diodes is a beast, especially coupled with a few other mods
  20. Where about are you?
  21. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' timestamp='1357841492' post='1929433'] Likewise, mine broke about a month ago after 2 years of almost daily use but I read a lot about other peoples lasting a very short space of time. I've replaced them with a pair of Soundmagic e10's which are a step up in terms of sound quality and come with (I think) 7 different rubber earpieces. Too early to say how reliable they are though. [/quote] My brother is actually on his 4th pair - the first lasted a few years, the second a year and the third a few months. Maybe they're getting worse
  22. Protium


    [quote name='mcgraham' timestamp='1357836147' post='1929314'] He didn't so much prove a point as be a colossal pain in the arse. [/quote] I can imagine
  23. Protium


    You can't. You can however do what Johnston did and delete all your posts one by one to prove a point
  24. I have had a pair of CX300's for about 6 years, used daily. My brother has gone through 3 sets in the same amount of time.
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