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Everything posted by Protium

  1. You are using a stereo jack aren't you?
  2. Protium


    [quote name='ben604' post='724276' date='Jan 25 2010, 04:58 PM']any more for any more?[/quote] Hiya mate, sent you a PM yesterday.
  3. Oh man, that Fafner and 1210 + my 1210 = 2ohm mega rig... Shame I don't have £1100
  4. Rough idea on prices?
  5. [quote name='knuckle_head' post='718228' date='Jan 19 2010, 06:48 PM']We know about the huge dime on shipping outside the US - it's even worse to Australia. Biggest mission for Circle K this year is to secure EU distribution. We'll get it figured out.[/quote] Is there absolutely no way to send them outside the US without the massive postage cost?
  6. I heard JaqofourX got the part
  7. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='716334' date='Jan 18 2010, 09:04 AM']You hear this quite a lot about Schroeder cabs but it's not true. Usually people assume because they pump out a lot of low-mids that they are lacking in the bass, not so. There's loads of clean bass on tap, plus a ton of mids if you want them Everyone who has heard/played through my rig comments on the amount of low-end coming out of such a small box[/quote] +1, I actually have to cut bass on the amp EQ
  8. [quote name='Conan' post='715881' date='Jan 17 2010, 06:49 PM']Interestingly, the guys who own and play Berg recommend Berg. Those who own and play Schoeder, recommend Schroeder! Which came first? Do you buy a certain manufacturer's gear because you like it, or do you like it because you own it and get used to its sound? Is such a comparison ever entirely objective I wonder? Then again - ignore me because I own neither!!! I speak purely as an interested by-stander (aka nosey git!!).[/quote] I got my Schroeder because it was a good price and I wanted to see what the fuss was about. As it happened it fitted perfectly in the boot of my car and with a slight EQ change sounded exactly like I want it to. I got my "tone" and more volume from a cab that was half the size and weight of the old one
  9. Volume wise the Schroeder will win. It depends what you are after sound wise, the Schroeder has a huge emphasis on mids. IMO I don't think any compact cab can touch the 1212.
  10. [quote name='d-basser' post='715121' date='Jan 16 2010, 07:22 PM']I would detune the E or learn it from 3rd on the B When I played it on a 6 I detuned my E to D and B to A[/quote] +1, I used to tune my 5 to ADADG which is probably what destroyed my 10W practice amp
  11. Definitely no shipping?
  12. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='715065' date='Jan 16 2010, 06:14 PM']I think Protium has the right idea..... God forbid i should prevent him from listening to footy scores on the radio ALL F******G DAY![/quote] Surely football on the radio went obsolete when they invented Soccer Saturday...
  13. Personally I wouldn't try higher than a .115 tuning to D, considering I usually use .100 Can't you tune the E down to D?
  14. I've had this problem before, you need to shoot your neighbour.
  15. [quote name='gilmour' post='714175' date='Jan 15 2010, 07:04 PM']1) What's the string spacing, IIRC on a musicman 5 it's 17.5mm and this looks narrower meaning that the strings wouldn't go exactly over the poles, which could affect the tone you're after, but is it's only a mm or so probably won't have much effect[/quote] Pedulla offer only 17.5 and 19mm string spacing
  16. [quote name='Merton' post='714603' date='Jan 16 2010, 09:25 AM']You mean like this? "My bass cog consists of a Hartke head, a Barefaced cab and some Status basses." [/quote] Yes that is exactly what I mean.
  17. [quote name='3below' post='714328' date='Jan 15 2010, 08:55 PM']What's wrong with "cog" ? - still taught & examined in A level Physics, or "com" if you prefer - (not that A level Physics is a measure of anything these days) [/quote] Using "cog" instead of "gear" I mean. Edit: "Gear" as in part of a gearbox for example
  18. From past experience it sounds like the power transformer. Easiest and best option is to send it to Ashdown.
  19. [quote name='alexclaber' post='713541' date='Jan 15 2010, 11:24 AM']P.S. It's impedance, not ohmage! [/quote] Thank god someone finally pointed that out, it's almost as annoying as "cog"
  20. [quote name='mrcrow' post='712943' date='Jan 14 2010, 07:39 PM']thats a cool set up...i might try that...i like low action if the string whip will allow[/quote] IME that's about as low as you can get without too much buzz with a single action rod and no reinforcement bars in the neck. Plus that was after my mate at Dawsons levelled all the frets.
  21. How bad is the buzz? Is it definitely the frets? Have you tried looking at the frets lower than the 6th and 7th? One time we took ages looking above the fretted note when it was actually coming from between the fret and the nut...
  22. I prefer the Gotoh 203. Essentially the same but with grooves on the outer saddles to stop them moving over the base plate when you play. Though I do tend to play pretty hard. I couldn't get the action low enough on a BAII as the base plate is too thick.
  23. My Squire VM Jazz was about 2mm at the 12th, I prefer it lower though.
  24. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='709304' date='Jan 11 2010, 08:19 PM']Sounds like they forgot to tune up before starting- and usually I like stuff that's a bit off the wall.[/quote] Same here, I'm trying to listen for some sort of coherence but seems they all just want to play louder and more complicated than each other. I suppose my question is, is there anyone who can enlighten us as to whats going on here?
  25. Where indeed
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