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Everything posted by Protium

  1. No problem I think the 4ohm option is available so you don't have to lug around two 4x10's. I do agree though, nothing beats a giant bass stack!
  2. To be honest there aren't many situations where you need that size rig to be heard. I've never had volume issues with a 300W head + single 4x10" 8ohm cab.
  3. [quote name='Stag' post='336737' date='Nov 25 2008, 11:01 PM']me again... So, basically, I can only ever use one 4ohm cab with my amp? Thats a bit sh*te! Why arent all cabs made at 8ohm? Second thing... if I wired them in series (Is that basically daisy chaining?) would that be OK as per [url="http://www.tunemybass.com/bass_amps/how_to_hook_up_heads_and_cabinets.html"]http://www.tunemybass.com/bass_amps/how_to...d_cabinets.html[/url] , because the load would be 12ohm rather than 2.67ohm (if I wired in parallel using both outs on the amp) ? Im such a noooob! haha! [/quote] You can only ever run a 4ohm [i]minimum[/i]. TO do this you can run one 4ohm cab, two 8ohm cabs or four 16ohm cabs. You can also run a load higher than 4ohms, but never less. If you wired the two cabs in series you would have a 12ohm load but would require a specialist cable to be able to do it.
  4. [quote name='Stag' post='336590' date='Nov 25 2008, 08:13 PM']Quick query on this then : I have a Trace 300w 4ohm min load head. If I drive my Ampeg 4x10 (400w, 4ohm) on its own, I get 300w straight through it... right? If I daisy chain my Trace 15x10 (300w, 8ohm) into the equation via the Ampeg, I actually only get 100w through the Ampeg, and 200w through the Trace cab, due to the ohmage? My simple question is : the two cabs will certainly be louder than one. Why? Is it not better to just dump all that power into one cab? Im a bit of a beginner at this electronics business.[/quote] You can only use one cab at one time otherwise you'll be running less than a 4ohm load (connected in parallel). Running more speakers can push more air = more volume.
  5. I stuck a NOS Mullard in mine.
  6. Inputs in the back are XLR or jack integrated into one socket.
  7. I like the Tapco Link.USB: [url="http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/shop/flypage/product_id/14582/r/base"]http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/shop/flypage...id/14582/r/base[/url]
  8. [quote name='Waldo' post='334699' date='Nov 23 2008, 02:17 AM']Come again? It is a solid state preamp which has a separate switchable valve drive section which just dumps the signal through a valve or two to give a bit of grit to the sound. This does not make it a valve preamp, as you say. And before you get defensive, I'd like to point out that I'm also an ashdown owner, I have one of their [i]all valve[/i] guitar amps in fact.[/quote] My point was that the ABM EVO II preamp is not the same as the MAG EVO II preamp or the EB EVO II preamp. Anyway I've had enough, may as well face it Ashdown are a joke company and my amp is gona explode 3 years ago.
  9. [quote name='nash' post='334662' date='Nov 22 2008, 11:48 PM']ashdown five fifteen combo's dont have fans and thats the ashdown listed in jerseytrev's gear list in his sig. also to amend your earlier post. ABM is no the preamp name it's the line of amps name. EVO is the preamp name hence EVO I/II/III. from what i remember EVO II's are now used in the MAG series.[/quote] And because a £120 practice amp went boom, that's reason to say a £1k+ amp will too? Fair enough but the ABM EVO II is a valve preamp, and the MAG EVO II is a solid state preamp.
  10. [quote name='jerseytrev' post='334610' date='Nov 22 2008, 09:23 PM']well my ashdown amp went phut ,was told because they did not use fans in their build ,£1600 i do not think so rather have my hartke 3500 .[/quote] My ABM has a fan. My MAG had a fan. Do you know what a fan looks like? What do they put in the water in Jersey?
  11. [quote name='Machines' post='334588' date='Nov 22 2008, 08:07 PM']Same here, they do me fine. Might upgrade to an ABM cab though.[/quote] There's an ABM 210 for sale on here for £180: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=28130"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=28130[/url]
  12. [quote name='acidbass' post='334224' date='Nov 22 2008, 03:11 AM']I hope all of this criticism can be justified when the amp is released. Remember that Mark Gooday had a hand in designing Trace Elliot amps when they were made in the UK, and remember the big 8xKT88 amp that they made? If it's anything like the V8, Ashdown will have taken a step forward. I know that most of their business comes from the fact that they have a mountain of endorsees in the UK, but my EVOII 2x10 combo does sound brilliant nonetheless despite my non-pro status![/quote] Even if it's a success it'll still get slated by the Anti-Ashdown bandwagon.
  13. [quote name='nash' post='334073' date='Nov 21 2008, 07:43 PM']to me the specs sound like they've put the crap pre of the evo's on to the power section of a mesa 400+. pretty lame.[/quote] The [b][i]ABM[/i][/b] preamp is awesome. And the power section of the Mesa has twelve valves, the Ashdown has eight, but yeah thats obviously the same... On second thoughts, simply:
  14. [quote name='Sibob' post='333583' date='Nov 21 2008, 01:06 AM']I much prefer a DI'd sound than a mic'd sound And I take an interest into what my bass sounds like out front one way or another! And when I'm playing covers shows, we're doing the sound onstage! Si[/quote] I'd rather use the DI out on my amp than take a chance that the soundguy is gona stick a battered "not good enough for vocals" sm58 in front of my speakers (yes this has happened before )
  15. [quote name='Sibob' post='333571' date='Nov 21 2008, 12:45 AM']I can change the DI volume of my Ashdown using the Input Volume knob And use the Output volume knob for 'stage' volume tweeks without affecting the volume of the signal going to the PA How does it work on the Hartke? Si[/quote] Fair enough, I thought it was a fixed level, nevermind. The Hartke has a magic preamp I'm still trying to figure out what would happen with a borderline signal too high for passive and too low for active. And if the input signal is very quiet (and non-adjustable), surely you have to push the output stage more to get the same volume as you would with a "proper" signal from the preamp?
  16. Aha so it was you who bought that body I was watching it but missed the auction
  17. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='332629' date='Nov 19 2008, 09:01 PM']Well the thing doesn't look too shoddy inside: [/quote] Where's the rest of it?
  18. I think like the Ashdown the DI volume will be a set level.
  19. [quote name='Sibob' post='332366' date='Nov 19 2008, 03:15 PM']I'm mostly interested in what peoples expereinces are of using it onstage DI'd into a PA, the only reason I ask is because my Ashdown ABM has an [b]input volume and an output volume[/b] (i know this has been discussed in this thread already). But with this I'm able to set the volume going to the PA, and then my onstage volume seperately, which is extremely helpful. How does the Hartke compare? only having one volume etc.[/quote] DON'T GO THERE!
  20. You have a PM.
  21. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=30714"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=30714[/url]
  22. Does the preamp section have its own power transformer inside? Although not ideal, a solution would be to take the pre and power amp out into their own case and just use the power amp solely as a power supply. Go from the preamp signal out into your bass power amp.
  23. Also bear in mind speaker configuration. Look for something with at least 2x10", 2x12" or a good 1x15".
  24. Protium

    obbm's feedback

    Speaker cable arrived today. Excellent.
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