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Posts posted by Protium

  1. [quote name='ped' post='299519' date='Oct 4 2008, 06:25 PM']Growly and aggressive to me is achieved with low action and digging in, a bit of clank, through a loud but clean amplifier. Distorted bass, to me, doesn't sound aggressive - it has lost its aggressiveness by being effected. Real aggressive tone is tone where you can hear the digging in, the energy.[/quote]

    +1, I don't usually use any distortion even though people have asked what pedals I use live :)

  2. This is a kit from general guitar gadgets that I built to Green Russian spec. Runs on 9V cell or DC 9V power supply. Sounds awesome with bass and guitar and is LOUD. Controls are (left to right) vol, tone, sustain. Jacks are output left, input right.

    Atm it's just painted dark green waiting for details to finish it off, I couldn't think of anything so I left it for the time being.

    Pics (it's slightly lighter than what these show):

    £60 posted ono?

  3. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='298721' date='Oct 3 2008, 04:45 PM']I knew this would come up. It was a sp error ok. :)

    But (as Moss would say) prepare to put mustard on those words, for you will soon be consuming them along with this slice of humble pie, that comes direct from the oven of shame set at gas mark egg on your face. Strictly speaking, you open it up and I think you'll find there's 2 pups my friend. :huh:[/quote]

    Awesome quote but aimed at me? :huh:

  4. [quote name='alexclaber' post='298881' date='Oct 3 2008, 08:09 PM']What? Where does the limiter come into it? The limiter is on the power amp and is independent of the other knob positions, it purely engages when the output signal from the power amp no longer tracks the input signal to the power amp. Same as any other amp with a true output limiter.

    You are continuing to miss the point. If you want more extensive EQ buy a different amp - Hartke even make other amps that fulful your requirements. Note that those amps are more expensive because the extra circuitry costs more.

    No, it's nothing like that. They've built an amp which costs very little which has the same features as many popular rack rigs like those with Demeter, Kern, Aguilar, Alembic, Trace Elliott valve preamps. Just because you want lots of EQ doesn't mean everyone else does. Just accept that we are all individuals ("I'm not!" "Shhhh...")

    If you'd like to come down to Brighton for a lesson into how to control tone using your fingers then do let me know. "ZOMG, his bass makes all these different sounds and he isn't twisting any knobs, WTF?!!!!"


    From a selling point of view they would have been better including a more extensive EQ, not to mention it being a lot more practical. You don't HAVE to use the whole EQ, it would just make the amp more appealing to the market.

    You must be some sort of wizard being able to control tone with your fingers, I never figured that out...

  5. [quote name='alexclaber' post='298783' date='Oct 3 2008, 05:43 PM']It has an output volume control to turn the volume up and down. What's the point of having a second volume control?!!

    I'm perplexed why you'd think a 3 band EQ and a clean but 'juicy' preamp is limiting?

    For years I used a preamp with loads of EQ and but hardly ever moved the knobs from flat. I now use a preamp with no EQ save a few switchable presets and a bass with nothing more than a pickup switch a volume knob and a tone knob. It isn't at all limiting! It is both liberating and versatile. Trust in the power of your ears and hands!


    P.S. Btw, my EQ-free preamp 'with only one setting' is allied to a 3000W power amp. More perplexed? :)

    P.P.S. And no, I don't have some tidy little smooth jazz tone - I have a big m*****f****r of a sound which envelopes my band with all kinds of fatness, growl and grease.[/quote]

    To set a constant volume going to the power amp without needing the limiter.

    Look at it this way: Compare a 3 band EQ to a 12 band EQ. Which one is more limited?

    Hartke have made a serious amp and then undersold it IMO. They didn't need to put hundreds of features on it, just a decent EQ section and it's in a league of it's own. It's like Ferrari building a car with a V12 engine and then only giving it 1 gear.

    P.S. Blah, I have a big sound too, but I also have control over my tone which allows me to alter this sound if I feel the need, ZOMG HERESY!

  6. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='298728' date='Oct 3 2008, 04:53 PM']Well, I think it's a fab idea. The less knobs the better.

    If you don't like the amp 'cos does it doesn't have an input gain, it's because the amp is genuinely not for you. It's not because it's 'wrong'.[/quote]

    I didn't call it wrong. I'm just perplexed why they've given it a decent preamp and massive power section and then limited it to a 3 band EQ and a preamp with one setting :)

  7. [quote name='alexclaber' post='298718' date='Oct 3 2008, 04:41 PM']No, you're misunderstanding what I'm saying. Why would the design benefit from an input volume control? This preamp is specifically designed not to be overdriven. Why should it be something it's not?


    The same reason it benefits from an output volume control.

  8. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='298680' date='Oct 3 2008, 03:54 PM']I'm feckin' awesome at everything! I LOVE SLAP! In fact, I do it on everything, even soft, quiet ballads - just love blowing everyone else away! Wickety whack!!! :)[/quote]


  9. [quote name='alexclaber' post='298639' date='Oct 3 2008, 03:12 PM']The Hartke has a knob for overall output volume. That is your control for overall output volume. Job done!

    This preamp design runs the valve at such a high voltage that you can't get grind from it unless you use a booster pedal before it. You may not like that but others do. It's far more authentic implementation of a valve preamp than the wimpy lower voltage attempts in just about every other head on the market!

    This is a dual channel version of this preamp - it lists for $1350:



    You missed what I was saying there. IMO the design would benefit from an input volume control.

    Edit: OG has hit the nail on the head in the post above. No control on input, limited control on EQ.

    I bet $1000 of that preamp is down to the Alembic marque :)

  10. [quote name='alexclaber' post='298561' date='Oct 3 2008, 01:23 PM'][b]Why does everyone assume that the reason a valve is in a preamp is to provide some measure of dirt?[/b] The Dual Showman / Alembic / Hartke topology uses the valve as a high impedance, high headroom and low distortion input buffer and then as a low distortion output gain. It is not designed to get you distortion, dirt, overdrive, etc. It is solely there to provide a clean fat sound, much like valves are sometimes used in high-end hi-fi.

    If you don't need an input gain control then why have one? Most preamps need an input gain control because they have insufficient headroom and too much noise to work well without.


    I don't think any has assumed that.

    Use the Ashdown ABM for example, there is a volume control for the instrument signal as well as an active/passive switch. They seem to have acknowledged that not all instruments have the same output volume and users might want to have some sort of control to the overall output voume without having to compress/limit the signal.

    You can also control just how much "dirt" you want from the valve (clean/grind). As far as I can see the Hartke essentially has just one setting.

    Don't get me started on the EQ options :)

  11. [quote name='Clarky' post='298234' date='Oct 3 2008, 06:26 AM']Agreed, I have tried to nick the feel (not the notes!) from Love Song in a couple of my band's songs (notably 'I don't need you' should anyone be checking out Kismetik's MySpace page)

    - how about adding Donald Jackson from A Certain Ratio to the list? Check out 'Flight' off their first album (like a funky version of Joy Division). A post-punker who slapped[/quote]

    "I don't need you" isn't in your player :)

    Check out David Sims from The Jesus Lizard, the most underated band of the 90's.

  12. [quote name='OldGit' post='295746' date='Sep 30 2008, 06:48 PM']Nah they had the bigger Vox amps :) and they were miced up

    However it didn't really matter as the audience was screaming at them through a million watts of throat[/quote]

    And it's well known that a throat watt is at least 3 times as loud as a watt :huh:

  13. [quote name='thumbo' post='294328' date='Sep 29 2008, 09:19 AM']In reference to Nick Oliveri, he just uses a 70's Ampeg V4 cranked up with a P-Bass that's had the volume pot taken out, going straight into an Ernie Ball volume pedal. From what I gather, that's pretty much all he's ever used.[/quote]

    And tuned down to C, that affects the tone substantially too.

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