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Everything posted by Protium

  1. [quote name='ARGH' post='274094' date='Aug 31 2008, 10:41 PM']Kids that havent played enough and think they're opinion is justified.[/quote] Old people who should've given it up years ago who think they know it all
  2. [quote name='lwtait' post='274019' date='Aug 31 2008, 08:31 PM']come round and play my taitycaster then tell me passive basses are anywherer near as loud as actives.[/quote] That wasn't the point was it. PS I'd love to hear it minus batteries
  3. [quote name='lwtait' post='273770' date='Aug 31 2008, 03:34 PM']passive basses - too quiet, don't sound good, have to mess around with your amp to get different sounds etc.[/quote] Haha, come round and play my P with a Wizard Thumper pickup then tell me passive basses are too quiet I like all the Ashdown bashing that consists of nothing more than: "Ashdown, 'nuff said" Anyway, my contribution Anything Fender: Over-priced, over-used, just blahhhhh in general Hartke amps/cabs: Them aluminium cones are rubbish, the amp heads look really cheap Basses that cost £1000000000 and your soul Ampeg, 'nuff said Elixir Strings: Stay sounding new for 46 years, which would be great if they didn't sound sh*te to start with... In fact, just like everyone else, I hate everything that isn't my own gear
  4. [quote name='Muse_Cubed' post='273700' date='Aug 31 2008, 02:01 PM']Heh, just noticed that you also have a 1995 Rapture. Snap bro! Except mine's a 5er. *1995 Pedulla Five* Hey, you never gave me the Big Muff/ODB-3 love I like running the Muff into the ODB-3 (low gain). Actually sounds pretty good.[/quote] Awesome, what model and colour? I've got the single pickup one and I [i]think[/i] it's tobacco sunburst but faded really nicely And running the muff into the ODB3 is great, like the world is ending
  5. I've heard stories about these Taiwan basses being shoddy at best, and that's if they actually turn up...
  6. Just get up there and have fun
  7. The ABM410 is a decent cab, plenty of volume. Heavy though
  8. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='272501' date='Aug 29 2008, 01:03 PM']Out of interest what EVOII's have one of each? Also, don't forget the EVOII range now includes MAG, EB and older ABM's[/quote] My ABM EVO II does, but I think I may have read the thread wrong A quick email to Ashdown will sort this out.
  9. Anything by the Jesus Lizard
  10. Welcome I got banned from Talkbass too hahaha
  11. Bass --> EHX Octave Multiplexer --> Sovtek Big Muff (green) Replica --> Boss ODB3 --> Toadworks Mr. Squishy --> Amp Pics to follow.
  12. I would go with the assumption it'll be the same as the other EVO II spec amps with 1 speakon and 1 jack out.
  13. [b]What I've owned:[/b] No-name 20W combo (5 string bass blew this "beast" up) Ashdown MAG 300 head + MAG 410 + MAG 115 (Decent head, poor cabs. Made from chipboard...) Ashdown MAG 600 head (DOA, all the ones soundslive had in stock were broke too, got the ABM 300 instead) Ashdown ABM EVO II 300 head + ABM 410 (current gig setup) Custom built 210 cab (currently use for practice so I dont have to lug the 410 around) Orange Crush 35B (current practice amp) [b]What I've played:[/b] Trace Elliot 115 combo Some ancient Kustom amp that seemingly only had a bass control? 50W Laney 112 combo MAG 250 head + MAG 410 cab (@ Surface unsigned - "You will be using industry standard equipment: Ashdown ABM 900 head + ABM 810 cabinet will be supplied" haha bollocks, and they don't even make the MAG 250 any more) [b]Awards:[/b] [u]Best Looking Amp[/u] Everyone loves them orange amps [u]Loudest Amp[/u] ABM 300 + MAG 410 + MAG 115 [u]Best Live Sound[/u] ABM 300 + ABM 410 [u]Most Commented Upon Live Sound[/u] MAG 300 + custom 210 cab + 5 string bass = "The loudest noise I've ever heard, the seats were visibly vibrating" [u]Most Frustrating Set Up to get a sound out of[/u] Using the MAG 115 on its own sounded sh*t, I dont think it had a tweeter so all you got was boom boom boom. The trace combo wasn't too hot either, 15" speakers anyone? [u]Overall Winner[/u] Current rig: ABM gear. [u]Overall Loser[/u] Got to be the MAG 600, Chinese quality control eh?
  14. Try turning the output volume down until it stops distorting and don't use too much bass on the amp EQ.
  15. [quote name='BassManKev' post='272055' date='Aug 28 2008, 09:28 PM']for me, a tenner, but somebody who needs it for a spare speaker they have or sumit, i guess around 40 or 50. its just a bit of cheap wood with an ashdown logo on it.[/quote] At least it's made of plywood and not chipboard like the MAG boxes
  16. Consider a used (complete) ABM115 cab goes for around £150 minimum. For this you could pick up a decent 15" eminence speaker for about £50, so call it £120 total if you collect the box... If I was in Hertfordshire I'd go for it purely coz my ABM300 head would fit in it and it matches the 4x10"
  17. Approximately every 3 months or after a few gigs when I need some extra "zing".
  18. Protium

    Hotel California

    One of the coolest venues in the NW, and located in the middle of a roundabout!
  19. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='269550' date='Aug 25 2008, 03:49 PM']Has your drummer spontaneously combust?[/quote] The picture was taken just seconds before the flames
  20. Played: The schools crap encore p-bass... possibly the heaviest bass on earth, missing a string and rust on every metal part. Owned: Yamaha RBX170
  21. I prefer just 1 guitarist, but 2 is OK so long as they don't sound the same. ZERO guitarists if they're playing a Gibson LP through a Marshall stack
  22. [quote name='MB1' post='268100' date='Aug 22 2008, 08:46 PM']MB1. Music Ground Oxford Road Manchester!.... I know personally not to be rubbish! as i know the people who work there ,and i have indeed worked there myself. John Rob and Tony will endeavour to obtain whatever your heart may desire at the best price possible ,They will attempt to match Internet prices,and all members of the staff are helpful without being annoying!(theyll usually just plug you in and leave you to it!)as for the Rickenbacker Scenario thats down to Rickenbacker themselves apparently an attempt to clear back orders?.[/quote] How long ago? Maybe you were the cheeky blonde lad who addressed me as "love" and tried to sell me a SUB Stingray ("The last ones for sale in the entire country") when I asked to look at the Fender Jaguars
  23. Would be good for a Green Day covers band I suppose
  24. Another +1 on the Wizard Thumper. Either that or you can't go wrong with Barts
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