I own one Fodera and have another one on order due in September. I like the idea of the Monarch P, and I agree with Si that if they have put the model out, then they clearly believe there is a demand for it, and it is likely among Fodera owners who want the P bass vibe rather than Fender players looking to upgrade. Despite my love of their basses however, I wouldn't buy it. Foderas appeal to me due to their effortless playability and the killer tone of the Duncan duals. I'll quite happily keep my Foderas for that reason but when I buy a P bass I won't be bothered about super low action or great woodwork. I like a P bass to have pretty high action, a thick neck and solid colours. If you play one of those for any extended time period the added finger strength you've gained ratchets the playability factor on the Foderas up another notch. Still, good they put it out as a choice for those who want that playability on a P bass.