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Everything posted by AinsleyWalker

  1. Oh interesting, I'll have to look into this. Know anywhere I could look to have this done? My OC2 actually has no dry signal.. I think the pot for that control is broken so that's another repair that needs doing. Maybe I could look for someone who could do both at the same time. Although I've just bought an MXR Bass Octave deluxe and I think that might be more usable, as much as I love the oc2.
  2. I have an OC2 and a MXR Bass Octave Deluxe. The OC2 sounds amazing, but is very unique and the -1 octave output isn't very high. The MXR seems like the perfect all round bass octave, really versatile with a lot of adjustability.
  3. So I see a lot of people using OC2s with the dry signal and -2 octave all the way off and the -1 octave all the way up. I've had my OC2 for years but whenever I've tried to use it like this, it's been way too quiet, the -1 octave simply isn't loud enough to be used alone and when engaged, there's a significant drop in volume, even when using a powerful amp/cab and a Cali76 compressor in front of it. Am I missing something? I watch demos and it doesn't seem to happen to others.
  4. Bought an MXR Bass Octave Deluxe, came the next day in great condition
  5. Quick 'trusted seller' post for Big Bass Man, sent me an MXR bass octave deluxe boxed in great condition, came within 1 day of posting. Cheers! 

    1. SpondonBassed



      You could do him a solid and post your comment on his feedback topic.  Feedback for Big Bass Man.

    2. AinsleyWalker


      @SpondonBassed oh yeah totally forgot about those, thanks!

    3. Big Bass Man

      Big Bass Man

      Thanks man - that's really nice!

  6. Hmm might give them a shout.. The direct signal of my OC2 doesn't work anymore and I've got an MXR analog chorus which just stopped working one day and seems to cause any power supplies to cut out when it's plugged in, so not sure what the issue is.
  7. It kinda sucks that they changed how you scroll through patches, so when you're on 9, you go to 10 rather than going back to 1, which means you HAVE to double click program to scroll down.. Bit of a pain.
  8. I'll look that up, thanks for the tip!
  9. I have one last question (for now lol)... How do you split a parameter like this? I see some patches shift pitch/resonance/LFO etc and I have a patch I'd like to apply to this too.. but can't seem to figure out how. I'm reading through the user manual now, but perhaps you might be able to help?
  10. Ah yes, 'When ready with editing turn FI off and on again.' Apologies for all the questions, thanks for your help so far
  11. Ok I'm attempting to do it now, powered up holding down Program, selected rS, changed the 0 to 1 but the Quickstart guide doesn't explain what to do now (unless I am missing something)
  12. Thanks, I know as i said "It is mentioned very briefly next to the link but I figured it would be easier to just do it manually.." It does not give any information as to what it is/how it works so it didn't even consider using it.
  13. Oh all the values on my pedal are already set to 5 on everything, so perhaps this will not be necessary?
  14. I did not know about an online updater. It is mentioned very briefly next to the link but I figured it would be easier to just do it manually.. Yes I loaded the v3 presets I don't know what you mean by the last bit... How do I 'reset all' or set the time base??
  15. Ok never mind I managed to figure it out! It seems that you have to use the old editor to update the firmware, but then use the new one to write the v3 presets onto the pedal. This is not mentioned in the instructions, the only time the editor is mentioned is when it says to use the currently installed version (which implies the old one?) I've managed to update successfully anyway thanks!
  16. I'm having a hard time understanding these instructions sorry.. It says to: Launch your currently-installed version of the Editor; So I use the V1 editor to update to V3 :S? And also it keeps mentioning powering on: "Power on the FI holding both footswitches to put it into update mode;" "Reboot the FI to the boot menu by holding down PROGRAM while powering on." So I need to disconnect the power supply and turn it back on again at these steps?
  17. Also, the update instructions say to download the v3.00 Distribution Package, but there is no package on the support page, only the individual editor, firmware and preset download links. Not a huge issue, but thought I'd let you know.
  18. Damn well I'm very glad you've told me this thanks a lot! I wouldn't have sold mine, but being able to update it is great And that's really cool! Keep up the good work!
  19. Well I recently visited the support page to get the default sounds (as I'd edited a lot of mine beyond the point of no-return) and saw: "Future Impact v3 Bass/Guitar Synthesizer Refresh your firmware to the latest version of 3.00" Now because I have v1 not v3, I did not think this applied to me and so I scrolled down to the legacy files. I'm not experienced with firmware and it didn't cross my mind that it would be possible to update the v1 firmware to v3. What exactly is the point of making a new pedal if the old one works with the new firmware?? Are there new components/effects/etc in the new model? Also do you work for pandaMidi?!
  20. Oh I didn't know that! I'll update my firmware now then! I'm not sure what version I'm using currently, it's the newest non-v3 version I think though
  21. I can't load your patches as theyre for the V3 and I'm on the V1, but there's a few patches like your Twinkles ones and I've not heard that effect before!
  22. Yeah I used that a bit at first before I had a midi connector! I actually didn't think to refer to it for the Editor haha! There's still a few things I don't know how to use properly. Are your patches available online anywhere? Some of the sounds you've got there are so good! I'd be interested to see how you've got the parameters set up, some like the CMYP one are really similar to some that I've attempted but seem to have a little extra something ha
  23. Basically all you do is a Basically: You get a Roland UM-One MKII. to connect the pedal to your computer, then you use the Future Impact Editor (download from pandaMidi website) to edit/create/save your own patches. Getting your head round the Editor takes a minute but when you get to grips with it, it's fairly intuitive. I had no experience with programming or anything before this and within a few weeks of messing around I could make patches from scratch.
  24. If I knew the answer to this, I wouldn't have posted a topic asking why people think they're terrible, would I lol?
  25. I've been playing for 11 years now, mostly self taught and I know a fair bit of theory but I've never actually sat down and learnt scales/modes etc and it's about time I think. Got a friend who's a pro bass player helping me out but any advice/suggestions/resources would be appreciated!

    1. Reggaebass


      If you haven’t already got it, I would highly recommend this book, it covers the major and minor scales, and there’s some great workouts, I’ve had it years and I still use it 🙂


    2. AinsleyWalker


      @Reggaebass oh that reminds me I have lots of similar books here that were given to me back when I started (I was a stubborn teenager and didn't want to learn scales/modes sigh) but better late than never! 
      Thanks for the suggestion

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