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Everything posted by AinsleyWalker

  1. Accidentally plugged my Subspace into the 18v output... Now it won't turn on 🙃


    1. BillyBass


      Oh dear!  I'll remember to not do that with mine then.

    2. Jean-Luc Pickguard

      Jean-Luc Pickguard

      Oh No! Hopefully it will only be a sacrificial fuse that has blown. Have you contacted Hamstead for a repair quote?

    3. AinsleyWalker


      @Jean-Luc Pickguard Yes I did! They said hopefully the same thing. I'll be sending it off to them in a week or two. Silver lining is at least I did this to a UK-made pedal, I suppose!

  2. Found my own 6 year old topic while searching the same question on Google haha... Still nothing
  3. There used to be a Coda Music in my hometown of Luton as well, not far from Stevenage. Looking at all the gear after school definitely sparked my love! I got my MM Stingray from there back in 2011 (absolute bargain looking back!)
  4. For anyone interested, i've found 2 options that meet my ideal spec (1meg input, 100ohm output) The Caveman BUF1 and the MusicomLab SI-01 both look they'll do the job nicely. Leaning towards the Musicom as it's around half the price and flat, so I could put a DI box, tuner or something on top.
  5. It's amazing. Enjoy! Once you get your head round the software and make some patches for yourself, it becomes a whole new beast. Also check out the Patch Directory via the software for patches by QM
  6. Should be fine. If I'm not mistaken, it's fine to oversupply mA as pedals will only take what they need. (correct me if I'm wrong please)
  7. Oh right, could have sworn you typed Rocco 😉 Where did you see him using the Euna may I ask?
  8. Yeah I've seen these on quite a few boards lately, from Emily Harpist to guitar players! Didn't realise Rocco used one though, was this seen on his board for the Yussef Dayes Experience? I struggled to make out anything he was using on the board (but heard his usual oc2 and chorus tones)
  9. Yeah I have to say, I've only very recently been informed of their shady side through colleagues at work... I'm aware of them basically ripping off circuits, but not much else. Shame because I've found the Chairman of the Boards podcasts interesting
  10. Thanks for the info! Much appreciated
  11. Thanks very much for the info! I'd love a Noble but it's out of my price range currently, might save up and give Shiftline an email! 👍
  12. Very surprised nobody (as far as I saw) mentioned the Shift Line Olympic MKIII. That seems to be the go-to alternative for Nobles on a lot of other forums.
  13. I'm just after a patchbay with high quality buffers on the input and output. I've done quite a bit of research on buffers and the optimal specs lately and these are the numbers that come up time and time again, and are featured on most good standalone buffers - JHS, Mesa Boogie, TC etc. 1meg input is optimal for guitar, anything up to 5meg can suit bass (as bass amps are less standardised on their inputs). The Peterson Strobostomp Tuner is about 2meg on input if I'm not mistaken, for example. The point of of an output buffer is to drive long lines effectively and stably. The lower the impedance of an output buffer, the better it will do the intended job. Mason from Vertex suggests 80ohms-150ohm for an ideal output impedance. While commenting on the Goodwood Interfacer's 500ohm output, he said: "It's a bit high for my liking. 100 ohms is ideal, this is about 5x higher than recommended and won't be as stable on the output with greater capacitive loads."
  14. Haha no worries! It's a reasonable suggestion anyway that would do the job. I currently have a little Bright Onion passive patchbay which I use to go to and from my switcher. Replacing it with a buffered patchbay would just be the most logical step
  15. I'm looking for a patchbay/pedalboard interface that has both an input buffer and an output buffer. (1Meg input, 100ohms output - ideal specs for buffers) I have found a couple of great options from Vertex and Goodwood, but they're on the other side of the world and/or very pricey. I would contact Bright Onion but they are not currently taking any custom orders, so they're out of the equation for now. Goodwood used to do the Bass Interfacer, and now do the larger Custom Junction box (which is double the price at $500...) Vertex make custom buffered interfaces but again they're based in the US. They also have videos/instructions on how to make your own, but I'm not sure I have the expertise needed to assemble it to a high quality. Something like this would be ideal if it based closer to UK, or even something simpler which is simply a mono dual-buffered mono patchbay (doesn't necessarily need an FX loop like the Goodwood options above). There are similar options like the Empress Buffer +, but the buffer specs are not great on the output (510ohms if I remember correctly) Anyone have any suggestions for UK/European based alternatives? It seems all the companies paying attention to this kind of thing are US/Aus/NZ based Thanks!
  16. Pete bought my Darkglass Vintage deluxe. Great communication, quick payment, item was posted to him within a few hours of him first messaging me. Top notch buyer! Cheers Thor (Pete) Ainsley
  17. Just seen someone sold an Endangered Audio Research AD4096 for under 200 on here a few weeks back. My head hurts. 

    1. Bunion


      Got to be quick…

    2. AinsleyWalker


      @Bunion Looks like I'm back to checking 'Effects for Sale' morning and night haha

    3. Bunion


      Welcome to my world 😂🤣

  18. Thanks for the suggestion. I've used one of their passive patchbays before and it was decent. I don't see any specs for their buffers, but I'll give him a message and see what he says, cheers
  19. I'm looking to get a dual buffered junction box/patchbay (buffer on input and output). Something like the Goodwood Interfacer or the one Vertex Effects make would be perfect, but availability in the UK isn't great. Other alternatives could be something like the Mesa Boogie High-Wire Dual Buffer/Boost pedal, but that's steering away from what I want ideally, though it can serve the role of a dual buffer ofc. Good buffer specs: 1M input impedence 100 ohms output impedence Any suggestions? Thanks!
  20. Thanks for the feedback! I'll look into the MC3 as well
  21. Hey! I've taken a look through this post and found some answers to my question but they were from a while ago and it's a loong thread so.. Any recommendations for MIDI footswitch controllers to use with the FI? I'm just looking for something to control patch up & down. Would something like this do the job?: https://www.disasterareadesigns.com/shop/p/dmc-micro-pro Thanks!
  22. Really? I've been using the Vintage Deluxe for years now and I find it's great for general thump/tone sculpting/light tubey breakup.
  23. Most definitely. Any of their pedals are versatile, it's all about how you use it like anything. I've been using the Vintage range of pedals for years and I never play anything heavy, I rarely play rock at all anymore tbh.
  24. SOLD Amazing pedal, great as a preamp, as a drive or as a DI for recording/live use. Only selling to fund some other purchases. In great condition and fully working. Super strong brand Velcro on the bottom. No original box. Collection/meetup in/around London or £5 for UK postage
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