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Posts posted by sunburstjazz1967

  1. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1455566363' post='2980324']

    It has already happened! The 'Djent' metal bands tend to use modelling and profiling amps now. You either get that tone with a 5150 set to a very specific set of parameters and mic'd a very specific way, or you use a gadget to model that tone exactly accurately and then send it to the PA.

    Are they endorsing the di and modelling kit for live use though, we are still being sold this idea of big amps on stage even when the performers are clearly running all in ears, plenty of people are still buying amps and cabs by brand X because certain players are stood in front of them in a magazine shoot.

  2. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1455480284' post='2979507']
    . . . and you can adjust the monitors from the stage.

    The xair allows 4 people onto the in built wifi hot spot and you can have different levels of access so you can have overall control for the person that normally does (drummer in my function band, singer in my pub trio) then give 3 more people access to their own monitor mix or in ears if they use them, that also makes a mix of in ears and non in ears players able to play together too.

  3. In a few years time non digital mixers with or without wifi control will be resigned to rehearsal rooms forever.

    I have a Behringer xair and a 10.2 galaxy tab, RCF 735 cabs, db monitors.
    This gives;
    A huge range of FX,
    31 Band EQ for FOH, each monitor mix (4 independent mixes), and more 31 band eqs in the FX slots.
    Gated and compressed kick drum,
    Wireless mix from anywhere in the venue,
    4 speakers and some xlr leads give us a 2800 watt pa in ten minutes!
    Each band and each venue once mixed can be saved and reloaded everytime you play there so once you have some basic sttings uploaded, perhaps put aside a full practice just once and from then on a small tweek to suit each gig, save and you are done, if you go back a year later, load the venue and voila!

    Awesome box smaller than a shoe box!!!

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