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Posts posted by sunburstjazz1967

  1. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1452021595' post='2945661']

    Sorry but this is cobblers - I've been playing for 36 years & I still could not play you a single scale, and I have no idea what a chord pattern or a tension is. This hasn't stopped me being in lots of bands & even doing paid session work because some people just like the way I play.

    It isn't cobblers at all you just know that it's not cobblers, you haven't invented a new unique musical system, you just don't know why some things sound good and other things don't.

    Using ears is great,a must, but like it or not anyone who can't understand keys is ultimately excluded from some work, as long as you don't want that work thats fine, playing in a band that does the songs in one key and never swaps members around last minute and has regular practices I guess it doesn't really matter (I still think it would be quicker if all members know what a key is) but depping last minute gigs with a set list the day before with keys added on in scribble often different to the record would be very hard for MOST players without ANY theory to pull off well enough imo.

  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1452004722' post='2945387']
    Depends if you think you need it or not. I've managed perfectly well with patterns, movement and sound. I find music theory a very boring subject which is why I haven't bothered. It makes me lose the will to live. I find it is the enemy of spontaneity. I'm likely to be shot down in flames for saying this, so don't get me wrong - some people's minds work in certain ways and people tend to find the best way of doing things [i]for them[/i]. I have no issue with people who are able to learn music theory, advanced maths, German, Finnish, physics, programming, [i]et al[/i]. It's just not for me.

    On the same subject, I don't understand people who feel that if they don't make 'progress' with an instrument that they have failed in some way. They feel as if they've 'hit a wall' or are 'in a rut' with their playing. Again, I don't have an issue with people who want to improve themselves, I just don't feel the need to quantify how 'good' or otherwise I am at playing bass. I don't practise scales or feel I have to spend a certain amount of time every day on an instrument. It's not a competition - it's art. If I can do what I feel needs to be done in an interesting and creative way and it sounds good, then I'm happy. Is that so very [i]wrong[/i], people?? :D

    The op has already stated that it is causing a problem and making life more difficult relying on other people's patience with him.

    I've been in bands with people who say they don't want to learn any theory as its boring, like wise I find it boring spending ages on one song because they don't know what a flat 7 is for example and those "patterns" don't work all of a sudden!

    I'd have a lot more time for someone that can't learn theory than someone that doesn't want to, hell mine isn't great!

    Those who only play at home or a solo act or even in a band of like minded folk that's great to carry on regardless, 20 plus new songs for a gig this weekend with other musicians that know their stuff, forget it.

  3. Surely everyone does both to a certain degree? Dad's sarcastic post is all well and good but to some extent is non totally untrue, specs come first, no good Easyjet buying a 4 seater cessna no matter how well it performs in its class is it, at the same time Easyjet buyers will test the real thing before purchasing or have a get out clause if it does not deliver to the spec requested, That to me is no different to buying an amp, a 1x10 20watt combo isnt going to cut it for a punk band no matter who designed it or with what components so first thing it needs to do is work on paper, 4x10, 2x12, 2x2x10 etc, then cost comes in too, no good looking at a high end neo 2x12 if you have £4-500 budget no matter if it will sound how you like or not unless you have another £400 tucked away to go with it! At that point the only test would be with ears IMO, this would then come to looks, I would not want a pile of cabs with some on the side, some on end, badges all over the place and a head wider that the cab on the top of the pile no matter how good it sounded.

  4. If there was one correct solution or even a best option with the current technology there would only be one choice of cab or amp or bass or whatever, for me Ashdown suck and their cabs suck the most but I see bands where that wooly sound works for them, those players probably would not like a full range amp and cab loaded with tweeters no matter how boutique it was!

  5. Someone who classes themselves as being born middle class would not recognise you as middle class because you went to uni, someone who sees themselves as being born upper class wouldn't accept a middle class person as upper class if they bought a country pile, working class folk won't accept newly broke folk as working class just because they are now on the shop floor either, if you feel middle class that's fine but what does it change?

  6. If the player and audience are happy and the only person moaning is the tone obsessed bass nerd sat at the back moaning about everything from the lighting to the gauge of strings the guitarist has then I'd still rather it bee that way around.

    If you came up to me mid gig and said the bass is a bit boomy I'd happily cut some lows though.

    I think people struggle with anything other than how they would have it as being wrong?

  7. I think you can over think these things, if the audience are enjoying it then it's good, if not I'd imagine the bass tone is not at the core of the problem, poor song choices or wrong band for the venue, crap singer, aimless noodling, too loud etc etc all coming before the bass tone.

  8. Someone who enjoys a clanky ric through an old ampeg might not enjoy a sei jazz and eden amp with modern cabs. Neither are good if it's not want you need, a two seater Ferrari is not better than a transit van if you are a self employed plumber is it?

  9. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1450376762' post='2932237']
    Im a great fan of him. I went to a Level 42 concert a few years ago and was taken by the number of early 40s late 30s females in the audience - so not musos, though there were undoubtedly some there.


    Blimey who let those women away from the cooker, whatever next? !

  10. What would those cabs cost in today's money though? My 600 watt requirement comes from having a 900 watt head so in a single cab solution that would be the minimum I'd like the cab rated at even when using my ears to check its not ruining It.

  11. As the op is slating multi hundred pound cabs I'm presuming cabs for less than £200 are the ones we should all be using, I'd need at least a good ceramic 4x10 capable of managing 600 watts at four ohms and to be able to produce a clean low B, any suggestions?

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