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Everything posted by sunburstjazz1967

  1. I've never met a bass that was too straight that couldn't have a bit of a bow let in but many that have too much relief no matter how tight the truss goes, better to buy a straight neck and let a bow in than buy a bent one that wont go where you want especially if you like them practically flat with a super low string height.
  2. I suppose this is where those six D&B monitors would really shine as long as they weren't hired out when you needed them? :-)
  3. Dougie Poynter from Mcfly uses Sterlings as well as Rays, all with LEDs!
  4. Symphonic metal? Whatever next, lol.
  5. What does the drummer currently use, in ears?
  6. Err for songs that need a pick sound, same as I use fingers for fingered sound, slap for slap etc etc etc.
  7. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1462127112' post='3040491'] Thou shall not comment on Barefaced threads unless you; A-add something positive. B-Own and gig a BF cab. If you do not meet the above criteria you are; A-jelous. B-trolling. C-wrong. D-using it incorrectly. E-have the wrong amp for the cab. F-have the wrong amp for your chosen genre. G-have the wrong cab for the genre. :-D [/quote] [quote name='3below' timestamp='1462128667' post='3040512'] Just to finish H - Averse to HEFT ™ I - of weak mental disposition J - financially challenged K - unable to use strap handles L - do not like loud clear bass M - using the wrong basses N - sonically challenged O - unable to admit your other poor purchases P - a bedroom player Q - using your existing cabinets as part of a body building regime R - deluded by the advertising of other manufacturers S - not using a flat EQ T - in a highly lucrative endorsement deal with another organisation U - underpowering your cabinet V - misguidedly worshipping false cabinets W - locked in the 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s using a smiley EQ (circle as needed) X - in need of scuffed / torn tolex for the RnR look Y - wanting a 'Fridge' since everyone uses a 'Fridge' because 'Fridges' are cool Z - thinking that 10s and 12s are too fast compared to 15s and 18s Choose reasons to suit own situation from the above, please feel free to add other reasons I was tempted to add 'Free of GAS' as a possible choice, however this seems so improbable and is thus a negligible value choice. [/quote] If one purchases TKS cabs after claiming all of H-Z previously they are exempt from questioning, lol.
  8. Thou shall not comment on Barefaced threads unless you; A-add something positive. B-Own and gig a BF cab. If you do not meet the above criteria you are; A-jelous. B-trolling. C-wrong. D-using it incorrectly. E-have the wrong amp for the cab. F-have the wrong amp for your chosen genre. G-have the wrong cab for the genre. :-D
  9. I think any band that tried a digital desk once would be sold on it, the vocals sound fantastic on ours.
  10. ^ I agree with this, bit fiddly at dust but once you've got it then it's very easy with FAR more useful features than a conventional desk will have unless it costs thousands of pounds and is massive! Like having a new phone is exactly how it is.
  11. If only we could all have the correct tone and equipment choice that JT uses, one make and model of bass, amp and cab with the knobs glued in position at the factory to stop us idiots spoiling things, The Tickled Trout would never sound bad ever again! Lol
  12. I have my tablet on a music stand with the screen function set to no switch off, you can choose exactly what functions you have as the overview, so main out volume and each of the input channel sliders at hand. Mine is also colour coded with each band member having a coloured xlr lead to match their slider on the desk, sad but true!
  13. If people were wading into a barefaced porn thread or a ncd thread with negative posts I'd say that's out of order but it isn't is it? The facts are that some people do not like BF cabs for various reasons,thats life.
  14. [quote name='Sammers' timestamp='1461761219' post='3037379'] Use them a lot, probably [/quote] For what, digging the garden?
  15. I don't know what people do to make basses so battered, I've owned things fit years and only collected a few bumps and buckle rash.
  16. It's odd how humans attach so much feelings to items, Like him or not Rolf Harris is a fantastic artist and his paintings are just as good now as they were when he wasn't a convicted paedophile, shame really :-(
  17. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1461448203' post='3034790'] The ones that I've tried don't do it for me but each to his own. [/quote] [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1461483014' post='3034890'] Have you ever heard or read of anyone not liking a Barefaced cab? You could go and try a Barefaced cab. There's a guy near you with a Big Baby II http://barefacedbass.com/barefaced-map.htm Also, I've got a One10 and will be staying over near Exeter on Wednesday night. [/quote] Yes but they are always told that they are wrong, ignored or declared liers looking at other threads, lol.
  18. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1461255731' post='3032982'] One could make the argument that no decent musician would either. Engineers are just like any other artist. You do it because you love it. If you do manage a living at it all the better. [/quote] Touché :-D If the question is PA, the answer is always RCF ;-)
  19. Anyone that grooves with Larry Graham is OK in my book! Sad news.
  20. Only other bass players would know who these 'big name players'are and that's if the signature is legible. Ask your work mates who Geddy Lee is, Nate Mendel, Tony Franklin etc etc see what they say.
  21. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1460907603' post='3029681'] A lot of the copies or clones are superior... but there you go. [/quote] There are also a lot of 'meh' basses out there with huge price tags from the 'boutique' brands ime, any bass with 90% of the Fender dna can only be so much better than a Fender.
  22. Why anyone would pay almost usa prices for a Mexican or far east version because it has a squiggle on it is beyond me but there you go.
  23. I was expecting a lashing, nice to see I wasn't alone on the Rory Strat!
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