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Everything posted by sunburstjazz1967

  1. People would think playing things using the open A is hard work but argue a five string is pointless, it's the same thing as playing it funny watching things played open E that would be easier stating from the fretted E.
  2. Exactly as I thought and I do exactly the same ad you did, middy biting cutting tone for me I stage, delicious warm thump for the audience! No need to Mic it up or tilt the cab if it's a clear tone for monitoring. You can see now how one quality monitor in front of you and a di box would also do most gigs,those stacks we see at gigs are just nonsense to sell them to us weekend warriors at The Tickled Trout!
  3. The poshest weddings I've done have had only a few meat heads but lots of; a- coke heads b- dick heads
  4. We do Monkey Man by The Specials, at least one fat women on her arse by the end of the first chorus.
  5. Ah the old success equals better, grandpa we love you.
  6. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1457445332' post='2998640'] I've never understood it either, comparing Oasis to The Beatles is like comparing a turd on a paper plate to a gourmet dinner in a Michelin Restaurant (and I'm no Beatles fan). [/quote] It wasn't even a fresh warm turd on a new paper plate, dried out mouldy one on a crumpled plate that you know will fold in half when you pick it up resulting in the rotting moist poo within the crusty outer getting under your thumb nail. Pah.
  7. I think they ripped Slade far more musically?, what a sh*t band Oasis (thankfully) were. For me they introduced all the people that were knobs into dance music into the live music scene, I remember seeing lads at gigs that previously bullied school friends for playing the guitar!
  8. Ime people who play thunder birds or SG basses are the least likely to embrace wonky wires, I know there will be some but not enough for a mass market approach, I suppose they are not a mass maker though. The non issue that the fanned frets 'solve' is way down on the list of reasons I don't enjoy playing Gibson basses,lol.
  9. Song 2 Blur =thread surely?
  10. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1457441846' post='2998563'] You clearly play some quality gigs... [/quote] Unlike some I'm happy to admit my level of gigging is somewhere between the golf club club house and the tickled trout :-)
  11. People will sit on a piss and beer soaked carpet in their most expensive clothes within two minutes of James's Sit Down, odd.
  12. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1457429631' post='2998331'] you must have seen a share from my facebook wall i posted those pics which were only an artist impression https://www.facebook.com/francesco.camardo/posts/10153788873750342?pnref=story [/quote] That's the one, but I'm not on face book! It must have leaked out into the ether now.
  13. I've got a 16, the router has been ok so far on mine, maybe if you plan on mixing from the back of a large room a better router might be needed? 4 people can log in at once and they are not password secured so an external router would stop a savvy punter logging into your mixer! I've thought about that though, I have two devices with the app at each gig so I'm going to get two other band members to log in too which will block anyone else even if it is unlikely.
  14. It was 12k last time, 9k before that, it got slagged off at nine and sold months later for 12k.
  15. Yeah he seems a nice guy.....
  16. Surely the steinberger would be a Dingbat?
  17. Ironically I once played a certain someone's dingwall and compared it to a Stingray B and the ray was better, some of each were better and worse granted but its certainly not a requirement or everyone would want one wouldn't they?
  18. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1457358449' post='2997681'] They can... Whether they should... [/quote] Is there a fretless version?
  19. I've seen more "bedroom players" than professional players or pub band players using them, they come across as a bit of a well healed over fiftees band to me?
  20. The bevelled horns, the scratch plate shape surely would be infringing on something? Ebmm wouldn't allow that gash truss rod adjuster hole though!
  21. That's it, I've seen a white one too.
  22. We've just gone to a gated kick drum and some serious eq on it, solves a lot of trouble.
  23. I've seen pictures of a Stingray with wonky frets, couple of questions, would ebmm not be annoyed by another company copying their design other than changing the frets? and what is the point in the wonky frets anyway? I see some players went for them for a while claiming them to be the best intention ever yet a few years later appear to have gone back to normal frets, that tall guy who plays with Jools Holland being one for example. I did try one and the fact you can't play chords on them made them unplayable for me.
  24. People say alarms are useless but they do work if there are other buildings nearby, even big tough criminals tend to not be so brave with all that noise!
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