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Everything posted by tandark

  1. I just levelled up this weekend and went from HX Effects to Helix LT. Initial impressions: Wow. Firstly the unit is actually slightly more compact than I was expecting, and I've immediately lost several hours over the last weekend working on tones, but found one of the 'SVT bright' factory presets (which had a LA comp and EQ block after) was a great starting point as I was initially a little daunted. I then loaded a quick loop at the start of the chain to test various drive pedal options and surprisingly landed on Kinky Boost, Teemah and Vermin to deliver the 3 gain stages I was after. I expected to land on the Obsidian, Scrambler or BDDI but none of them did it for me. I was a little disappointed with the Muff sound. I plan to run it into the effects return of my Rumble 500 combo for rehearsal and stage monitoring and DI the Helix to FOH for live. Are there any simple quick tips a full modeler-noob will appreciate?
  2. Alexander Sky Fi or the newer version / Sky 5000
  3. I need to try this @dannybuoy, thanks for the chat. I switched straight away from the Darkglass to the BDDI on my HXe, but miss the gain levels on offer.
  4. Potential Option 3? Buy stomp and HX Effects. Gives you a modular set up, smaller footprint, access extra functionality in the stomp by using the HXe as a midi controller. Just add the cheap L6 expression pedal and you're good to go...
  5. I too liked the GR reissue but lack of mids (and requiring funds for an HXeffects) I sold it. OF COURSE EHX do this now . To be fair to them, you can't accuse them of not listening to players. Terrific feature set. Just got to find £150 somewhere.
  6. how are you finding the TAFM? Been looking at it recently..
  7. Dear team BC, I would like to add one of the above to my HX effects rig for when I wish to overpower both my 6 string band mates. Under consideration: EQD Acapulco Gold smallsound/bigsound team awesome fuzz machine one of the EHX reissue muffs, although I had a green Russian, liked it but need more mids. any other recommendations out there? Yours, T.
  8. 4620ma on tap. Could legitimately power 4 stomps. 😶
  9. Have done plenty of reading and soul searching since the stomp was announced, and mostly thinking "should I sell my HXFX for the stomp?". I think at present the best option is to pray for some cash to materialise from somewhere, and buy one to work WITH the HXFX. Regarding power discussion, its basically going to be the same as the HXFX to power(despite the label on the back of the unit) as long as you can feed it 1/1.1amps it should be fine. My HXFX works perfectly off a Truetone CS6, and I imagine the Stomp would be the same. Now, in the hypothetical situation where I have the money for a stomp, how do I power both under a pedaltrain metro24? Well, our Danish friend Poul Cioks is about to drop the answer very soon (more money required 😩😞
  10. Slight deviation from what you're after @Al Krow, but I've been looking for a headphone amp with options that'll work with both guitar and bass with my HX effects loaded board. After a significant trawl through the interweb i've narrowed my search to THIS. May be a cab sim rather than a pre, but certain settings work well enough for bass. I have the B7K emulation on the HX as a "pre". Great option for live guitar as I can send the single to FOH in 2 paths.
  11. recently got some of those EBS golds, really good cables! You must be a Royal Variety Performance veteran with than amount of tap dancing!
  12. +1 on the Truetone CS6, powering a Metro 24. Best currently in its class imo. For me, quality isolated power is the most important thing on your board. Give your pedals what they need to sound their best, and make you sound more awesome.
  13. All done now. Just a few glitchy issues with the HX to resolve...
  14. Out with the old: In with the new:
  15. Price drop on Deep Six; now £140
  16. Price drop on Timeline = £310 posted.
  17. Replying to OP's - I drop in as an additional faux 6 string.
  18. Mooer tender octaver - I use it specifically for that application.
  19. This was me, now dismantling to make way for an HX effects. Timeline and Comp on the sales page.
  20. Prices include postage - Royal Mail Special Delivery. Walrus Deep Six Compressor = £140 MINT condition - save £50-odd on a retail one. Improved v2 circuit (less noise apparently, silent when I used it!). Boxed. Strymon Timeline = SOLD Any questions? Fire away. Cheers, Andy.
  21. As previously promised, a pre production glimpse...
  22. Thanks @dannybuoy, appreciate it. Have a v1 tender octaver for the loop.
  23. Core sound is edge of breakup on a rumble 500 combo. Need a smooth grindy sound to level up from that (assuming B7K sim will hit that) then something to replace a Green Russian reissue muff for full on distortion, sounds like the muff emulation is comparable too on the HX.
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