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Everything posted by Smellynerfherder

  1. Just finished my Snow White Auto Wah Clone. I've named it the 'Boite de Funk'! I got the Kit from Puzzlesounds. Has anyone else used them? I found the service really good, and their schematics relatively stress-free to follow. Here's a pic of the pedal: https://www.instagram.com/p/9yrbdKA7tz/
  2. https://www.instagram.com/p/81NYtFg7kL/ Here's a body shot of two of my P-Basses. The red one is my first ever bass. It's a Squier from 2002. The Sea Foam is a Fender Special I bought in August. I love it! It may be a P/J set up, but it still counts! https://www.instagram.com/p/65WPdwA7uh/
  3. Veruca Salt's new album, Ghost Notes. Love it.
  4. I've got a custom-made Mad Professor Snow White Auto Wah clone that I use on my bass, and it sounds amazing. So many funky tones available! I also have a Bass Balls, so between the two, I can get some interesting sounds! I'd love to try the EBS BassIQ pedal; the clips on youtube sound amazing.
  5. I have no personal silly injuries to share, but I did inflict one upon my singer once! I'm quite an energetic player, and I once cudgelled my singer on the back of the head with my P Bass headstock mid-song!!
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