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Everything posted by G.Walker94

  1. Cheers for the advice guys. I'm gunna set up a post in wanted section for an abm cab. If I don't get any luck I might just save and buy the new abm cab they have, as I've tried them and they sound excellent it is subjective like you guys have said. I guess I just need to try a ton of there cabs and see which ones I get along with! I personally think the abm head (which I own) sounds best with the matching cabs. Have uses the heads for years with a Warwick cab. But want the matching cab now. Just wanted to see if anyone has played a Toneman cab and see what they thought of them. There great value
  2. I'm looking to find more info on these bass cabs. Do I buy a second hand abm cab or just save money and buy a new Toneman 410T Deep of thomman ?? Do these cabs sound good?? They are really alot more affordable than the abm range of cabs
  3. Bought an abm 500, a really nice chap! And really looks after his gear. And made the effort to drop it to my house on a day out with his family.
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