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Everything posted by lo-freq
I'd suggest an amp with a fair amount of power at 8 ohm. 400W to 1KW. That Genzler MG800 someone already mentioned should work as well as a Mesa D800, Quilter BB800, Eich T900, Glockenklang Blue Rock. ... etc along those lines.
I've heard very good things about the TCE BH800 so maybe it was the cabs that sounded thin. I would recommend the Tech 21 RPM over the RBI because of its more versatile midrange adjustments. Basically, buying 2nd-hand should save you money, if you have confidence in the seller. I do love the tone of the Demeter VTBP-201. The current 201S is a bit more scooped & modern sounding to me. The HBP-1 is great as well, but a bit less tubey sounding - very clean & fast. The Ampeg SVP-CL would also have to be 2nd-hand, but is a great sounding amp if you like thicker lows. There are a lot of great discontinued preamps though - the Aguilar DB-659, Yamaha PB1, & Kern IP-777 to mention a few of the better ones.
[quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1453993929' post='2965121'] Internal shot of the prototype. A B&O power unit according to Doug on Facebook. [/quote] Yes B&O makes the ICE Power modules - in this case the [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]700ASC.[/font][/color]
[quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1453728802' post='2962157'] Yup.Time to ditch the Valves? [/quote]That is inconsequential overhang. This is overhang -
Try out the Mesa D800 if you can.
It uses the ICE 700ASC module.
I would suggest sell all your cabs & the Streamliner. Get a Barefaced Super Twin II (assuming it will fit in your vehicle for transporting) & a good amp (maybe a Mesa D800 or a Glockenklang Blue Rock).
I would think the best backup cab for a BB2 would be a 2nd BB2. What kind of bass guitar(s) & strings do you use?
I have a CTR500-115EXT which Jeff Genzler & Andy (formerly with Genz Benz, now with Mesa Boogie) both told me is virtually identical to the Focus 115 (wrt both parts & performance). I use it with the matching combo amp, but have not tried it with any other amps yet. I got a fair deal buying the set 2nd hand & feel they are quality pieces. If I had the choice between the Focus line and the NeoX or NX2 or Uber series, I'd opt for the latter, but they still do sound quite good & cover my needs very well. I haven't heard any of the Barefaced cabs yet (other than clips), so I cannot say which sounds better. I've owned Bergantino & EA cabs so I know good sound - I just needed to lighten my load so I use these. It would come down to how much money they're asking & what other options are available in the same price range.
[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1452276743' post='2948480'] That is a good question and I believe that most players don't help themselves in this regard. Depends what drives their desire for the sound they play with. Mostly I think that limitation is with the player themselves and the technique they use. Even trying another sound is tough technically if you don't sound any good using it. For me... I use shelving amps and predominately 12" with a horn. I make use of mids over bass..and keep bass as low as I can.. This should not be confused with not having a full sound but it is the reason why I never suffer boom and also it shouldn't be honky or nasally The low end is full but not shaking... Ideally I use a 210 on top of a 212 but mostly I go with 2x112 with a horn. Horn half way up and no bass on the active EQ.. At no point will the sound get buried if everyone is sensible, but most gtrs are a bit oblivious to this so I like to use guys that colour their parts as opposed to riff all over everything. This is why I dislike most 3 pieces as the gtr seems to take this as a chance to fill everything with his 'chord' work which is often not very sospisticated and fills too much in verse where he should back off and drops out for solos where the song needs the lift... If people leave sonic space it is easy..get into fights over that space and you end up with a mess... My sound sits around the kit...not fits through it..and keys play a higher register. Gtrs fit over and around those parts..one has the main part and the other has the colour. NO POWER CHORDS And basically if the song doesn't work with just bass and drums and needs the keys and/or gtrs to drive it then you are losing the battle. Beware of chords players who think they should always drive songs. That is to start with... but before that you need to pick the players who can do this.. [/quote] I agree that there are a lot of players out there who either 'dial in' what they consider perfect tone when they're at home & expect that to translate to any given environment or they just think that a really strong, powerful low end tone is good tone (when it is usually totally mucking up the entire band's sound). I hate boomy tone, so I use my milk crate & then EQ around what the room gives me (taking into account the other players in the band). You are fortunate to have the options of playing with musicians who know how to fill their space tastefully. I've only run across a very few & I've been at it awhile.
[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1452280930' post='2948541'] Yep, but the CN has been superceded within about 2 years..? [/quote] I think Jim Bergantino was responding to a genuine market demand (lightness of the CN's combined with the sonic depth of the HD's). I haven't heard the cabs, so I can't comment on how well he has succeeded. In general, technology progresses - if businesses don't progress as well, they might find themselves out of a client base.
[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1451938961' post='2944858'] Hmmm first line I read seems to be a concession that suggests the NEO cab sacrificed tone. ?? [/quote] The HDN cabs are Neo's.
[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1451824459' post='2943678'] If you have a cab on the floor and you can't hear it... dispersion is the least of your problems. ... [/quote] Smaller drivers do have better dispersion (at relevant frequencies) than larger drivers, this should help OP hear himself better. This can be done with a midrange driver like the Greenboy Fearless or fEarful cabs or various other ways (vertical array of smaller drivers like the Genzler BA12-3, a HF driver coupled witth a wide area dispersion horn - both vertical & horizontal like Audiokinesis Thunderchild cabs or inventive chambering / porting like Audiokinesis Hathor cabs, multiple small drivers like Phil Jones cabs). I believe that the Barefaced G3 BB2 & BT2 use wide area horn coverage as well, but I haven't tried one yet. [quote] ... Basically you have researched poorly ...also, your sound needs working at As for taking a large box along to put said cab on..?? ??? [/quote] I have used a plastic milk crate to get my cab(s) up closer to ear level for several years. This also helps cut down on room-boom in bad acoustic environs. If I need more low end, I EQ it in. I generally make two trips with my gear: Trip 1. Bass case, gig bag, & milk crate (into which I usually put extra stuff); Trip 2. Amp & cabs on a 2-wheeler hand truck. Different strokes for different folks: what works for me, won't work for everyone, just saying this works for me.
[quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1448095752' post='2912966'] Ah, music college. Maybe I've got music all wrong but part of me thinks that if you have to learn it, you can't do it. [/quote] Probably more 'want to' than 'have to'; Gary Willis was a music major.
[quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1448097519' post='2912976'] Welcome to the mad house! Your right about the tone with the original cab. although the Barefaced does push out more lower frequencies which I like. Mic.ing up is an option but I prefer using the Sansamp as a splitter / DI into the PA which seems to work well, as long as the sound man knows what he's doing. That's another can o' worms, though........ [/quote] Thanks!
[1st post to basschat - I'm mainly here because I'm interested in the Barefaced cabs.] If your band or the venue has a decent PA, mic the cabinet. A Super Twin II or Big Twin II would be a tad bit more efficient than the Two10, so you might have to mic that as well. The original cab will be a major contributing factor to the tone, but I suspect just about any of Alex's cabs would sound great with that head.