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Everything posted by margusalviste

  1. PS! Due to the recent currency rates the price for that wonderful Chronos is 1550 GBP shipped to your door!
  2. Wow, this bass sounds too good to sell! Just came from a rehearsal and it just killed. Amazing growl and killer highs not to mention the endless sustain. So I'll keep it!
  3. I swapped the preamps. Now the Alvistar has the Noll pre with the 2-band EQ installed. Wow, what a killer sound!!! It cuts through every possible mix! There are quality wooden knobs now installed and I can also add used metal knobs (golden) with the deal. The ACG filter based preamp with the quality knobs will be still included.
  4. Lots of interest and some interesting trade offers!
  5. What about Skjold basses? Well, not just the headstock, the overall design is kind of... https://www.google.com/search?q=skjold+bass&client=ms-android-samsung&source=android-browser&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=oqO7U7WuNsa60QWCiIDoAQ&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=360&bih=592&dpr=3#facrc=_&imgrc=qFGfSXSY1I-WDM%253A%3BZ6Bv1rjrzQV8mM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.bassdirect.co.uk%252Fbass_guitar_specialists%252FSkjold_SS_Whale_5_files%252FWhalefront.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.bassdirect.co.uk%252Fbass_guitar_specialists%252FSkjold_SS_Whale_5.html%3B4612%3B1434
  6. I had a 78 Stingray which I felt was a great bass. But then I built a Warmoth Jazz bass and it was so much better instrument that I sold the Stingray.
  7. I have an Orion 5 from 1996 and it's an awesome sounding instrument. The set-in neck gives more low mids than the neck-through models and this makes Orion even better than some of the higher dollar Alembics. Orion sounds huge. The soundmen often ask what effect do I use on the stage to get that big sound. They are always surprised when they hear that there is no effect in my sound circuit. The only drawback might be the square profile of the back of the neck. Orion 5 has two truss rods so the neck feels a bit bulky. But that sound!
  8. Thanks but unfortunately I have three different rigs already.
  9. Yes, these are great instruments!
  10. I am also open to trade offers on MTD basses, studio gear - microphones, UA Apollo audio interface etc.
  11. I am also open to trade offers on MTD basses, studio gear - microphones, UA Apollo audio interface etc.
  12. Now with the added video clip: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6nHdNI2Boc"]https://www.youtube....h?v=U6nHdNI2Boc[/url]
  13. Now with the small sound sample! [url="https://soundcloud.com/margusalviste/wtchronos-sample-5"]https://soundcloud.c...hronos-sample-5[/url]
  14. Here's a small sound sample of my Chronos: https://soundcloud.com/margusalviste/wtchronos-sample-5
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