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Everything posted by setekh

  1. budget?
  2. well, I dont mean to be rude...but considering all the problems with getting the message across...why dont you (fleamail) open a new clean thread?
  3. wow...where do you live and when are you not at home? that is some great collection...i reckon you could buy a house if you sold all that
  4. sexy!! and cheap..what else can you ask for? was thinking of buying one myself...so if you dont mind me asking - where did you get the pickguard? custom made? (now, I know I shouldnt say this, but) how does it compare to a MIM Fender?
  5. [quote name='lwtait' post='61071' date='Sep 16 2007, 10:43 AM']I love the BADASS on my jazz, you should definatly get one if your thinking of changing the bridge. [b]But personally I think it would look stupid to have a modern look like the BADASS with a retro look of the chrome covers. Just my opinion.[/b][/quote] cover on - no longer a problem
  6. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='60996' date='Sep 15 2007, 10:05 PM']Where do you finds this stuff - google "dodgy basses"?[/quote]
  7. 2...I'm always too broke to think about expanding my collection
  8. heard good things about those too...but still haven't had the chance to mess around with one so any specific comments would be me talking out of my ass haha anyway, there's nothing better than trying them both and see which one you like best
  9. It's a great cheap bass. nice price - value ratio. the neck's reasonably slim...its somewhere between a jazz and a precision. I'd go for it...in the end, you might just like it and forget about a high-end bass for a while
  10. [quote name='mikeh' post='46548' date='Aug 16 2007, 06:09 PM']I've said it 100 times before and I'll say it again Fender Rumble 100 1 15" . Far louder than the 100 watts wouls suggest and plenty loud enough for gigs.[/quote] hey...thats always good to know
  11. [quote name='Oxblood' post='46112' date='Aug 15 2007, 11:09 PM']HOLD IT! Before you get heavy with the tools here, are you sure that the jack socket needs replacing at all? Can you clarify what you mean by a "buzzing output jack" ? A buzz can be caused in several ways. I'd check whether the jack socket is the source of the problem before you risk doing any damage by trying to remove it.[/quote] haha no worries there maybe I havent explained myself correctly. the bass plays perfectly...the output jack is just old (and cheap) and doesnt hold the jack properly (so it makes a crackling / buzzing sound) so whenever I move (ie, the jack rotates) it makes all those annoying noises
  12. [quote name='mhuk' post='45512' date='Aug 14 2007, 11:25 PM']Long nosed pliers, insert prongs into jack, expand and turn anti-clockwise? [b]Or drill two small holes 180 degrees apart in the edge of the jack and use a screwdrived/ chisel to "unscrew" it.[/b] Failing that, tap a thread in it, glue a bolt in the newly tapped thread and pull/ unscrew it out [/quote] thats simple...clever...and worked! I feel like an idiot now..haha cheers for your help mhuk and Steve_K
  13. setekh

    My Collection

    lovely collection especially like that 62 reissue what about the Bach..is it as good as people say?
  14. [quote name='Steve_K' post='45495' date='Aug 14 2007, 10:59 PM']You could see if it's threaded by putting some pliers in/on it and twisting? Could also be glued.[/quote] yup...its no good oh crap...hadnt considered the possibility that it might be glued...but it seems odd...do you know of any basses with a glued output jack?
  15. So, my sad story. Had a problem with a buzzing output jack...so I thought - hey, I only needed to replace the jack, its going to be a quick job. then I took a good look at the jack it may be rather silly, but I cant think of any way to get it out (got no leverage point )...its deep inside the body and I cant see any mounting nuts - its threaded into the wood. I've included some pictures from my crappy camera (sorry about low quality) to help you see the problem... [url="http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o57/setekh_pt/jack-5.jpg"][/url] [url="http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o57/setekh_pt/jack-4.jpg"][/url] [url="http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o57/setekh_pt/jack-3.jpg"][/url] [url="http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o57/setekh_pt/jack-2.jpg"][/url] [url="http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o57/setekh_pt/jack-1.jpg"][/url] any thoughts? cheers
  16. [quote name='The Funk' post='44807' date='Aug 13 2007, 01:59 PM']Never had any kind of reaction after a gig. Unless you count the promoter's mum giving me a peck on the cheek for no apparent reason. [b]EDIT: I'm pretty much the only musician I've heard of who turns up to gigs with two women and leaves with none.[/b][/quote]
  17. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='44489' date='Aug 12 2007, 04:32 PM']Assuming you don't already have custom moulded ear protection![/quote] +1
  18. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='44201' date='Aug 11 2007, 02:49 PM']They're OK - decent for acoustic rehearsals but avoid small gigs unless you want to reduce it to a pile of smouldering components. FWIW, I used a Sansamp with mine as the tone is a bit flat without.[/quote] thanks for the input yeah my fear is that it isnt reliable..Ashdown amps seem to be a bit dodgy - its hit or miss.. i havent exactly heard good things about them either, but would a fender rumble be a better choice maybe?
  19. I spotted one of these on my latest trip to a local music shop...with an attractive price tag its supposed to be 100W RMS (even though wattage and loudness are two different things), got the usual controls (bass/mid/treble/gain/volume), a headphone output and an external speaker output aswell (not that I think it would be any good...). it doesnt have line in, however...but hey - for under €250 it is (in paper) a great little practice amp..and probably could be used for small gigs too.. had never heard of it, so it was time for a background check turns out some people round the web sing it praises..and other folks curse the day they heard of it. anyone ever tried one of these? what did you think?
  20. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='41648' date='Aug 5 2007, 04:23 PM']tell that to The White Stripes [/quote] tell that to his octaver
  21. you can always get a Harley Benton or a SX...very cheap (the HB on the £6X mark, and the SX for about £80) and are great instruments for the money.
  22. this is a cruel world we live in...now that I had already convinced myself the OLP was the way to go (for now ), our own chrkelly and Darcy started threads praising the fretless...damn you people who have found a good deal and feel the urge to share the findings with the rest of us
  23. haha well I know stories of people who do OK with just one kidney so yeah...2 new basses for me in the right situation, I can say I love the sound of a nice fretless with flatwounds...but for a more hard-rock[i]ish[/i] sound, I suppose a more aggressive approach might be the way to go... right now I'm leaning more towards the original plan (the OLP), but as MB1 pointed out - there's nothing like going out there and trying the squier..I might just be in for a treat thanks all for the input
  24. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='38796' date='Jul 30 2007, 09:56 AM']So this doesn't float your boat? The ashtray/covers etc are just resting on the bass to show how they'd look! [/quote] /me drools allover the keyboard... IMHO, thats as hot as it gets. excellent taste mate
  25. well guys, I'm in a bit of a pickle...could use some help here I was, down at the beach, just minding my own business..when I girl I know comes to me..bla bla bla...and bla bla bla some more (she's a woman..what else could one expect ) in short - she wants to learn how to play bass, and was asking me what I thought of that hello kitty squier. I didnt want to be rude saying it was utter crap, so instead promised to find some info about it. So, looking up the squier website, I came across [url="http://www.squierguitars.com/products/search.php?partno=0326608500"]this[/url]. Usually, I overlook basses with a control plate and no pickguard...dont really find them attractive..but, strangely enough, this one speaks to me It was all good..until I realized I had to quit my part-time job a while ago (last semester and the next one will be tough...will have to resort to being another broke student ) and I had my eye on an as-new stingray5 OLP. so here's the tough part - I'm currently bass-less (well, at least until I find a way to replace the jack on my Hohner JJ - it's been threaded into the wood) so, for a (short, hopefully) while it might be my main bass. Now, I know the OLP might be more of an all-round bass than the fretless...but...but... I suppose you can easily spot my problem Any thoughts?
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