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Everything posted by Behlmene

  1. [quote name='vmaxblues' timestamp='1453293738' post='2958122'] So, we are being asked to a 40th Birthday Party, all good so far, he is an acquaintance of two of the band, and he has asked for a price for the evening, I suggested £400 as a mates rate, silence, he has come back with... 'I was thinking £200, as when I spoke to your guitarist the other night he said you charge around £200 for pubs' This makes my blood boil for all the obvious reasons and it looks like the others in the band don't really recognise my opinion that this is taking the p**s. They are keen to do it and see it as a paid rehearsal! I have said if we are doing it at pub rates it must be treated as such, i.e turn up at 7.00, set up, do two sets of 45 mins, pack up go home. No extra sets, no lights, backing music etc and definately no setting up at 12.00pm. Am I being silly? [/quote] No you're not being silly. You band's reputation proceeds you. The gall of a commoner to offer you such a reduced price for your services! It's unheard of. Off with his head, of course.
  2. Anything Duran Duran.
  3. I listen to both. The lyrics are one of the main parts of the music. They tell the tale.
  4. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1452977416' post='2955326'] I do love this record. one of the best early MTV videos of all time. Very creative artist that he is, with a song about sex. Very innovative musician. Would love to see creativity like this more in popular music today. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1tTN-b5KHg[/media] [/quote] Awesome song - awesome artist.
  5. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1452265823' post='2948271'] Sorry, I much prefer the Beatles. [/quote] Me as well!!
  6. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1452240494' post='2947857'] [media]http://youtu.be/Fr-7Z5S78gM[/media] [media]http://youtu.be/Xwy-CPaXgOc[/media] [/quote] Thanks for those ET, and the "Don't Let Me Down" one too. Gave me goosebumps watching. Also, I really enjoyed the WTF looks on the faces on the ground !!
  7. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1452113290' post='2946673'] I'm conjuring up black/white early footage when I hear that line. I could be wrong. Blue [/quote] I believe you're right. And here are some stellar color stills that were taken that day: http://www.vintag.es/2015/01/wonderful-color-photographs-of-beatles.html
  8. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1452111364' post='2946616'] At the end of Get Back, I believe. [/quote] Right, you did your homework .
  9. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1452159217' post='2947009'] That quote doesnt make sense if you think about it. [/quote] John may have been a bit stoned .
  10. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1452049107' post='2945922'] For the under 50 crowd; [i]"[b] I'd like to say thank you on behalf of the group and ourselves and I hope we'll pass the audition."[/b][/i] [b]John Lennon[/b] [/quote] Literally the quote is: "I'd like to say thank you on behalf of the group and ourselves and I hope [b][i]we've passed[/i][/b] the audition." I took the liberty of doctoring the tense as the line was spoken [i][b]after[/b][/i] an audition (actually a free roof top concert).
  11. [b] I'd like to say thank you on behalf of the group and ourselves and I hope we'll pass the audition.[/b]
  12. As if I didn't already know I was an asshole. Thanks for rubbing it in, Paul !!
  13. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1451995886' post='2945268'] Not saying that the wood will not have an effect in the sound of solid body instruments, but when you consider the huge variation between individual bits of wood of the same species, it seems a bit too much to give the wood the importance that some want to give it.[/quote] You make a good point. I have gone into guitar shops and compared identical guitars (recently MIM Teles of the same year, same wood, same electronics, same set up) and found that they sound noticeably different. Some sounded dull, others lively, some in between. I'm not convinced a given type of wood has a tonal advantage (Ash vs. Alder, etc) over another, but I do think the wood makes a major impact on the sound of a guitar. My opinion, If the wood is resonant it seems to contribute to sustain and makes the guitar more pleasing to play. If the wood it not resonant I notice a dampening effect and the guitar can become a chore in short order.
  14. [quote name='40hz' timestamp='1451933926' post='2944782'] I'm definitely of the opinion that the wood has little to do with it really.[/quote] Seems the top manufacturers may be wrong. They insist on using what they suppose is quality wood for their guitars. Maybe it's a marketing thing?
  15. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1451815282' post='2943552'] It wouldn't be too bad an idea to replace either neck or body if it wasn't a Nitro finished Candy Apple Red bass with matching headstock with original decals as well! [/quote] Hate it for you !
  16. [quote name='neilp' timestamp='1451670569' post='2942300'] I just got my Aria SB1000 back after loaning it to a guitarist friend of mine who;s thinking of leaving the Dark Side. In the meantime I've been playing a perfectly good MIM Jazz Bass - what I started my bass career playing - and enjoying the JB for what it is. Then the Aria came back - with rave reviews from said friend - and I've come to realise how much I took it for granted. Flawless design, superb neck, great sound and versatility. But above all, it just fits in my hands. No thought needed, it's a huge part of what I am as a bass player and I couldn't part with it. Anyone else had this realisation about taking an instrument for granted? Or are you all less conservative than me? [/quote] Yeah, I've had total regrets after selling or trading some great instruments. Like the saying goes you don't know what you've got till it's gone! I'll never part with my current crop. I've learned my lesson!
  17. I like it. Something different.
  18. Sad to see her go. Though she had a lot to live up to she was a great talent in her own right.
  19. My experience has been that if a guitar or bass sounds dead there is little pickup or hardware swapping can do to revive it. The wood is just not resonant and that can't be fixed beyond replacing the body or neck or both.
  20. [quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1451536551' post='2941342'] First, to the OP - don't let one person being a bit of a nob make you question your tone. If you're really unsure then by all means ask your band-mates for some honest feedback but from what you say it sounds more like the bloke in question had a bit of a chip on his shoulder than anything to do with your tone as such. However, on a slightly different note I would say that some subtle overdrive/distortion on the bass can actually really help it cut through. I tend to run my Ampeg SCR-DI with the scrambler section turned on, drive at around 10 o'clock and the blend around 11 o'clock. That gives me a bit of bite when I dig in and a little bit of sustain from the compression while keeping the tone nice and warm. I guess closer to a nice tube amp sound as mentioned above. Not sure if you're serious about this, but if so you need to open your mind up to new sounds my friend. It's fine if you're not keen on a driven tone for your bass playing, but simply ruling that a given effect should not be used is daft. Just go listen to some Muse, or Avenged Sevenfold, or The Killers, or The Dead Whether, or Mastodon or The Neutral Milk Hotel. or The Arctic Monkeys &c. to see how effective drive/distortion/fuzz can be when used well. Sure, its not appropriate for all occasions - you probably don't want to crank the Big Muff Pi when playing mellow backing to an acoustic set, but used well over-driven sounds on bass can be fantastic. [/quote] Daft...I thank you. I am suddenly aware of my misgivings. Muse, Avenged Sevenfold, The Killers, The Dead Whether, Mastodon, The Neutral Milk Hotel, The Arctic Monkey...I have been enlightened listening to them on your advice...beautiful distorted bass players...I am going back to the drawing board. I have so much to learn.
  21. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1451494621' post='2940977'] I have absolutely no idea what any of this means. [/quote] To fully understand Ableton you must be German and brought up in that hand slapping, put you in your place learning environment. Only then can you make the most of the program.
  22. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1451512572' post='2941206'] Strange experience today. Played an afternoon pub gig with my classic rock covers band which went rather well. Until I was approached by a man in the toilets Turns out he was the bass player with another classic rock band who came along to listen. Basically, he told me that my bass sound was sh*t and I should use an overdrive on the bass guitar albeit subtely. I dont really use effects apart from a chorus pedal and dont see the point of having the bass overdriven when we have two guitars fighting it out for supremacy. I had my Nate Mendel Precision into a Markbass CMD 121 with a NY 121 ext cab. What do you guys think? Maybe some overdrive for classic rock bass? [/quote] No overdrive on a bass. Overdrive is for guitars.
  23. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1444050473' post='2879775'] All that time and effort spent matching up forum names to avatars, and in some cases even noting their real names, and then people go and change their bloody avatar! Why? What's wrong with you? Are you so bored that you could find nothing else to do today? We need a software update. Any avatar left unchanged for a year and a day should be autoconverted into an Avatar Tattoo that cannot be changed or amended without a long and expensive treatment. That'll show the bastards. ps: Just in case Dad3353 thought this might be aimed him, damned right it is! These are called smiley faces. They mean that there's no need for anyone to take this too seriously. On the other hand, it the cap fits ... [/quote] Ok I'd have never mentioned it before, but since you brought it up...Jack, that avatar of yours is without a doubt the gayest Spider Man I have ever seen. But hey - not that there's anything wrong with that !
  24. I'm still trying to figure out Live 8 Into .
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