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Everything posted by Daz39

  1. It’s 30 years since Supergrass’ debut album; that’s time dilation for you!
  2. Crikey: tell him he’s a wanger…
  3. Cor, even live music suffers from the corporate overwork as standard model!
  4. Oh yes: "I set the sustain to sometime after the heat death of the universe..." (or something like that.)
  5. Thanks for posting that; I do like Rick Beato's interviews. Tony's one of my fave players - loved him since I heard him on the LTE albums, then discovered King Crimson and the epic trio of albums he was on, and then lots of other stuff - the metallic bass on half the tracks on Union (the Yes album no one admits to owning or liking, or somesuch.) Love his quirkiness - funk fingers!, Chapman Stick work, love of Espresso machines, some good solo stuff too. Amazing to think he played for JFK as a teen, and is still making fine music in 2024 - hope there's a live album for the Beat tour.
  6. Exactly - writing some half decent songs (there are loads of small bands that have written great songs that get nowhere), and being promoted in the right places at the right time. The rest is hype. Oasis became more popular because they were popular and it was cool to like them to fit in - same as every other emerging big band.
  7. I do love a Chase Bliss pedal - so many features!
  8. I wonder if the vitriol from here (and poss. other muso fora) is that they found the formula to appeal to the punter, fairly simple and noisy, and did not evolve or progress. It made them millions, but artistically it was shallow - is that the issue? Possibly why they 'won' against Blur in the 90s - the latter moved on with their sounds, off the rails a bit, back again, etc. which did appeal to many, but not as many as those that want guitars at loud on the jukebox they can sing along to atonally. I
  9. Oasis were ruined for me by being the band de jour of all the bullies and n@bheads in my year and the year above at school - I was just starting Lower 6th when their debut released. All day long at the House in School (Boarding School) on full whack it was dirge-ful. Then I went to Uni and the least likeable of our room mates (there were 7 of us in our flat) played Wonderwall every night at 2 or 3am when he came in from being on the lash. Loud, repeatedly.
  10. Dinosaur Jr. Farm (15th Anniversary Edition) - with extra songs. Lovely noise - their best album.
  11. Looks even better on a sunny day, great reflections on the swirly bits (no, not your knees...)
  12. Yeah, same. Bonkers. And his strings are massive too. He must have gone for adamantium finger implants sometime in the 80s... I can do the 3-finger as mentioned above, and also manage to vary it so it's either 3 identical notes or 2 and then 1. I don't know about what feel they are - except that my fingers feel knackered halfway through.
  13. Have you seen US medical bills?! But yes - he's loaded - perhaps he wants to downsize a little as he reprioritises: he's obviously had fun collecting these. Maybe he's moving to a smaller house, or not playing as much. Maybe it's funding a new expensive hobby!
  14. The G on a Stingray’s barely on the fretboard anyway…
  15. Finally: it makes toast!
  16. This looks ace. I am well-jel that I couldn't even entertain going. Used to live in Halifax, now down the road south of Manchester. Been to Clapham on my way up to the Lakes or Peaks. Lovely bit of the world. mm basses.
  17. Will the UK get fewer points than Israel?
  18. Now that’s what I call a hollow-bodied guitar!
  19. I'm of the '76 vintage. Wonder what would be available that was decent from that year?
  20. @stewblack - you have a marvellous mega-thang a bit like this don't you. Bonkers. The artwork is cool, but I'd forget what each knob does...
  21. No - they reissued the MP40 in the same branding as the YYZ - so mine includes the Boost switch and Shapeshifter button.
  22. Gah - if I didn't already have the standard branding version of this.... *shakes fist* You're right - they didn't make many of these and they're hard to find at a sensible price.
  23. There was a huge thread on the Becos comps (in addition to the review thread above) - (think it started with the CompIQ and covered the mini and whatever the biggest version is called eventually). Very highly specced pieces of kit and seem to do the business.
  24. Ooh - looks like a hill feature for a gaming table. Quick - someone roll for initiative.
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