You are - by putting the onus of having to change or conform to reduce/avoid risk, you are essentially giving them the blame for something bad happening. There is no excuse for lewd comments or worse, none.
There's a discrete difference between this and one person knowingly testing cause and effect of a criminal offence. The first ought to cause more bother for the perpetrator, but normalisation of its effects, frequency and attitude means it doesn't. Until millions of people a year try to photograph NK military sites, and tens of millions of others say 'it doesn't really matter, does no harm,' 'what were they thinking, placing their installations in that wide valley in full view,' etc. then it's not a fair comparison.
And yes - however daft it might sound, you should not deserve or be asking to be robbed by walking about a rough part of town laden down with notes. That is exactly the sort of thinking that allows wannabe, impressionable people to think it's a suitable form of employment.