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Everything posted by Swijn

  1. I've been playing ampless for around six months now. I also went for the Helix Lt (from a GT-10) and have not regretted it at all. You could argue that its way overkill for what i need, but what i do need to for it does exceptionally well : a few amp sims and a couple of effects. The HX Edit makes creating patches so easy too.
  2. I've literally today just taken delivery of a new Helix LT. My band runs IEM's, so I can now convincingly go completely amp-less too. My two guitarists also have the LT and it is truly an awesome piece of kit.
  3. EBS, We also have separate desk ready for the IEM's which will be run in stereo - mixed individually by us muso's onstage. I am tempted to get the Helix anyway (both my guitarists use the and it is an awesome piece of kit - equally so for bass) and A/B it with/without my current amp.
  4. Thanks all for the really useful info. The switch to IEM is mainly to get a more consistant and controlled monitor mix. The quieter stage will also be welcome. The stages we play are fairly large - so space not a real issue if i did set up my full rig - although i do like the idea of not having to cart it all around/unload/set-up/pack-down etc I guess i will just need to have a try out a few different routing options ..
  5. Cheers ... and yes small rig does makes sense. Both my guitarists use the Helix .. sing nothing but praises for it - i might have to join the club too
  6. Hello Guys & Gals, My band are looking to move into IEM territory. We travel with own PA and sound engineer - so the switch itself will be pretty painless and am very confident in getting a great mix too. My question is .. how do you bassists run your rigs with IEM's..? Do you just D.I straight from a pedal board (presumably with an amp sim) so are completely amp-less onstage? or do you run into your amp head first (no cabinet attached) for your 'tone' and then D.I to the board? or do you just play your full rig (Amp + Cab) but just at low volume..? My initial thought was to go into my SVT7PRO and then D.I out to the board .. but after some scouting about i see for most people that its usually an 'all' or 'nothing' approach. Your thoughts greatly appreciated !
  7. Really appreciate the comments ... BF owners that i have spoken too also remark how loud but clear the BF cabs are. I'm also looking now at the 410 + 210 combo - especially if i can get the 210 switchable.
  8. Sorry just found this thread .. I've got a Speakeasy Fretless that i use only on certain songs. Got it from a band mate who actually had a few... Im not a massive Fretless guy - but it plays really well. It has a quick neck and overall is well balanced.
  9. Yep understood. Ive got two 8ohm cabs at the mo. The 4x10 & 2x10 configuration looks good on paper - but don't think my amp can handle that mix. I don't think i can stretch to a new amp too !
  10. Thats good to know... I've read many a horror story with mis-matched cabs & ohms..
  11. This is what i have heard too - which is pretty much what I'm after... cheers Muzz
  12. Cheers for the info guys - much appreciated. Seems the jury is split between the boutique cabs (Barefaced, Berg etc) and the big boys (MB, Mesa, Fender etc). 9 times out of 10, i'll be loading my gear on my lonesome - hence still think weight is a big deal for me. For loading out/set up/break down/load in there is plenty help at hand for any stairs etc. To the 6x10 owners - do you also own a smaller cabs for smaller stages..? Or do you think - 'what the hell, why not make the room shake at every gig..? I'm curious to those with a 410 + 210, how to you get on sonically with this split..? with the 2x10 working harder - do you notice a difference in the sound at all between the two cabs? Cheers again folks,
  13. What amp do you use with this cab? Funny question, but does it have a 'Mark Bass' sound..? I really like the tone i have, so am not looking for a cab that adds much colour...
  14. Yep warm sounding / vintage vibe is what I'm after... cheers for the info
  15. Good call on the Berg 610 .. i had completely forgot about that one. At 44kg its pretty light for size too. Do you know how much colour the Mesa, Berg or Barefaced add to the sound..?
  16. Im afraid i just don't have the length (no innuendo intended) to get the 8x10 in .. !
  17. Hi Guys, Some advice / thoughts if you don't mind. I currently use an SVT Pro7 through 2x Ampeg B-series 410 cabs (I've replaced all the drivers with better eminence ones) however i would like to condense these two cabs down to just the one. I've ruled out an 8x10 as i don't have the means to transport it. The 6x10 then pretty much fits my MO. Im a big fan of Ampeg but at 53kgs the SVT610HLF looks just too darn heavy to cart around - and simple tasks like loading it into a car could be a big hassle. I need something lightweight. Ive checked out the spec's for the Fender Neo 610 and on paper looks ok - I've not played one though. My other thought was the Barefaced Six10... what do you reckon..? Cheers friends..
  18. Hi Guys & Gals, Just curious as to what brands of cables people are using here..? or do you people prefer the DIY approach...? Many thanks
  19. I use a GT10 - but for effects only as i bypass all the amp sims + pre-amp etc (i have an Ampeg PF head). The Tech21 is extremely versatile and gives a great Ampeg sound.. you could retain the GT for effects.
  20. I have both a MIA P Deluxe and a MIM Jazz. For my current band i only use the P - as it has [i][b]the[/b][/i] sound i need.. which i just cant get with the J. If I'm being honest though, the J feels more 'comfortable' to hold a play.
  21. Ah my bad.. in that case the MS-60B would get my vote !!
  22. Welcome from Rochester..
  23. Al Krow, Im probably a little late on this thread... but in relation to your query above i use the Boss GT-10 - the guitar version. I bypass all the amp sims etc and purely just use the effects. My band (PF tribute) requires using some very specific effects - which the GT-10 is more than capable of delivering with easy switching. Having used separate stomp boxes before, i much prefer the convenience of the single unit. Its way way more complex than i will ever need from a pedal, as i just use it as a live tool as and when needed.
  24. You cant go wrong with any of the great suggestions mentioned in this post... I would most certainly recommend trying a few out. I have had a few over the years (teamed with both P & J's) and have settled on an Ampeg PF500
  25. +1 to having a good sound engineer who know's what he is doing - it is worth its weight in gold! We'd never perform without ours. Fortunately we are quite a disciplined (and knowledgeable) band and have mastered our levels wisely. After all, we all want our band to sound the very best it can - so we all work together in that respect. With correct monitoring there is no need for big rigs on stage - make the PA do the work.
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