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Everything posted by Frankieabbott

  1. What are the pros and cons for both?
  2. I get most of my TAB online now. Just snipe around and download what parts interest me rather than whole publications.
  3. Loved the programme as a kid....catchy tune too.
  4. I'm after a cheap electric guitar cos i've got some GAS for playing some chords again. I've been looking mainly at second hand. I haven't got any particular type preference. as long as it plugs into amp and plays and has no major faults then i'm ok. Walked past a local guitar shop and saw they are selling Tanglewood leccies new for £99. I knew they made acoustic guitars but not leccies. looks like the model I saw is based rather broadly on a Strat style guitar. I might nip in and try one out. In the meantime has anyone else on here played one and could offer advice/review.
  5. Good theme. Anyone out there that could explain what The Prisoner was all about?
  6. Brassy pink torpedony = 'Koknee'
  7. Wendy/Miss Brahms = Brassy pink torpedoney girl accent.
  8. Matt Monro. Pitch and diction perfect....and sumptious orchestrations. Better than Sinatra in my humble opinion.
  9. Fretting hand....(you need to be playing through your amp for this). Just spend 10-20 minutes putting gradual fretting pressure with fretting hand and hear when notes play/sound cleanly. Start with no or very little pressure and add pressure until note sounds. This is all the fretting pressure you need...any more is wasting muscle energy and may cause fatigue and badly intonated notes. The thing is to be constantly aware of this (minimal fretting pressure) when playing. Unfortunately, when people start concentrating on what they are doing with their non fretting hand that the fretting technique goes pearshape and they start to overpress again.
  10. I'm with Osiris here. Ive got small hands/fingers and use my pinky a lot. especially for playing 5ths and octaves 3 frets away.
  11. Hope that youve sorted your intonation op. On a personal note, I like to check/get the intonation right for the first 8 frets or so on all strings cos thats where I play mostly. It sometimes means that the intonation goes a little flat up towards the 12th fret and above. I dont mind it being a little flat as I can fret a note a little harder/bend it into tune up there.
  12. Specs say it's a 34" scale length....unless they do a short scale version?
  13. How old can a BB3000 be? I had a Yammy very similar to this in 1984. It had 1 vol knob and 1 tone knob and a switch to switch on the 'active' setting. It was a lovely guitar but I sold it on cos the active electronics switch made a loud popping noise from the amp when activated....a problem that I thought at the time was solely due to the guitar....but now in retrospect could have been due to an issue with the amp!
  14. You know you want it. I bet your wallet will be 800 sovs lighter this week.
  15. Ibanez Mikro! Nice on small hands/short fingers....but sound quality suffers a little.
  16. If you find one punchy enough to play slap on then please let me know.
  17. I think that a previously reported shorty 'issue' has popped up since i've been trying to get more proficient at slap playing. The low E string doesn't seem to have enough tension in it and I don't seem to get the same thumb 'bounce off' as I do with the A or D strings. Has anyone got any suggestions on how I can get a tighter E string. I am making a bit of a compromise by tuning all the strings a tone higher than normal pitch but am concerned that doing this long term could damage the strings or the guitar.
  18. Did you get your tuner sorted? Or was it beyond repair.
  19. Ooooof......is it painful?
  20. I've tried the sliver of paper test on first fret of all strings...not one string holds the paper when second fret is fretted!! Some are closer than others. The E string seems to have the biggest gap however.
  21. I bought the guitar 'new' about 3 months ago. I suppose that maybe the guitar and certainly the strings could be any age depending how long it's been displayed in the shop. The clearance of the E string at the first fret is approximately 0.6mm.
  22. Hello all. I've used my limited set up skills to try and set up my bass. Have adjusted the relief to around 0.4mm (it had hardly any relief prior to this) and have my string action set at E=3mm and G=2.5mm at 12th fret. It plays a lot easier now. I've used my tuner pedal to intonate the strings at open and played at 12th fret and pedal is showing that the 12th fretted note is just about spot on. (I can't vouch for the accuracy of my pedal). Have also checked intonation at other frets on the fretboard and all seems ok.........HOWEVER....the first three frets on E string are playing sharp! HELP!!!!
  23. Ok then. I've had the Mikro for nearly three months and love playing it. Now I'm thinking might it play better! Do the set up specs like neck relief and string action differ between long scale and shorties? I can't believe that set up specs for a Fender Precision will be the same for my Ibanez.
  24. Thank you for your recommendation from across the pond Wylie. I went for an Ibanez Mikro. I'm returning to bass after a long break and seeing how it goes. No doubt some GAS will follow...so keep the recommendations coming! And a very nice looking trio of shorties you have there scrumpymike.
  25. Not into any particular playing style. Just curious what little boxes you boys and girls use. And the reason why.
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