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Everything posted by barneythedog

  1. If you fancy mortgaging your house then you could buy [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1955-Fender-Precision-Bass-Custom-Colour-Rare-Namm-Show_W0QQitemZ310021323725QQihZ021QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]this[/url]
  2. musicstore.de have always been pretty good too. As for the commonly heard complaint that "my taxes go to support the EU ... blah de blah" ... The UK is PART of the EU. So by your own argument you pay taxes to support ..... just a thought. I can assure you that I have a far higher tax burden here in France than those of you in the UK. The point of this thread was however (I think) to highlight the superior price to service ratio offered (in general) by on-line retailers such as Thomann. And I have to agree. AND I LIKE SNAILS
  3. I withdraw my criticism of this guy. It would appear his account was hacked on the 5th Feb, and a few people were caught out. He is now back in control of his own account, so he would seem to be an OK bet.
  4. and anyway, I like snails
  5. I like the headstock
  6. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='136064' date='Feb 7 2008, 10:05 PM']Everything is so expensive in the UK because everything is so expensive. Would you work for former GDR wages? The stuff you order from GAK has to be delivered by vans running on expensive british diesel that is taxed to arseholes to pay for the EU and benefits. The price of diesel affects the price of everything.[/quote] Tosh. I live and work in France, and deal a lot with Germany. If you think the UK is expensive you want to try living here. Or in Germany. Agreed the price of Diesel effects the price of almost everything, and agreed that is down to high fuel tax. The conclusion that these high taxes are due to the EU and "benefits"(?) however is a little naive. Britain is NOT a high tax economy. Just try living somewhere else.
  7. aye, scum bag! If this is true then I retract any criticism I have made of this particular seller. However my post still serves as an illustration of some things to look out for.
  8. its "mojo" ......
  9. [quote]There seem to be quite a few people who are happy with him (141, in fact, with one neg from over a year ago). Are you sure the second chance offer actually came from him and wasn't a forgery?[/quote] Well, I'm no ebay novice, and unless his account was hacked I don't think so - the offer originally came through the ebay second chance system. He didn't respond to any of my messages through ebay, only ever by email. I sent him a message via ebay asking directly if this offer was from him or a scam by someone else - no reply. I agree at first glance his feedback looks OK, and I seriously wanted to take up the offer, however when a seller doesn't answer ANY of my messages via the ebay system, and then asks for payment by Western Union (which contravenes ebay UK rules) I keep my money in my pocket and walk away. Others may be more trusting. I am not saying I am certain this guy is a scammer, however too many alarm bells for me. [quote post='135506' date='Feb 7 2008, 10:16 AM']If you are worried just pick it up in person and pay in cash, or at his place on the net via paypal?[/quote] He said no to a cash pickup, He said no to paypal.
  10. For more info on this seller see my post in the "how to spot a scam" sticky I will gladly post my full email exchange with him should anyone be interested [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=9854"]here[/url]
  11. [quote name='bigd1' post='134819' date='Feb 6 2008, 09:11 AM']I think it could be interesting to know. Is the backup bass really needed ? BIGd[/quote] Nope. Total waste of time. Use a passive bass, carry some spare strings and a spare cable. Job done. Just my opinion
  12. I received a second chance offer on a bass recently by email, and after some brief email exchanges I sent my last message as follows; [i]Hi, Firstly, if you are a genuine seller then I do apologise, however; the location of the item is listed as Birmingham England, yet you say you are in Greece (did you take all of your for sale items with you?), your ad offers paypal but you want a money transfer, you say the buyer pulled out only 4 hours after he put in a last minute bid (?) yet you have already left positive feedback for him, you claim the sale will be under ebay protection (how????? - that is done via ebay not outside) and for some unknown reason you want me to email you my personal details. Oh, and YOU GOT MY NAME WRONG. Forgive me, but I am more than a little skeptical Thanks[/i] Just thought it might highlight a few things to look out for
  13. surely if it's a "back up", it should have the same capability as the bass it's .. er .. backing up? or is that a little simplistic?
  14. that is an EXTORTIONATE increase in selling fees. I have to agree, together with the banning of negative feedback this will put a serious squeeze on the private seller. (especially if you sell higher value basses) Total rip off.
  15. These guys never cease to amaze me. Mad mad mad
  16. I know Bill, I did as I was told and googled it - I may still be ordering up the Omni 10.5 plans tho to have a play with. And all this research is certainly proving educational. I've even managed to work out how to use WinISD now.
  17. Bassassin, I'm weeping with you Oh well, at least I avoided the probable divorce had I bought ANOTHER ATK, but I do love them, and I have a real soft spot for the 400's as I think the neck pickup adds so much to its flexibility. Good review Sean, glad the manual helped.
  18. barneythedog


    Great guy - everything went very smoothly, great communication, and I am very happy with my Little Mark.
  19. Alex, now that sounds interesting - I'm looking into a 15" cab using the Eminence Basslite at the moment, although I'll be sticking to a passive crossover if I put in another driver. My thinking has been pretty similar to yours I think - I like the idea of BFM's, but have been concerned over the Omni 10.5's low end response, and much as I would love an Omni 15TB, it rather defeats the "compact and lightweight" idea I'm trying to achieve. Let me know how you get on, and if you have any useful advice I'm keen to learn
  20. and then you can decide you don't like it and flog it to me
  21. If you PM me your email I'll send you a PDF explaining it all.
  22. well, personally I wouldn't touch a 24hr auction on a high value bass from someone with a feedback of 13 (and NO musical items in their history) But I'm a suspicious git
  23. 230v nominal voltage. It does vary a little. it's the 50Hz thing that's generally more important than 220, 230 or 240v.
  24. +1 for Dave LaRue
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