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Everything posted by barneythedog

  1. ATK 400. Looks just like mine. Could be Korean not Jap, and there are different body sizes. You probably just saved my marriage by buying it before I could. Hope it arrives ok. If you do decide to turn it for a "small" profit let me know
  2. Suzie Q
  3. excellent diary - I'm finding myself GLUED to your progress (another cheap pun )
  4. I bet he's SO glad he started this thread
  5. I've been looking at upgrading from my old Ampeg B3 (used for rehearsals) to something with a bit more power (and maybe try a tube pre-amp). I love the Ampeg I've got, and I much prefer the sound to my main Warwick rig so I have been looking at the afore mentioned combo's. The thing is, I'm confused - they are both made by Ampeg, both have 12AU7 preamps, 220W output and 15" speakers. But the B200R is €100 more on Musicstore.de Is the only difference the Eminence in the 200R, and if so, is it worth the extra cash? I remain confused
  6. DO IT! experience is experience is experience - you can't buy it or be taught it.
  7. with difficulty as the drummer is the same guy in both of my bands rhythm section for hire - that's us
  8. I was quoted €30 for a CMD121P combo to France. I imagine the UK would be similar.
  9. on the subject of Markbass gear [url="http://www.bellusmusic.com/"]these[/url] may be worth a look
  10. beautiful tokai. Couldn't live without mine.
  11. that big, all-in together opening .............. on the wrong string totally blanking on a song. ever since then I do the same as Muppet and write the starting note next to each song on the set list unplugging myself - frequently stomping on my Zoom to change patch for a solo only to switch it into "tuner" mode Oh I could go on and on .......
  12. In response to my question - "It's not a typo... it's that I'm confused. I'm trying to delay it being sold. I love it. Musical instruments are hard to part with. And this one I love in particular." a bargin for someone ????
  13. someone got a bargin
  14. any bets? I reckon it'll make 750
  15. I don't suppose you'd consider a sale yet?
  16. are people STILL trying that scam? Do they think you are a fool? Nice bass, wish I had the cash. Good luck on the sale.
  17. Don't forget to add the import costs from the good old USA! Oops, does their ad make it seem like they're a UK company .........
  18. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='119323' date='Jan 12 2008, 11:30 PM']Yep, I've got the same although I'm using a 4-ohm cab. Agree with you that they're good but not great and you're right, the heads are *heavy*. Mine does an OK job but I seem to be running it high. I always see people selling stuff saying "I've never run this head past 3". I never run mine under 7! [/quote] At least I know it's not just me
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