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Everything posted by barneythedog

  1. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VINTAGE-Fender-Jazz-Bass-Precision-crafted-bass_W0QQitemZ190189931476QQihZ009QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]and so it continues[/url]
  2. Good old Amusetrend eh ?........... they do have a bit of a record for being, erm, ....... "ambiguous" (polite term) with their descriptions.
  3. Well I run a profet 5.1 and Warwick 4*10 cab. Not as loud as some and HEAVY, but it does a good job and I think it represents good value for money, especially as you can pick them up pretty cheap. Stingrayfan seems to be running EXACTLY the same rig as me, so he might be able to comment too. Mind u, I'm seriously considering a Markbass CMD 121P at the moment - I'm too old for all this heavy stuff.
  4. I have just taken delivery of one of these - I bought it for a mates son for his Christmas pressie At €98 I was expecting a plank of wood with 4 strings, but after taking it out and setting it up for him prior to wrapping I was pleasantly surprised. Ok, it's not a quality instrument - the hardware is cheap, the woods are light, and the pickups a bit thin, BUT I still can't believe it's possible to make something like this, export it, and sell it for a profit at €98!!!!! After tweaking the truss rod and adjusting the bridge it plays very very well. Nice action, no buzzing and the tone is certainly passable. It arrived almost set up only needing slight adjustments (congrats to Thomann) and sounds not too bad at all. Only gripe is that you can't really adjust the pick-up height so it plays a bit quiet. But hey, it was only €98. It feels a bit cheap, but I would happily play this out. And it was only €98 I know I keep mentioning the price (€98 in case you missed it ) but I am very impressed at the value for money. I wish instruments like this had been available when I started.
  5. My Tokai Jazz Sound. No doubt. Impulse buy unseen, and since it's set-up my GAS has declined no end. Now I'm just wondering about a new amp. ............
  6. how much for the case? a guide at least?
  7. The guitarist in one of my bands came back from the UK a few weeks ago with one of these. He asked me who Ampeg were and would I be interested in swapping it for the Behringer BX1200 I use for rehearsals. Guess what ............. I'm smiling
  8. had a Yamaha BB615 for a while - let it go for £150 not long ago. I thought it was a fantastic bass for the money, just couldn't get to grips with 5 strings. Maybe I should have persevered...
  9. I'm sure we had this question a while ago, but what I take has changed since then so; 1 * bass 1 * amp 1 * cab 1 * zoom B2 1 * hurcules stand 1 * bag full of cables, multi-way adapter, soldering iron and a multitude of other rubbish And depending on which band, a mic stand, mic and cable.
  10. One bass is enough for anyone. Do classical instrumentalists hoard (..... oh yes, I've just bought my 8th stradivarius)??? It is all about finding that ONE instrument that allows you to achieve your full potential. This is why of course I always have a minimum of 3 basses and am currently shopping for a third amp
  11. If I'm set up first, and the next guy seems to know what he's doing then I have no real problem sharing my rig. If another player had turned up with no amp, or even worse no bass, then I have to say my offer would NOT stand and I would run a mile. To arrive at a gig without the basic tools of your trade is a sure sign of someone to steer clear of. IMHO of course.
  12. PM'd thanks
  13. Does anyone have a copy of the Fane plans, only the link seems dead and gone, and I can't find anything on their site now? Cheers
  14. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='97110' date='Dec 1 2007, 10:55 AM']Worth pointing out that they're also pretty heavy.[/quote] Ah yes - I forgot to mention that. And +1 on the value for money. I doubt you can beat it for the price. A good workhorse. Just not an Ampeg
  15. I've been gigging a Profet 5.1 and Warwick 410 cab for the last 12 months. The amp is transparent, with good eq and DEEP and BRIGHT switches. The compressor is not very strong but is oh so simple and works ok, and the contour control can make a BIG difference. Front mounted MUTE switch is superb. The amp seems a little under powered, and I HATE the way it clips so easily, I have to be very careful with the setting of the input gain. Press the DEEP button or boost the bass and on comes the clip light. It has been said elsewhere that you should set the gain so the clipping light flashes when playing hard, but I'm never happy with this as when that light comes on I can HEAR it clip, which is not a sound I like. As already mentioned for the 3.2, the on switch is at the back, which is a pain to reach through the 2u case it travels in....... I know it must sound like I don't like it - this isn't true and it is serving me well, but if you're spending some hard earned cash then you need to know both good and bad. I can't remember what I paid for it new, but I remember it was the same price as the 3.2 in the UK - I chose the 5.1 after reading how underpowered the 3.2 was, and I am glad I did. I guess the real problem is that I've fallen in love with an Ampeg i played at a gig a few weeks ago. Incoming GAS attack ........
  16. Westone Thunder 1A. Traded my 6 six string for it. It was nicked by some lowlife about 20 years ago. If I ever find them ................
  17. [quote name='David Nimrod' post='90271' date='Nov 18 2007, 03:33 PM']I picked up an ATK Series (4 string) factory Fretless which is excellent... Not sure that the 3 way switch works though, it'll have to be investigated. I think it's made in Korea, although there's no "made in..." anywhere on it. The active EQ is great, it plays lovely and the finish is just about perfect. Not sure about it being a 'Musicman beater' - I've never had one of those![/quote] Glad you liked it David. I'm sure the 3-way switch was working when I gave it to my old man, although it DID have a flat battery - sorry about that. And I'm still gigging my fretted ATK 400. Fantastic. Ugly, heavy, but superb.
  18. snap?? nice chair tho - very popular these days - everyone's got them you know .....
  19. One is the limit. More than that and my playing suffers at an exponential rate.
  20. 41 years old, started life as a sax player but got frustrated with the odd solo here and there - I wanted to be a REAL member of the band, so took up bass (as no one else seemed to want to play such a glamourous instrument!) Played in a variety of bands, from original material (when I was younger) to the classic covers/function group. Currently I play in a Celtic folk-rock band, and on occasions with a funk/rock collection of misfits. Playing exclusively 4 strings finger style, although I do own a BB615 but as already mentioned, that B string just makes an expensive thumb rest. My playing style is pretty basic - I see my role as partnering a good drummer to create a solid and interesting groove. I have a wide experience of playing many instruments and many styles, and I can show off when required, but generally I like to leave the flash to others. It's a team thing.
  21. SERIOUS GAS attack. How I wish I had the cash
  22. Paul, how much was the final cost of the kit, imported with duties, VAT etc? I'm thinking of doing one myself, although not sure as I sure it gonna work out more expensive than buying something to mod. Andy
  23. the clock is ticking
  24. I believe the term is Surface Mount Technology ??
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