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Everything posted by barneythedog

  1. This guy may well be genuine, but would YOU buy this from him ? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Music-Man-Bass-Sub-2-EQ-Active-4-strings_W0QQitemZ280140586997QQihZ018QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]Music Man[/url] Maybe needs to work on his sales technique a little ??
  2. Pic's no problem - just need to wait till tomorrow for a bit of daylight. Should have them up fairly early (If I can work out how to post pictures that is!!) But I can say she's in very good condition - I've never gigged it and it doesn't look like it's previous owner did either - which is a shame really. Age wise I'm not 100%, From the serial it looks like '95
  3. OOh ..... now I've got to engage my brain I'd been planning to sell the fretless (I'm not parting with my 400, I love it) to help fund a jazz, but the idea of a jag got me thinking ....... TBH I'm not sure of the ATK's value - I know it's less than the jag, but it's not something that's easy to price as they are pretty thin on the ground. Anybody got any idea?
  4. well I've got an Ibanez ATK fretless I'm looking to loose soon (you don't see one of THOSE every day of the week .........) ?
  5. Might be good if you offered to ship - if necessary - as Gwent isn't easy for everyone to get to (especially for me! )
  6. Two on the Bay at the moment, 375 and 380 BIN item numbers : 330154124209 290148513193
  7. 50 quid??? but seriously, I AM looking for a jazz at the moment but need some idea of what you're looking for.
  8. May be interested but guide price ?
  9. asked for strat serial no. Got the same "already packed" reply. He states the guitar and handbook have matching serial numbers in his ad, yet he doesn't know what they are ...........? Unfortunately looks like he's got another two unsuspecting buyers, and now he's trying to cover his tracks. Feedback now private, and his only previous buyer has mysteriously de-registered. Makes my blood boil.
  10. Had a look at the other items he's selling - WOW! I'm even interested in some of them myself. Does that make me wierd?
  11. +1 to that JPJ All my current basses are active, yet I play them all set flat and tweak my head so I'm not really sure? - maybe I should just buy a passive bass ????
  12. "but would prefer" ..................??? we're all hanging now
  13. again on gumtree [url="http://www.gumtree.com/london/52/9703252.html"]here[/url]
  14. Here we go again [url="http://cgi.ebay.de/IBANEZ-Bass-made-in-Japan-401-403-Hammer-Teil-70-Jahre_W0QQitemZ220134498448QQihZ012QQcategoryZ23300QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZiewItem"]Ibanez ?[/url] again - 220134498448 if the link is broken
  15. I was impressed that he "always try to describe my items as they are". But he's only sold one thing before (to another dodgy looking account). Also that all his purchases are low value "digital delivery" (no postage needed!) just f**ks me off that there are people constantly going around doing this. I use ebay a lot and am fed up of the bad reputation it gives to honest sellers. Check feedback (properly), check their previous buyers, registration date and location, quality of advert, and then if you are AT ALL suspicious walk away - there will always be another one along soon.
  16. 24 hr auction on a rather "used " looking precision? Interesting(??) feedback and trading history. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1973-Fender-Precision-Bass-guitar_W0QQitemZ200137694574QQihZ010QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZiewItem"]here[/url] item no. 200137694574 if page not responding Why is ebay turning me into such a suspicious old git?
  17. superb use of ebay. stunning. I want one !!!
  18. selling already ? itchy feet ...........
  19. Ooh yes, unfortunately it's not a lightweight. I had guessed as much from your previous post about the jazz size. Nice bass tho.
  20. well if you fancy an ATK 400 in px ..........?
  21. [quote name='Alun' post='37554' date='Jul 26 2007, 09:06 PM']Nothing against 13 string basses but the string guages are laughable - I'm guessing the luthier isn't a bassist. Alun[/quote] luthier .........???? Oh, you mean in the same way that I'm an astro-physicist
  22. why? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/13-STRNG-BASS-GUITAR-THE-WORLDS-FIRST-SUPER-BASS_W0QQitemZ290143303102QQihZ019QQcategoryZ4713QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]13 string bass[/url]
  23. +1 to the extra long lead. I always do our sound, from the end of the worlds loooooongest lead. I must get a wireless soon !!
  24. Finger only - it's a control thing you know ..............
  25. By chance I ended up at a Digby Fairweather gig last night, and to cut a long story short ended up loaning the band my bass amp. I just have to say they blew me away. Len Skeat on bass, just had his 70th birthday, and he was amazing. I've never been a big jazz fan, but my god they could play and for a 70 year old Len was something else. Think I might have to try an upright ............
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