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hillbilly deluxe

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Posts posted by hillbilly deluxe

  1. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1962-Slab-Board-VINTAGE-FENDER-PRECISION-BASS-Great-Players-Instrument-/250898931463?pt=Guitar&hash=item3a6abddf07"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1962-Slab-Board-VINTAGE-FENDER-PRECISION-BASS-Great-Players-Instrument-/250898931463?pt=Guitar&hash=item3a6abddf07[/url]

    seems like a bargain compared to this one.

  2. I have a great dislike for poly coated guitars/basses.They just dont feel like they are made of wood to me.Thats probably bred into me as most of my male family members are/were carpenters.i dont mind a oiled finish,but prefer nitro,it's what i grew up with,instrument wise.

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